An Angel from the Great, Great Silence

Come with me blessed ones into the Heart of the True Silence… where the tones of Life fill the atmosphere and surround one with a feeling of Peace – that vibration which allows one to be AT ONE with Infinity! Here in the throne room of your being all beauty, all perfection awaits you… in this storehouse the all pervading gifts of the Supreme Source are yours to dispense for the benefaction of all life. In this state of consciousness you are at liberty to chose any virtue which will expand the Light of the Universe. (The significance given by the human consciousness to this state of being is naught to what you can, and will, experience as you desire to drink of the Cup of Silence and dispense that radiation to all life.)


With frequent visits to reality one soon learns that in the Oneness of being they can accept the actuality of the Divine Principle of Life, and feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty… in other words, send forth a gift which will enrich the evolutions of this planet which are so needful at this important hour.


My message to you is a simple one – well worth investigating. Come to know the ecstasy of being of the Illumined One, and your sisters and brothers who live and remain in this state of consciousness at all times. My humble desire and purpose of this visit with you is to raise your consciousness ever higher, in order that you will begin to know the meaning of the Great, Great Silence (silence of the human consciousness) where the blessing of the Melody of the Spheres is a radiation attained by the blending of the Cosmic Tone of your individual being and traveling on that channel of Light anywhere in the universe the level of your consciousness permits.


You have pledged your allegiance to the redemption of this blessed planet Earth and you can do this in a much greater capacity when you realize you must also sublimate the outer personality - - “let go and LET GOD”, beloved ones!

An Angel Co-server




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