Excerpts from an Address by


July 3, 1955

Note: Because of the timeliness of this instruction by beloved Lord Maitreya on the subject of preparing, delivering and outpicturing the petitions for the Karmic Board, the Beloved Kuthumi has given his column "The Guru and the Chela" to his Guru, Lord Maitreya for the December issue. The usual "Guru and Chela" column will be in the January 1956, issue of "The Bridge to Freedom."


Beloved children of my heart, I respond with all the love, the devotion and the gratitude of my Being, to the sincerity of your heart's call for understanding; for grace; for love; for the capacity to increase your service and for the perfecting and release through your outer consciousness of those talents and momentums which are required, in order to manifest in works those decrees which you have issued all through the years with such sincerity. Such manifestation requires the weaving of the energies of your inner bodies, as well as those of your physical bodies, into the thought and feeling patterns in order to manifest absolute fulfillment in this world of form.


I come on the eve of the great Asala Festival which we celebrate in India, in commemoration of the mission, service and teachings of my great Guru and your great friend, the Lord Gautama Buddha. In his own life, he manifested the full expression of the Divinity, whose consciousness and nature he realized, as he raised himself through a process of sublimation and application into the Presence of the Eternal God. Buddha then made the great sacrifice of renunciation. Instead of remaining within the Heart of God, resting upon the bosom of the Lord of Light toward whom he had aspired, he chose to descend consciously, resuscitating the physical vehicle in which he was functioning in that embodiment and went forth to teach the Word by message, by example and by radiation. At the celebration of the Asala Festival, we repeat each year the magnificent Truths as presented by the Buddha. "When they have been spoken again, we charge into the mental and feeling world of mankind of Earth, the Truth of the Path of the "Middle Way". We gather the momentum of the Buddha that has grown and intensified through all those ages since he walked the Earth. Then we impress that momentum and increase of knowledge, understanding and radiation into his original sermon and send it forth into the consciousness of those who are aware of our ceremony, to give to them something of the Buddha's consciousness.


Blessed and beloved hearts, do you realize that the purpose of religion upon this planet Earth is two-fold? Religion is designed to draw forth and lower the rate of those subtler vibrations from the Higher Realms which are so rapid that they would have no possibility of recording upon the consciousness of incarnate man. Its other purpose is to make of every man a full expression of the Deity, no matter whether the man worships that Deity under the name of Krishna, Christ or any other name. To bring the Divine nature into the soul of man and to externalize it as the full Divine Pattern for the other members of the race to copy, is a great service to both God and man.


The translation of subtle energy into a vibratory action that can be accepted, assimilated, digested and utilized as nourishment for the mankind of Earth, has gone on since the inception of life upon this planet. It is very important to you at this moment. Even as we are gathered together, the great Karmic Board, through the beloved Goddess of Opportunity, is beginning to hand down the dispensations and grants of opportunity, to work upon what? To work upon an idea, which is the heart of every petition; which is the heart of every plan to better the race; which is the heart of every manifest blessing that someone has externalized. I would like you to think on this for a moment. To receive an idea by which the race may be assisted is one thing. It is quite another thing, however, to nourish that idea; to develop it; to feed it with the strong enthusiasm and faith of your consciousness and to combine with your thoughts and feelings the energies of your physical vehicles in practical service, until the idea is manifest form!


For the one man who brought forth the way and means of harnessing electricity; who spent long hours of experimentation in the laboratory; who used his physical energies and the substance life accorded him to perfect the idea; who used the thought processes and the faith of his feelings; there were thousands at inner levels who accepted and received the idea of harnessing electrical energy and making of it a servant which could bless the race. How many of them followed through until the manifest plan was released as a benefit and blessing to all life?


For a thousand saints that look upon the nature of the Godhead and, in the full freedom of the Inner Spheres, see something of what man should become, there is perhaps one who takes that idea and fashions it into disciplines of mind, control of feeling, purification of the lifestream and mastery of flesh. That one is the outer manifestation of constancy and of love which enabled him to bring an abstract idea into practical form.


When the great Karmic Board and the Powers of Light look with favor upon the petitions of the Ascended Masters and the chelas and grant opportunity to develop those ideas, how many among those who will be given such acquiescence and opportunity will follow through in the disciplines of mind and body which are necessary to bring the manifest effect into the world of form?


Blessed and precious hearts, there must be much more than an idea in mind in order to bless the race. That idea must be clothed with faith. It must be charged with enthusiasm. It must be sustained in clarity in the mind and it must be nourished by every practical means in the physical appearance world. Then an idea, clothed in the substance of the elements of the physical world, becomes of benefit to all of life. I speak of this because there is great opportunity before you. The great Goddess of Opportunity has been given permission to return your petitions into the keeping of the lifestreams of those who have made them. Now, shall they become vested in form or shimmer yet in the ethers, to be picked up again next year? Will your ideas be still-born, aborted, or the living manifest expression of love that endures to the end?


