Christmas Greetings


On behalf of myself and the staff of the "Bridge to Freedom," "The Bulletin," and all associated services, I offer to you individually and collectively the deepest blessings and spiritual felicitations of this Holy Christmas Season.


Like myself you, each one, follow the Star of Hope and Promise, seeking the Christ manifestation for yourselves and your fellowman. Even as in my experience, sometimes the Star is hidden by the passing storm clouds that permeate the lower atmosphere of this Earth. However, as one who did persevere and who did stand in the Presence of the Living Christ, I can tell you sincerely, all the long pilgrimage is worth that fulfillment which comes when the journey is completed and the Divine Presence attained.


For kindness, courtesy, patience, generosity and love, we the God free and the chelas serving yet through their own personal karmas, thank you. We decree for you a Holy Christmas Season and a New Year filled with manifest expression of your heart's deep desires for perfection in your individual worlds and in this sweet Earth itself.


Lovingly, your editor,