GREETINGS! BLESSINGS! GRATITUDE! from the hearts of every Being who has availed himself of thy resuscitating power, quickening the life force through the garment of habitation, resurrecting the dormant powers of God through the lifestream, completing the mission of the individual soul and ascending by reason of the Presence of thy Activity into a God-free estate! 

We dedicate this Springtime issue of "The Bridge to Freedom" to you, Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection and to every Intelligence who has magnetized your Presence and become the Resurrected Christ, "First fruits of them that slept!" Let all mankind, slumbering yet in garments of decay, bound round by chains of human limitation, awaken to thy Presence. Let them invoke thy merciful Presence through the life misqualified by conscious or unconscious use of the creative centers of thought and feeling and become the Resurrected Presence also! 

To our Lord Maha Chohan, whose currents bring the resurrection through the Nature Kingdom, to our Beloved Brothers Jesus and Serapis Bey, to the Blessed Mother Mary, all of whom manifested the Powers of Resurrection, we send our love. To the great Archangel Gabriel whose service to life is to guard, direct and expand the Resurrection Flame throughout the Earth, we send our love. To every dear son and daughter of Earth seeking redemption, freedom from limitation, disease, disintegration, inharmony and the grief and pain of so-called death, we give the full power of the Resurrection Flame! Accept it! Use it! Make it a practical, workable activity in your life and world! Easter greetings and blessings in the name of our Beloved Jesus! 

Thomas Printz, Editor

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The Temple of Cosmic Truth is located in the Etheric Realms over the beautiful Island of Crete which lies at the foot of the Greek Peninsula. This is the Temple wherein the full gathered momentum of Truth from the heart of the Central Intelligence is focused for distribution through any and every channel opened to its Rays. 

The great universal Cosmic Law requires that some intelligence magnetize and draw down the virtues of the Godhead for the blessings of those who cannot rise to the full height wherein their own consciousness can partake of these gifts; thus, they find the nourishment which is provided by proximity to the radiating centers of such virtues. 

Therefore, from the beginning of self-conscious life in every sphere, Intelligences have offered themselves as conductors for these qualities, virtues and gifts. This is done in no more mysterious manner than the physical Sun itself steps down and radiates the light, heat, nourishment and fecundating power of the Central Sun which stands above it in the universal scheme of Creation, these rays forming the conductors of the gifts of the physical Sun into the world of man. 

One of the virtues of the Godhead which has been so magnetized is Truth. The Being known as Pallas Athena, Spiritual Complement of our Lord Maha Chohan, became such a magnetizing focus and the essence of Truth established through her contemplation of Cosmic Truth forms the core and center of the Flame of Truth. Around this Flame has been built the Temple of Truth in the Etheric Realm. 

Every Intelligence who has endeavored to conceive the Truth about any subject which would bring illumination to mankind, has been the beneficiary of this gather momentum of Truth. Whatever branch of life's expression-governmental, educational, humanitarian, artistic, scientific, religious or ceremonial-has had devotees in the world of form (men and women who are consecrated to developing the highest type of service through these channels). These devotees who earnestly desire to know Truth become the specific chelas (students) of the Brotherhood at Crete. God-free Beings direct the Rays and Flame of Inspiration to embodied lifestreams. The particular guidance, instruction, ideas and expressions of Truth flow over these Rays into the receptive consciousness of the pioneers in the world of form who are endeavoring to assist in the progress of the race, working along the seven channels of life's expression. 

Even as the physical Sun is equally available to all men but its potent life-giving vitality is absorbed in varying amounts according to the capacity of the individual to receive, so does the gift of Truth (focused within the Temple at Crete) flow forth impersonally. Man may have access to it, draw its illumination through the outer consciousness, or remain complacent in the erroneous concepts of previous generations. 

There are always the few who refuse to accept as ultimate Truth the theories, dogmas and prescribed courses of procedure, especially when these concepts limit the race. These few are usually persecuted by the "mass mind" which violently opposes all change-even for the better. Through these few the ignorance, bias, limitations and shadows of the race are being gradually eliminated. More and more Truth is being proven beyond the power of those who wish to dispute or confute the findings of the consecrated members of the race. For instance, the individuals who did not believe in "gas light" as the ultimate of illumination have given the world the benefit of electricity. We are now on the borders of a new frontier-a spiritual revelation-which will show mankind how to consciously remove the limitations and distresses that have plagued them through the ages; a way to contact the God-free Intelligences who govern this System. Now there is also coming forth a method by which the human veil may be dissolved (which veil has closed out the glory of these Beings from mankind's daily association) and whereby a conscious cooperation between the God-free and the aspiring may be effected. Finally, there is to be the establishment of a Brotherhood of Masters, Angels and men intent upon fulfilling God's will for the planet Earth and its evolutions. 

To all those so interested, the Flame of Truth is available. Each man is recommended to raise his individual consciousness-which is his Holy Grail-to the Cosmic Flame of Truth and wait for the illuminating currents of that Flame to return and disperse the shadows in his own consciousness. That Flame will respond. It is scientific Law that man magnetizes exactly what he wills through contemplation in thought and feeling. Then, use your faculty of concentrated attention and invoke Truth. As the shadows of human concepts are dissolved from your consciousness, the problems which appear in your world as limitation, disease, inharmony and even death itself, will disappear from your screen of life. 

It is not enough to admire the virtues of the Gods. Every chela must become the embodiment of those virtues. In this thirty day period, I challenge you to accept the Presence of Truth, resisting it not by personal concepts, and see what she will bring into your worlds! 




Some of us are so occupied in listening to our own marching song that we do not hear the songs of those who march beside us.            -E. Freshman





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