Let me remind you again of the activity at the Royal Teton. Twice each year, as the acceleration of the activity of the planet's progress has taken place, the Great Karmic Board meets in the Realms of Light above the Teton. There they listen to the plans and ideas of the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the Elementals and the members of the human race, who hope to impersonally benefit the entire planet; who hope to secure the assistance and co-operation of other members of the race or Members of the Angelic, Cherubic or Seraphic Host, in order to fulfill Their design.


The Karmic Board is presided over by the Goddess of Opportunity and Justice, who is the Spiritual Complement of your own beloved Master, Saint Germain. She is the embodiment of Mercy and a Representative of the great Seventh Ray to this Earth. Because of her nature ensouling Opportunity, Justice and Mercy through the Flame in her heart, there is much greater freedom for those who desire to serve the race now than there was before she was given this position of authority and of trust as Spokesman of the Karmic Board.


The seven great Members of the Karmic Board, three seated at either side of her, all wear robes of deep purple, representing Mercy and Compassion. Upon each One's head rests the glorious seven-pointed crown, symbol of the authority of the Karmic Board, studded with amethysts (jewel of the Seventh Ray). Facing the Karmic Board are the Sun Gods and Goddesses from superior Systems. Alpha and Omega (from the Great Central Sun) in the center face the Goddess of Justice. The other Sun Gods and their Complements are seated to the left and to the right of Alpha and Omega, so that there are two semi-circles facing each other. The beloved Sun Gods and Goddesses are also dressed in exquisite royal purple, in honor of the granting of the special gifts of mercy to the Earth.


The beginning of the procession starts with the entrance of Prince Michael, the great Archangel. He is followed by the other Archangels in graded order. Following them is a Representative of our Lord Maha Chohan and the Temple of Comfort at Ceylon. He is followed by the Chohans of the Rays. Then you have the great Nature Kingdom represented by beloved Aries, Virgo, Neptune, Oromasis and Diana. Smaller elementals follow them. The individual who is the Hierarch of each Retreat or the Representative of the Hierarch of the Retreat, receives the beautiful Scroll tied in deep purple which gives the authority and opportunity to use their own initiative and energy to return to their Retreat and to weave out of the opportunity given whatever they can, to externalize the plan which they have presented to the Karmic Board and which that August Body has considered feasible and allowed them to develop.


The Representative of each Retreat is the one who kneels before blessed Portia (Goddess of Opportunity) and receives that Scroll which is the opportunity to externalize that petition within the year. The other Beings who form the escort and train of each Representative follow, giving Portia the radiation of blessing, bowing the head in honor of her light. Then they pass on in a circular path until they kneel before Alpha and Omega. Beloved Alpha and Omega join their hands upon the heads of each Hierarch or the Being who is representing the Hierarch and who received the Scroll giving the dispensation and grant. Then, as the circular procession moves on, they return to the group within the heart of the Teton.


I would like to fill your own individual cups with the strength; with the spirit; with the courage; with the faith; with the enthusiasm and with the sustained quality of godliness, so that you may be sustained in constancy of purpose when you, in your turn, stand before the Goddess of Opportunity; when you receive into your hands that Scroll; when you walk before the great Alpha and Omega and feel their benediction in your hearts, souls and spirits. Then you take your thread of light from the cooperative, concentrated radiance of this class back into your local orbit, others will in turn draw threads from that thread. I call that you may be sustained in the belief; in the confidence; in the strength; in the tolerance; in the enthusiasm and in the loving desire to manifest that which you asked the Cosmic Law for permission to do to help the race.


Beloved ones, feel yourselves a Grail of living light. Feel yourselves upheld by my own hands; your physical bodies, your minds, your feelings, your etheric envelope. If you will do this, I shall raise you into the heart of the Eternal with all the energies of my very self. In that personal communion, knowing the requirements and seeing your tomorrows, the Godhead gives you that nourishment; that substance of light; to each his own; to each according to the measure of the service to which he has pledged himself; to each a thousand times more of the already God-qualified love to sustain him and to give him manifest expression of his Divine Plan. At the close of the year, let the harvest before Sanat Kumara be not entirely etheric. Let it also be manifest in perfect bodies; in harmonious souls; in pure consciousnesses and in redeemed members of the race.


In the name of the Most High Living God; in the name and by the power of the Presence of the Holy Christ Self of each one; I bless you with the power of practical fulfillment of your purpose for being!



(Note: As explained by Lord Maitreya in the above Address, and in view of the fact that you will be called upon to develop and externalize the ideas presented in your petitions to the Karmic Board, it is suggested you make a copy of such petitions to keep for your personal reference and to remind your outer consciousness of the responsibilities you have taken in presenting these petitions. The original copy should, of course, be burned on New Year's Eve, when such petitions are presented in ceremony at the Royal Teton.)







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