Decree for All Mothers-To-Be

From deep within the heart of the mighty sacred fire, we ask for the full cooperation of the I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self of all mothers-to-be and their incoming children. Beloved Mother-Father God come and be with us now. Unite your energies with ours as we make this call:

Envelop all mothers-to-be in a mighty ring-pass-not of God’s Will and Protection. TRANSMUTE (3x) all fear and negativity surrounding the act of childbirth in any way. Replace it with positive thoughts and joyful attitudes toward all coming births.

Enfold all incoming lifestreams in a magnificent soft pink blanket of God’s Love and Comfort. TRANSMUTE (3x) all negative memories from the past so this new chapter in each one’s Book of Life starts out pure, clean and clear.

Accept the fullness of the love emanating from our Threefold Flames flowing forth to each one who is acting, or has acted, as a channel for the advent of new life on this planet. Assist all humanity to recognize the miracle of birth as the sacred and holy event it is! 

As God’s Most Holy Name, I AM!





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