Address by


January 1954


Happy indeed it is for those of us who place our feet firmly on the Bridge of Light and know that as we proceed into your presence that bridge will not be swept from under us through lack of faith or through prejudice. We thus build into our design the services that we choose to render. 

Mankind has, at rare intervals, stretched forth a hand of friendship, cautiously opened the door of their consciousness to the Presence or to the Hierarchy and, if the association is pleasing to the ego, they may give us the questionable pleasure of hearkening to our words. More often than not, however, in the bringing forth of our light there was not enough personal comfort in the association to please aught but the few willing to stand a thrust for a purpose. Upon this few have we depended for the continuity of consciousness by which the plan, design and hope of Heaven might be sowed into the world of thought; nourished by what voluntary energies could be coaxed from the keeping. of a reluctant self, brought to harvest and offered to the Cosmic Law as a reason for sustaining a recalcitrant humanity on a groaning Earth as a part of our beautiful and shining Solar System. 

If you could have seen the pleas, the pledges, the arguments presented to the Lords of Karma, year after year, century after century by the Brothers in an endeavor to secure mercy or an added allotment of time to awaken some members of the race to their responsibility, you would know the Love Divine that is in the hearts of those who serve. If you could have seen the harvest of each Retreat which has been offered at the great Council by the Brotherhood, you would realize that the endeavors and the manifestations of the past year were truly magnificent and you would understand the gratitude in the hearts of those of us who live in the belief that the light within your hearts can be encouraged and developed into Flame. For your service to us, for your interest and confidence in us and for making of your own lives a span in this bridge which I offered to the Hierarchy as a means by which they might enter the world of man, we are truly grateful. 

In the course of the past year you have proceeded across bridges of one kind or another. You have availed yourselves of the energies of some other part of life who provided such a means of safe convoy for your feet or vehicle of transport. You have often trusted too well in the workmanship of human beings and more than once thru the ages have been catapulted into the roaring torrent by reason of such misplaced trust. 

It is no wonder that the mankind of Earth is wary and cautious. Yet we have been able to secure your service in our design. We have been able to coax you forth again over the bridge of life and you have grasped our hands in friendship. I have offered mankind this bridge. I have offered it to the Host of Heaven. Grateful I am that it has sustained the weight of the people. It has also sustained the great and magnificent Personages who have honored us by using it to give to you their Word, the feeling of their reality and to share with you the sweet experiences by which they gained their own freedom; their joys, their past fears and doubts, their trials, and then their victories. 

The current endeavor of Lord Maitreya has been to bring to the student body a realization that every Being who has ever trod the Path to victory has had the same life experiences as your sweet and earnest selves. He has asked each Master to convey to you his or her own feeling as they passed along the way of Earth in order that you may accept them as men and women. In that acceptance, you will know the sweet association of friendship rather than the ideology wherein the perfected Being is vested with cosmic powers, but separated from the evolving consciousness by awe. 

Before each Master Presence is invited to a participation in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan to the consciousness of the student of life, Lord Maitreya always gives each one the same instructions. If you will look over the pattern of the past year you will see that the homely experiences of the daily living of the Masters while on the Earth plane has been woven into the cosmic instruction on the law. 

We have thought much about the presentation of the words of the Brotherhood. We have sat many an evening in Ceylon and counselled as to how best we may reach the hearts of men. The hearts of men have been reached by occult literature and other metaphysical reading, but it is the deep stirring of the heart by love, by the intimate confidences from within our own Hearts that raises the outer self into the comradeship which is essential to our cooperative endeavor on behalf of our planet. 

Witness the great Christian religion wherein the Master Jesus has held the position of God and you will see that although the devotions and adorations have lifted the soul, except in very rare instances the devotee did not become the fullness of Jesus' own Presence and his Consciousness in action. It is our desire and endeavor now to send every man back into his own heart wherein he may develop from within himself the mastery of energy and find us as fellow-workers, guides upon the Path, counselors true, but none the less friends and brothers. 

You are a brave lot, for you have chosen to apply to the Universal First Cause for primal life, every electron of which is charged with the fire and power of the Sun itself. The flowing stream of electronic light that I witness passing through your inner bodies and your flesh forms tonight is the Fire of Creation. Some day each one of you will learn to master that Fire and through it fulfill the Divine Plan of your own great lifestream. We have all vowed to assist you! 

I represent the Will of God and my service and activity in the inner spheres is a delight indeed. Every Master, Angel, Deva and elemental in those inner spheres is in complete accord with that Will and welcomes every opportunity to learn what new design is coming forth from the Silent Watcher in the twenty-four hour period, rushing to meet that Will and joyously sending their life energy into the fulfilling and externalizing of it. In the world of form, however, I, representing the Will of God, am the least invited, even by the most advanced of students, because in the coming of the Will of God there is no compromise with the human self, there is no compromise with human conditions, there is no compromise with personality. Sometimes I wish that there were, because I am only the Representative, the Messenger, and I must give that Will to all who stand innocently before me, hopefully raising the cup of their consciousness and timidly invoking that Will, yet always holding back just a little. I can hold nothing back when I am called into action! I live but to externalize that Will and, as the water runs impersonally through the channel that is opened to it, so does my conscious self rush to and through the lifestreams that in the silence of their own chambers make the "great surrender," a surrender of self and pride and purpose and say with deep subjugation of the self "Thy Will be done!" 

