Ministering Angels

Excerpts from address 9/27/57- Part II*

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Beloved ones, there are many God-blessings available to humanity which could be had and enjoyed if you knew of them; as well those who can and will release those blessings into your experience - at your conscious call! I know because in the activities of ministration, we work with the Silent Watchers who abide over every city, state, nation, continent and planet. Of course, these divine beings are ever cognizant of the needs of the life evolving within the scope of their watchful care. 

One of the very simple ways be which humanity could open their worlds to the greater blessings of  and from the Godhead to them would be by cultivating, using and expanding the feeling of sincere gratitude for blessings which they are already enjoying! You see humanity’s conversation with God (their prayers) usually consist not of gratitude for what they have, but of such statements as: “Dear God! Why has this happened to me?”, “I need help here”, etc. Most of their prayers are truly cries of pain and distress and there are very few honest and earnest prayers of thanksgiving for the constantly flowing fundamental gift of life, as well as the benefits thereof. 

Now, looking upon humanity and seeing how much Grace has been given them in keeping the waters of the planet purified, keeping them clean; holding them in check and governing the undines so they render the most perfect service possible; the constant release of the substance to create harvest after harvest; through the tremendous activities of moving the clouds from place to place and releasing the waters in the form of rain when and where needed; as well as purifying the air by the mighty sylphs who have served for ages; to say nothing of the fire element to transmute that which has served its purpose. All these beings of nature and forces of the elements have served humanity for ages and have assisted them from the time the “holy innocents” first took embodiment upon this Planet. All this is the benediction to humanity by God through these great intelligences who, individually and voluntarily, have forsworn the joys of higher levels of consciousness in order to help the Earth’s evolutions. 

With all our hearts, we call now that the veil of maya may be quickly parted enough so that humanity will be able to see and know something of the blessings which have been taken for granted for so long. Then will you begin to release more and more Grace in the feeling of gratitude for gifts so freely given - gifts which make it possible for everyone who lives upon this Planet Earth to even have a foothold upon it.  

Real Gratitude to and for Life is Grace in Action 

Now in the cultivation of Grace is a very wonderful pursuit. Grace always begins to manifest as a feeling of thanksgiving. A graceless person is a very unpleasant one with whom to associate. You know it was said of Mother Mary that she was always “full of grace”. In your case and in the case of all those who represent the Ascended Master Saint Germain I do ask that you all, individually and collectively, begin to endeavor to really enjoy invoking the spirit of Grace. Try to be grateful for something every moment of the day. Try to find perhaps just one small thing in every life you contact for which to be grateful and in every activity of the day in which you engage. Doing this, gradually you will come into a state of Grace which, by the way, is not a state of mind - but a feeling!

Throughout the centuries which have been, there have been various individuals occupying diplomatic posts, representing various nations. These individuals go through all the motions of grace but, behind their actions is so often the motive of self-preservation or self-aggrandizement. Therefore, those individuals are not the “diplomats of guile” of which so often spoken. So, you may say “thank you” a thousand times, in many ways; you may open the door for another and say: “God bless you” but, if the motivating feeling within you for doing the act is not that of genuine love and gratitude to life for the existence of the other lifestream and their endeavors to promote and expand the activities of God (good) upon this Earth, then all your words of simulated Grace are as nothing!

However, when the feeling of Grace is released from within the heart, it really makes the hand-shake, the blessing, the benediction or even the small favor, a gift from God and the receiver feels that! You cannot deceive the feeling world of another individual unless they are under the influence of that destructive humanly created entity of flattery.

On the other hand, if the individual is honest, earnest and sincere and has been shorn of the capacity to allow flattery to swerve them from their purpose, the lifestream releasing the feelings of Grace does reach the heart of the other, there finding an anchorage in the world of the one who seeks love, comfort and encouragement along life’s way. Thus the blessing one is able to give is benediction. 

Calls for Feelings of Sustained Grace 

Constantly sustained feelings of Grace create a beautiful world in which to live. When you and we come together in your group activities, for an hour or so you are in our radiation and, therefore, in a state of grace. However, almost as soon as our radiation ceases to pour, you go back into the vibratory action of your accustomed consciousness, that which is familiar to you. Because of this, you lose much of that radiation of sustained Harmony which you so greatly need and which we are so desirous of anchoring in, through and around you, until we can say: “Every chela under this radiation is filled with sustained Grace; is in a state of sustained Harmony and is, therefore, a true representative of beloved Saint Germain. Through that harmony, each one is able and willing to be a conductor of all the virtues of the Godhead to humankind.”

