

Sometimes our priorities get mixed up

The cart is put before the horse.

We think we know what brings us joy

Of that we are sure, of course.


If we can but have leisure time

With wealth and health and friends,

Then we will daily sail along

Content until our life ends.


But if you are searching for true happiness,

Then to this word give heed.

Don’t seek it where it can not be found

Just hoping to fill some human need.


But know when you’ve lifted someone’s load,

When you’ve hugged and dried a tear

Your heart will soar and you will find

That God and your divinity is truly very near.


What is a Chela?

Do you know what the word chela means from an inner standpoint, beloved ones? It means hopeful aspirant! One becomes a chela only when the Flame of Life within his or her heart can no longer be denied the opportunity to manifest God’s Divine Plan through the outer personality each one currently wears. 

Of all the applicants for chelaship, of all the hearts that cry “Why?” when faced with the so called appearances of life, very few really intend to pursue their search. In fact, in any given group of spiritually minded people, only about one-tenth will choose to become even probationary chelas. 

The others will remain within the keeping of their own Guardian Angels and other great Beings of Light who will nourish and develop the spiritual desire in their hearts to a point where it is much more than just an emotion of the moment, or pressure resulting from a crisis in earthly life, which, when passed, will no longer motivate the soul to continue their spiritual search. 

The word chela is also similar in definition to the word disciple, especially when you reach a certain point of development. For the many hundreds who signify a passing interest in spiritual lore, or who have an intellectual appetite that is whetted by anything new and different, there are comparatively few whose lives and not their lips single them out.  

As our Mother/Father God watches the expanding Light within the hearts of all humanity, it is relatively easy to discern those whose energies are devoted to an earnest, determined search for truth and freedom. As a probationary chela, one immediately enters into the discipline promptly provided to transmute and release all their hidden vices and strengthen all of their dormant virtues. 

This probationary period cannot be measured in months or years, for it depends upon the amount of karma the chela has accumulated and upon the amount of discipline he or she is willing to accept. Some quickly drop out under the pressure of this testing period; others endure it slowly throughout many embodiments; and there are a few like you, who choose to shorten this time as much as possible, no matter what the pain of mind or feelings and do their best to complete this task with love and enthusiasm. 

An accepted chela is one who has applied for more than ordinary assistance and instruction and who, upon the spiritual scrutiny of their inner teacher, is found capable of pursuing the greater disciplines required of the lifestream who chooses to use the gifts and blessings of God, to become a master of energy and vibration in any sphere he or she voluntarily chooses to function. 

Until he or she passes through the glorious gates of eternal freedom, every accepted chela constantly encounters the many experiences by which their inner teacher hopes to develop and mature the vehicles the lifestream uses until the chela gains command over the many energies, vibrations and consciousness, not only on the physical plane but in the more subtle inner planes as well. 

This inner teacher or Holy Christ Self constantly looks over the inner bodies of the chela as carefully as a mother examining the clothing of her children; to repair any small tears and reinforce certain portions of their garments to give the best protection, comfort and beauty possible to each child. 

The particular service a chela has come in to accomplish in this and previous lifetimes also determines the part of their manifold being which will be subject to the hardest wear and the most severe strain by reason of their exposure to circumstances. In fact, it is often the very portion of the lifestream that will be needed most which is least developed and requires the constant attention of your Holy Christ Self. It is always better to have woven a strong and mystic armor over your “Achilles’ Heel” than to be left vulnerable during the appearance of negativity. 

It is a cosmic truth, beloved ones that your fully united and integrated vehicles create the cups through which the essence of divine power and Light is dispensed. It is also true that when there is a weakness in any of these bodies, this pure essence cannot render the fullness of its service.

For example, consider the tremendous discipline by which small cherubic and angelic beings are entrusted with God’s magnificent Light. In the beginning, the divine Light that pours forth from their sweet bodies does so without direction or control. It is only as they grow, mature and learn that this Light is then powerfully guided and consciously directed and projected toward any given objective to render the cosmic service required.

Beloved chelas, with the wealth of material that awaits you and in the many spiritual experiences that can be yours, the requirement of the hour is for you to develop spiritual discernment which will tell you when to speak and when to withhold a portion of your spiritual heritage. There are some experiences that can only be “spoon fed” to a very few. There are also many beautiful and delightful experiences that can be shouted from the rooftops. However, it is up to you to make the necessary decision to guard against any indiscretions born of too much enthusiasm, too much love and too much zeal. 

Divine principles are yours to use as your hearts dictate but it is upon your use that will determine how many of the inner mysteries, beautiful experiences, precipitations and manifestations will be recognized by your outer consciousness in the future. When you have successfully passed certain tests; when you constantly acknowledge and honor the spark of divinity within, which by now has grown to a great flame; and as you continue through the many initiations of a much more subtle nature ahead of you, then and only then will you eventually move into the higher studies of the adept and finally to full mastery and what lies beyond.





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