Message from the President


My beloved co-servers,


From the Universal Presence of the Divine in all life my wish this new and wonderful year of 2003 is, that beginning today, at all levels of consciousness we each acquire and maintain perfect health, happiness, prosperity and peace in our lives so that these divine gifts will then go forth and fill the entire world and her people with their sacred healing essence.


For this to happen we must each consciously choose to align ourselves with that of our own divinity and then fully open our minds, hearts, beings and worlds to accomplishing this task. By now I’m sure you have each read the Thoughtform and Theme for the new year through at least once. What I immediately find unique about this year, especially when I tune into the energy and vibration of this magnificent vision for humanity is that, first, we have definitely taken a giant step forward in our spiritual evolution! All of the challenges, tests and opportunities of this current seven year cycle are almost complete and beloved ones our responses to each and every one have brought us to this point, individually and as a group.


Second, we must now finally release any remaining limitations within and around ourselves and raising our vision high truly becoming  “...a magnificent free flowing sea of Light, blending easily and effortlessly with the entire free flowing sea of Light of One Universal Consciousness...” As this takes place”...our actual physical structure (can and) will completely meld with the pressure of the Universal Light Substance... “When this happens we will truly “...become the embodiment of the Sun, beyond the Sun, beyond the Sun.” 


It is also time to once again breathe in beloved ones! As the Theme for this year so magnificently states: “I AM an ever-expanding outpost of the divine!”  your focus must now be upon yourself and serving at your physical location wherever you reside upon this planet. For a magnificent river of Light to flow through you “…into the lives, into the minds, into the spirit and into the souls of all humanity…” this Light must first fill you to overflowing with its glorious liquid light substance.


What does this mean in terms of how The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom will continue to serve the chelas and how you, as its chelas and lightworkers will continue to support The Bridge? Let me begin by stating that due to the events of the last few years services will no longer be held at the headquarters on Long Island as a public group activity. Instead it is time for the Hand of God--the chelas--to gently begin the process of moving throughout this planet gently enfolding all life in a wonderful blanket of love, light and protection. This is not a time for a lot of talk beloved ones, for as new thoughts and ideas flow forth from Divine Mind we must not limit the fullness of the gifts of illumination, truth and enlightenment with wordy discussions as to their meaning. Instead, go within beloved ones. Go within and remember, remember all those timeless concepts of divine love you have forgotten and then observe and ponder your responses to them as you begin to serve life at a very different level.


To further assist you in this endeavor and allow you to more fully open to the directives and instructions of your Higher Selves the length of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Journal will now change. To supplement your work with the new Thoughtform and Theme each year; there will continue to be a monthly electronic pattern and breathing statement in each issue. There will also be a discourse; an invocation or adoration; a visualization, meditation or spiritual exercise; a decree or affirmation; and a message from the President to keep you informed about what is taking place within this organization. This will allow you a new freedom, beloved ones. Not only will you still be involved in coordinated planetary service you will be able to study and reflect upon the wisdom received in your own time and at your own pace. Additionally, along with the change in content the cost of the yearly subscription will also change. For the subscription April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004 the rate for The Bridge Journal will be $65.00 USD. This is being done in part to acknowledge your continued patience and support as The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom continues to change and evolve.


Be aware beloved ones, this year appears to be one of wisdom, illumination, reflection, restoration and understanding all things are and will be possible! And this will happen because we have consciously each chosen to become one with the Divine!


Your friend and co-server,

Rebecca Ann Laycock