If you think on and about any of the Divine Beings, you will notice that wonderful Grace in their nature. In the first place, they never come unless and until they are invited; they do not give advice unless asked; they leave when you are finished with their services and they are at hand again when you make conscious call for their assistance. These are the selfless ones who give all they are and have, asking no return to themselves but fervently hoping that their endeavors will bear some fruit of expanding perfection in this world of form!

Now, that is what you aspire to! “Keeping on keeping on” with these aspirations until each and every one of you is so filled with sustained Grace that you are really like a master.  

Continue to Aspire to Perfection 

Do not feel that because you are not yet the full manifestation of the virtues of the Sixth Ray (ministration, grace and peace) that you are to feel discouraged in any way. This is simply something to which to aspire, a goal to reach. Since you do wish to be like the ascended ones here and now, why not let the gracious spirit of the Sixth Ray flood into, through and around your world and be a benediction to your lifestream? Let it guard and guide you and radiate out through you to bless all the life you contact. In order to so LET this spirit act to and through you, you must, of course, give that spirit your conscious and undivided attention for a few moments at about the same time every day - rhythmically opening the door of your world (through your attention) to the inflow of those feelings of Grace which is actual life-essence, already God-qualified with the feelings of Grace. Such feelings can never be requalified by the human. Do you see? Why not reach up and accept your daily blessings of Grace in this manner? 

Since you know of the Presence, consciously endeavor to make friends with your Angel of Ministration. When you do, you will find yourselves gradually letting go of certain destructive habits which you have had since birth in this embodiment; those habits sometimes going back in your lifestream for perhaps many, many centuries. Then you will begin to come into that New Era in your life of more graceful living, where your Holy Christ Self will be able to expand itself through you in youth, beauty, honor and dignity.

Beloved Raphael has said that the habits and momentums of the ages have become very powerful currents of energy, sometimes really “rivers” of force. However, there is nothing more powerful in this Universe than the God-feelings of Grace and Peace. The strongest one alive is the one who can hold their peace in the face of every aggravation and the weakest one is the one who cannot hold that peace! So, never let it be said in your presence that a peaceful person is a weak one. Not a lethargic type, but a truly peaceful individual (like Gandhi) is a power for God in this physical appearance world.

Jesus was  most peaceful man and yet he was a power indeed, stronger than all the human appearances around him, even that of so-called death. Do you think for one moment that beloved Jesus came by that peaceful control of energy just automatically? Beloved ones, every instant from the time of his conception his mother and father consciously held around his form the vibrations of Cosmic Christ Peace. Then when he later became cognizant of his own individualization in the body of Jesus, he was trained to sustain that peace. Do you think he could have walked through the multitudes untouched by their doubts, fears and general distresses; do you think he could have raised Lazarus from the “dead”; make the blind to see; heal and continue to keep his devoted and well-meaning (but not always understanding) disciples united enough in purpose to form the heart-center of the Christian Dispensation, had he not had a strength which was greater than any human appearance.

Jesus could not have walked up the hill of crucifixion had he lost his feeling of peace; had he allowed the hysteria of the mob and even his own followers to frighten or affect him in any way. He could not have manifested the mastery of Golgotha’s Hill, nor the resurrection of his outer form; nor the victory of his public ascension had he lost his peace, even for one moment! Both Mary and John gave him great assistance but he had to hold that peace within himself - peace in  his emotions, mind, etheric body and even in his flesh! IF ONE HAS DONE IT - ALL CAN DO IT! What he has done - YOU CAN DO ALSO! 

Ministering Angel - A Practical Friend 

Sometimes the tensions and pressures of the human - serving in this appearance world - even in divine service, are such that one wearies a little of the activity, sometimes you even weary a little in well-doing. However, I venture to say that, were any of you to be temporarily freed completely from the physical appearance world for about forty-eight hours and then were asked if you would care to come back and finish your task, you would most joyously do so. Often, when serving begins to pall upon an individual, it is just a good rest and “change of scenery” that is necessary to allow the outer self to re-gain its balance of energy and in re-consecration by beloved Raphael, return to service with renewed enthusiasm! 

Remember, you have a personal Ministering Angel who has been with you for many centuries. By your call, let this ministering angel daily anoint all your four lower vehicles with the substance and feelings of Divine Love, Light and Grace, thus helping you to hold sustained peace - regardless of any human appearances or aggravations. Give your undivided attention for just a few moments each day -  during that time consciously accepting into your feelings the help offered.

Archangel Uriel

(*Part I was published in the Winter 2002 Journal)







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