Excerpts from Instruction by

Beloved Paul, the Venetian

"May the blessings of the grace of the Holy Spirit ever find me welcome within your heart, your feelings, your very self. Gentle as a pure white dove which symbolizes his consciousness, the grace and humility of the Holy Spirit, drawn out of the sweet delicate cadence of its reverent Song of Being, are often overlooked by the "form conscious" and bombastic energies of the Western mind. When a man comes to a place of "listening grace"; when all of his many selves are stilled; when all of the striving and seeking, all of the movements that denote the restless energies of the outer man (at least temporarily quieted by the wisdom of the Christ Self) then does the beauty, the Presence and the benediction of the Holy Spirit flow. Then alone does the revealed Presence of our Beloved Maha Chohan accept the sanctified soul into his arms of Light. 

Have you studied the nature of the dove? Look upon her, gently perched on the green bough. Why think you she has been chosen as the symbol of the Nature of the Holy Spirit and the embodied form of peace, tranquility and harmlessness? Form is a signpost for the wise. Nature is a teacher without equal to the perceptive consciousness. Think on this! 

As the bud unfolds, the perfume released is her gift to the Universe. As the wings of the dove carry her high, her freedom is manifest in being, not affirming!


When one serves according to the developed momentums of the Causal Body, there is happiness and fulfillment in that service. When one is developing new momentums, there are "growing pains". Both are essential to mature consciousness: the utilizing of the developed momentums by the chela to further world good and the development of necessary but lacking momentums to make for Mastery in the entire consciousness. All love to serve in that line where their proficiency lies and this service, we accept in joy. However, more tedious and yet a part of living and learning, is the drawing forth of the energies into suggested channels to which the wise counsel of the Guru points. As your "brother's keeper", you must learn to sense the timidity and confusions in the consciousness you would help and yet remain free from the sympathies that render the serving consciousness impotent. Balance - "The Middle Way" all ways in all!"


"...Looking with the Inner Sight at the complete set of vehicles in which each incarnate lifestream abides, you would be amazed at the constant stream of currents and tides of energy that flow back and forth through them, of which the outer self is totally unaware. The soul basks in the pleasant sunshine (of harmonious experiences) and shivers in the shadows (times of stress) and yet there comes a time when the inner bodies can be so qualified with positive energies that they are non-recordant to the shadows. Then you are able to move among them, expanding the light of the Presence but no longer a prey to the conditions of the world in which you function.


So many beautiful patterns, designed and completed in the Third Sphere by Brothers and Sisters dwelling within the Temples of Beauty and Perfection, are lowered into the conscious minds of sensitive chelas but then the vacillations of the personal self either abandon them before they are properly externalized or else they are but sketchily executed.


The Third Sphere has full access to the First and Second Realms and from the Third Sphere there is directed over the bridge (representative of the Fourth Realm) into the higher consciousness of man, the pattern which can bring such beauty and happiness into the world of form. You will see, then, how closely the Third and Fourth Realms work together...


Even as air conducts certain types of vibrating energy manifesting as light and sound and as water is a conductor of other types of vibration, so is every individual lifestream particularly constructed, you might say, to be a natural conductor of specifically qualified energies and blessings. Thus, these offer an open door to certain outpourings which could not so easily be conducted through another. It was with this in our minds that the individual choices of lifestreams and specified services were suggested. A lightning-rod made of wood could not attract and direct the lightning, do you see?


When the lifestreams of the chelas are so earnest and sincere and make the application to always be in the perfect place where the Wisdom of the Presence requires them to be, life will always co-operate and endeavor to put each conductor where his or her greatest service can be rendered"




"Our words are cups that carry love and peace into the outer consciousness of incarnate spirits who have remembrance of spiritual companionship and sweet association with us at Inner Levels but who yet are not always able to confirm their feelings through the substance of Earth's garments.


The Temples of Music in the Third Realm are so magnificent. Here many hundreds of Brothers and Sisters enjoy the privacy of the beautiful contemplation rooms, all provided with a variety of musical instruments upon which the Brother or Sister may draw forth the inspiration received by him or her and weave that inspiration into a composition of beautiful harmony and perfection of design.


As all creation takes place to the accompaniment of music and as creation is always in the process of unfolding more and more of God's perfection, the entire unity of the galaxy provides such infinite combinations of beautiful sound that the supply is never exhausted but ever-increasing unclaimed glories awaiting the reception of the sensitive consciousness to be reproduced for a waiting world.


Through the magnetic power of the Threefold Flame within the heart, the attention of the Brothers and Sisters in the Third Sphere can be drawn by any incarnate lifestream. These beautiful Beings are always looking for a sensitive recipient upon whose consciousness they can impress their music, as their one desire is to give what they receive. All composers and musicians draw the rays of these Beings and it is thus that the world is enriched by the music that deserves the right to immortality. However, in the case of active chelas, ofttimes they themselves are enabled to work in these Music Temples while their physical bodies are asleep, as well as between embodiments. These chelas can more quickly translate the harmonies of the Inner Spheres into the substance of the Earth plane. They also have added opportunity to make the acquaintance of certain of the Brothers and Sisters who are always serving in these Temples and a partnership is effected by which one of these Free Beings impresses and externalizes his composition. The incarnate lifestream receives the credit, while the free brother or sister receives just the pleasure of accomplishment! Or one example of this, the Beloved Saint Germain sustained such an affinity with Johann Strauss and the "Strauss Waltzes" remain with us today as a proof of that association"




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