Beloved friends, in that hour when you invoke the Sacred Fire of God's Will and I, the Servant of that Fire, respond, I can but promise that after the surrender is accepted (which after all is merely a struggle with the outer self) you will find that the Will of God for you is much more harmonious and comfortable than that which your fondest dreams could depict as your own human will for the very best for yourself. 

Truth and the Will of God always go hand in hand. This is our year. It is to be a year of great light and yet a year of great discipline for those who have stepped forth upon the path. In friendship may I say that I will soften, as much as is possible according to my Nature, the flow of those energies into your experiences. 

Sanat Kumara must be released. His work is well done. His Love even the Masters themselves can scarcely comprehend, and his Patience! When he has looked upon the sleeping race, all potential light bearers, choosing to slumber on while he gives of his maximum radiation to keep the Earth, which is their home, in the chain, not for a century or two, but for millions of years. This small, revolving orb is not more than a speck of dust in this galaxy, and its light, if snuffed out, would scarcely make a flicker in the radiance of the Solar System. Yet it is the planetary home of ten billions of lifestreams who can only find mastery if the Earth were sustained as their cradle. 

Each one of you, when you wear your Immortal garments, when you have accepted the invitation of your God Presence and when you stand God-free in blazing light, will stand there only because Sanat Kumara believed enough in your light and life to do for you what you should have done for yourself for countless eons of time. If he had not given so selflessly of his light, the evolution would have passed into the second death and as an individual consciousness you would have been no more. Is not that a debt to be paid best by becoming, wherever you are, a focus for the expansion of the light through every soul you contact? 

You are paying for your own life in your service to him. You are paying for your immortality all down through the eons of time that have not yet been unfurled, when you will have being because of his love. Every sunrise you see, every flower that gives you its perfume, every friend and loved one that warms your heart, you enjoy because you have life which is the gift of his patience and his service in sustaining your obligations to life. 

Think on it. Some one has loved the universe enough, some one has loved you enough to meet your obligations and wipe them off before the Karmic Board year after year, embodiment after embodiment, century after century. You know the gratitude you feel in the world of form when an individual will meet your obligation and relieve you of that pressure, just once! 

Lemuria was an age of tremendous illumination and perfection. On Atlantis, thousands of lifestreams were able to emit light, to precipitate, to levitate. Angels and Masters walked visibly by the side of unascended beings, Sanat Kumara, in hope, seeing the close of his exile, thinking on Venus, his Heart burning with love for his home, the Sacred Fire visible upon the Altars, sickness, death and desolation wiped out; Sanat Kumara folding his garments about him ready to let the dust of the Earth fall from his Presence and then back through the centuries fell the race; back into exile goes Sanat Kumara! 

What consciousness would stand, at the fall of every Golden Age, before the Karmic Board and say: "I renew my vow, I shall remain, they will yet arise, they will yet emit light"? 

The Karmic Board more than once counselled him to linger no longer, that the Mercy of the Law had exhausted itself, that Divine Justice would no longer accept a sacrifice of such tremendous proportions, of love without parallel. 

I have stood there, you have stood there, as that great dignified Lord of Life quietly and firmly said: "I shall remain." 

Then the Light of Venus dimmed in his eye and the thoughts of home receded from his sweet Consciousness lest the very pull of that love would weaken his resolve. 

I have stood on Venus, by the side of Sanat Kumara's Beloved, I have seen her filled with increasing hope as the hour of his exile neared completion. Then, I have seen her turn and walk back into the City of the Sun, with her shoulders squared and her eyes facing the Heart of the Presence, another million years doing the work of others. 

That, my children, is LOVE. That is what FIRES ME WITH ENTHUSIASM, with DETERMINATION to find among the sons and daughters of men some who would love as Venus has. That is the inspiration that brought me to the side of Saint Germain. That is the Fire that took me into the very Presence of Helios and Vesta themselves to ask for an opportunity to reach those chelas who had served with me in many a tight corner through the ages. That is the Fire that beat within my heart as I stood before the great Maha Chohan and in the face of his question made me say: "I BELIEVE I CAN FIND MEN AND WOMEN TO HOLD THE BRIDGE, TO FAN THE DYING EMBERS OF TRUTH, TO STIR THE SOULS OF MEN AND TO SET THIS GOD BEING FREE." 

Justice and Right MUST PREVAIL. Men and women who have benefitted by the Patience and Love of Sanat Kumara, who yet refuse to serve when they know what he has done! It is outrageous. 

This is a crusade, my dear ones, in which my Spirit, my Soul, the Fire of my Being is invested. Before I am through there will not be a soul on this planet WHO HAS NOT HEARD THE NAME OF SANAT KUMARA. There will not be one incoming soul who will not kneel before His Light. 

I asked the Lords of Karma to withhold a physical body from any lifestream who is to come through the gates of birth until that soul agrees to use its energies to emit the light which sets that Great Being free. 

I am a man of determination and purpose. It is the WILL OF GOD that the men and women of Earth give forth the light to make this star shine. 

At inner levels, it is a disgrace to look upon the sweet Earth, to hear its cry, to hear it groan as it turns upon its axis and to witness the effluvia from the hearts of men that the blessed elementals are forced to clean up. 

Come forth now, my friends! Let us be about our Father's business! I thank you.  







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