Wings of Light

V. F. Angelday

"I'll do as I please!" willfully shouted a small child to an elder member of the household, whereupon the elder replied "My child, you shall do as you please in this house, ONLY so long as you PLEASE TO DO RIGHT!" How wise was that correction and, surprisingly enough, the child accepted it! Now, let us ask "WHAT IS RIGHT!" You may say, "What is right for one, is not right for another." True, in some instances perhaps, but on the whole, whatever agrees with "The Golden Rule" - "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" is ALWAYS RIGHT! 

What is God's Will? God's will is GOOD WILL TO ALL the highest GOOD FOR ALL because all that lives, animate and inanimate, is a part of Gods' Life. When one expands kindness, peace, comfort, happiness, generosity, forgiveness in fact any or all of the God qualities that one is DOING GOD'S WILL. No individual lives unto himself alone. Sometimes folks say, "I am not harming anyone but myself." That is NOT TRUE-all life is ONE and what harms one harms all. One cell in the body cannot isolate itself and live, for if it SHOULD so cut itself off, it would die. So, it is with people, no one can successfully isolate himself from life or he would instantly cease to be. Do you see? Therefore, what blesses one part of life blesses all. When a single individual gains self-control over even a part of his world, that benefits all life to a certain extent and if one should allow himself to be distressed for any reason whatsoever (the cause matters not), ALL life is affected to a certain extent.  

God created the Reality of man from the Essence of himself therefore he intended man to live like him to emulate his goodness and almighty perfection, sustain and expand it in the universe so there would be more of GOD IN ACTION everywhere. Each creation (so far as man himself is concerned) was given free-will like God himself given an opportunity to expand greater and greater God-likeness in the universe. 

Now if this Plan is so lovely and perfect-giving to its creation EVERYTHING that creation could possibly desire for its happiness WHY DOES MAN RESIST GOD'S WILL? The real truth of the matter is that HE DOES NOT! The REAL man, the Life and Light in the Immortal Flame of Truth within each heart DOES NOT resist or fear God's will. That which fears and tries to defy that will is the unfortunate accumulation of substance discordantly qualified by the thoughts and feelings of the outer mind which KNOWS, mind you, (because it is intelligent) that its existence in the Universe is NOT GOD'S WILL and it knows that it MUST cease to be when its creator accepts the Will of God - ALL GOOD - as its birthright. 

One of the Great Ones has said "There is really no such thing as failure in the Universe, there is only delay!" All came forth FROM God and all shall return TO HIM one day but mankind by that very free-will and power of God with which he is endowed, can HASTEN the day of fulfillment of the Divine plan by his conscious determined efforts to improve himself and bring "Goodwill to men" everywhere he goes. I call legions of Angels of Cosmic Christ Accomplishment to surround, protect, illumine and supply all who wish to live this way... God's Way! So be it!





The Omnipresent Light of God's Love, which is my life, is now

my instant healing from all afflictions and distress. 

The realization of the Presence of God within my heart is now

my instantaneous healing, protection, illumination and supply!


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I once saw a bush, all brilliant with dew,

And bursting with blossoms, as some bushes do;

It stood there serene in its green and its white

Successful in being a heavenly sight. 

Not asking a thing, just grateful to live

Devoted completely to what it could give;

Exquisite in beauty, exceeding in grace,

How peaceful and perfect it fitted its place! 

Midst the friend and the foe, it seemed only to know

But to live and to give and continue to grow.

The longer I looked, the more I thought,

For I could see now, the miracle wrought. 

It lived and expanded the light in its heart,

Not ever once trying to be some other part;

It followed his plan, his Purpose, his Will,

It made me think how my plan I could fulfill. 

That sweet, harmless bush understands concentration,

And lovingly obeys the plan of creation;

While man, with God's Love and God's Flame in his heart

Tries to live for himself and be something apart. 

Not my Will be done O Father above

But thine, as the bush, forever, in Love!