"Of mine own self I can do nothing, but the Father who dwelleth in me, he doeth the work." Jesus

Every individual has a Private Sanctuary into which he may enter at will and observe the Limitless, Universal, Intelligent, Obedient Light of God that never fails to respond to the call to service, and but awaits the direction of the consciousness in order to flow through the personal self into the world of form, joyously becoming whatever is the specific requirement of the individual's daily service to life. Consciously, at least three times a day, enter into this SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH, rejoice in its Ever Presence, and LET this Universal Sea of Life become a River channeled through the door of your consciousness, molded into perfect health, peace of mind and body, illumination of the soul, supply of every material need, and God direction of your energies and endeavors.  

"I CONSCIOUSLY enter the Heart of God and rejoice in his ever Presence! From within this Pulsating, Omnipresent Sea of Light, I direct the Universal, Obedient Light Substance into my world and I accept it as the health of my body, the illumination of my mind, the supply fulfilling my every need, and the very Path of Righteousness upon which I shall proceed about my Father's business." 



In view of the wide-spread enthusiasm prevalent everywhere to carry into effect the teachings and Instruction given through THE BRIDGE and its subsidiary publications, we are now in a position to offer the services of a Consultant who will be very glad to help you organize Group Activities. This will enable you to join in the world-wide services which are taking place under the direction, supervision and radiation of THE GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD and in conscious cooperation with their Cosmic endeavors on behalf of the forward progress of mankind. 

We shall be glad also to advise you of Group Activities in your locality if you are desirous of joining other individuals already happily engaged in this tremendous Service to Life. 

All expenses necessary to the establishing and sustaining of these Group Activities are to be met by the freewill love offerings of those participating or interested in them.