I AM Not Alone

As we move forth into the sacred Body of Light, each one to his or her rightful place of service around this dear planet, we are always connected by ties of light to one another. We are never alone, for how can one cell be far from or separate from another, serving within the same body? We come together in physical form from time to time, or reach out by thought and feeling to touch each other, and through that touch, the reality of our true being – we realize we are always and forever ONE – one Body of Light! That body enfolds the Earth and all life upon it. All our blessed and beloved sisters and brothers, who are still searching for the light within themselves that, by the grace of God, we have found, are enfolded in our love and recognition.


All elemental life has become precious to us as well, seen through the eyes of the Christ within, and our hearts continually overflow with this love. As we offer the chalice of God’s grace to all we meet upon our paths, how can we be alone?


When differences or disturbances arise that upset our perfect balance from time to time, the loving support of God’s grace enfolds us, as we rest in the arms of our angels and receive God’s healing light. Then, refreshed and renewed, we move onward and upward again. Grateful that we have truly found our reason for being, we are able to return to the peace on the path of Sacred Fire and our voices rise again to God, chanting “I AM Grateful! I AM Grateful! I AM so very grateful!”


At some point, we must place our silken robes into the hands of our God Presence for safekeeping and don the simpler and more humble attire of the pilgrim. Knowing we are ONE in the Body of Light and that Shamballa now lives forever in our hearts, we must go forth into the world, carrying and dispensing our gifts. We must always remember that “wherever I go, wherever I AM, I AM a sacred focus of Shamballa, representative of my Mother-Father God and ONE with all life.”


In love, I love, I AM!



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