Excerpts from Instruction by


"The Law governing the evolution of the race requires that the conductor of the Truth, the Message, the Word. be a consciousness abiding in the Sphere and Realm in which the radiation is to be dispensed. Thus, Avatars have been prepared and have descended from time to time in compliance with the Law and while abiding in the lower Realms, through selfconscious individual endeavor, have the ability to hold their consciousness in the Higher Realm. From these Realms they have received the greater Truth, the knowledge and counsel of the Superior Beings abiding there, not accessible to the conscious mind and intelligence of those in the lower Realms.


The Seven Great Spheres which form the aura of the Godhead abide within this Cosmic Law and the Devas, Angels, Masters and Elementals within each Sphere act as conductors for the ideas, blessings, radiation and general outpouring of the Intelligences in the Sphere directly above them. Thus, they carry the blessings of God and the Will of God to the periphery of the Universe.


Mankind en masse are also dependent upon the preparation and presence of these "conductors", who come among them for the specific purpose of making available the Truth, radiation, counsel and actual Presence of the Guardian Hierarchy and its attendant Intelligences in the Angelic and Devic Kingdoms.


Freewill allows every man to accept or reject such service and the evolution of the individual consciousness is largely dependent upon the ability of the lifestream to utilize and generally accept the service thus offered. Freewill is also the measure of the individual who so serves and, because the karma of such service is heavy, not often is it offered or, if offered, sustained over a long period of time.


Chelas have the God-given freewill to proceed along the line of their individual evolutions, obeying the promptings of their own inner hearts, the communion that directs their course and, at all times, should be encouraged to develop and expand this God direction from within.


However, for the great work of the Hierarchy, more than the limited development of the average chela's lifestream is required in order to make the outer consciousness aware of the current endeavors of the Great White Brotherhood and the ways and means by which each unit may cooperate, blending the talents, energies and general gifts of his own world with the cooperative whole. It is for those who desire to strike straight up the Mount of Attainment that we always seek to find a way and means of communication by which we may make available certain instruction which can (but not MUST) accelerate our plans and, of necessity, also accelerate the individual progress of the student.


Different Masters use different methods of instruction, each pouring the radiation of his own consciousness to the chela through his connection with that chela. It is never required that any chela continue under the strenuous pressure of those of us who represent the Will of God and who cannot soften that Will to suit any personal opinions. To these, I recommend application for the gentler directions of my brother Saint Germain, the Beloved Kuthumi or the Blessed Venetian. For myself, I shall always be direct, forthright and perhaps uncomfortable but honest and loving withal.


Chelas and mankind generally, profess to desire to know the Will of God. I smile at their temerity, knowing full well that the Will of God is only welcome when it fits into the narrow compass of their reason; the small measure of their judgment confirming Truth; and the feelings soothed by finding that Will pleasing to "self". Then the hapless conveyors of that Will are saved from the tremendous "blasts" of rebellion and resentment that arise from the "righteous" soul.


The presentation of the Law over the platform, through the literature or by any means that can be devised for carrying the Word to the people, is comparatively easy for the chela developed to the point where such transmission is possible. This is so because there is no personal recoil except that which arises when the individual egos are disconcerted, corrected, or prodded against their will to greater endeavor.


The willingness to accept the karma of the one to whom the Master's individual letter of instruction may be addressed, however, is a "horse of a different color" as you say. When the chela is asked by the Master to convey instruction (written or oral) to another chela, the transmitter immediately becomes responsible for the use to which the receiving chela puts such instruction. Why? Because the responsibility for conveying energy into the world of another cannot be waived even by the Cosmic Law, since it is an act of freewill. If the receiving chela does not use that instruction wisely and well, the transmitter who has conveyed the instruction must balance that energy to the Cosmic Law.


Further, the opinions of the many selves of the chelas receiving the instruction or watching one who is the recipient of such teaching, forms a tremendous battery of force that "drives" at the transmitting chela (the "contact") ; also the rebellions and resentments of individuals who may be corrected by the Masters through such instruction, form considerable pressures of energy which have to be handled by the, "contact", it is therefore wise, expedient and kindly for the students who profess to want to know our Will to examine themselves and decide if they wish to continue to receive that Will from our hands, or if they wish to be transferred to the more gentle ministrations of another Master. They should also decide whether or not they wish to subject another lifestream (who volunteers for such service as "contact") to the destructive reactions of discordant feeling which might destroy even the physical vehicle of such "contact" unless greater endeavors to hold selfcontrol can be affected on the part of the recipients of such instruction.


There are occasions when the actions of the Hosts of Heaven seem irreconcilable with reason, but I recommend that the chela take those actions into the heart of prayer and the fruit, if allowed to develop from the blossom, will prove the worth of Our suggestions.


For the few who wish to proceed straight up the side of the Mount, even if it necessitates dropping many of the comforts of the equipment that the pilgrim has accumulated, hoping for a leisurely passage along a flower-strewn walk, I wait!"










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