Excerpts from an Address by


On: Attaining Spiritual Grace

Beloved children of the One God, brothers and sisters in grace, walking upon the Pathway of Light into the heart of your eternal Cosmic Home, I bring you today the greetings, the love and the blessings of my own lifestream and the amplification of those blessings by my Beloved Mother.


Today, I shall discuss the Spiritual Grace which is the gift of the Christian Dispensation and which has been experienced by men and women who have connected their lifestreams with Christianity since its inception. It is the grace which represents the particular radiation and benediction of the Sixth Ray, which it was my privilege and honor to present to the world of mankind. This grace superseded the Law of Moses, which was the Law of creative cause and its ultimate returning effect, without knowledge of the power of transmutation of energy through mercy and the forgiveness of sins (the use of the Violet Fire). I speak of the grace which, during this Dispensation, was exemplified so perfectly by my Holy Mother, who gave me the sanctuary, strength, spiritual vitality and love through all the years from the time of my birth on - when I first began to remember my mission and all through those many years when I worked to fulfill that mission. She is truly called "Mary, full of grace"! During that entire, difficult embodiment, there was not a time when she was outside of a state of grace for one moment; either because of outer circumstance or inner pressure.


Mary lived in grace from the moment she entered the Temple at the age of three; all through our entire experience, including the Crucifixion; the Resurrection and through the many years after my Ascension! At that time, it was she who held together the band of disciples to form a strong foundation for the Christian Era. When the Archangel Gabriel came and spoke to her, foretelling my birth, you will remember he used those words: "Hail, Mary! full of grace! The Lord is with thee!"


What is the "spirit of grace"? For every lifestream (no matter whether they be Buddhist, Mohammedan, Hebrew, Christian or whatever their particular faith may be) the grace emanating from them is that virtue which stimulates spiritual desire in others. It is the Universal language of Divine Love! Although they may not have the capacity to converse in the native tongue of other countries, those who travel in faraway places need no words, if they are imbued with and radiating the spirit of grace! Love and grace are a Universal language. Love and grace are the feelings which every true Messenger of Love brings to his fellowman. His words will fall on deaf ears and will not stir the souls of men, if there is no spiritual grace within him.


I was fortunate to have been able to abide in the proximity of that natural state of grace through my growing years; to feel that holiness which was so like the vibratory action of the Kingdom of Heaven, that there was very little difference between the two Realms while I lived within the aura and the Presence of my mother. She took upon herself the voluntary service of magnetization, radiation and concentration of the spirit of grace, which is the spirit of God's Kingdom. I grew and matured in an aura of grace. It was not too difficult for me to learn the conscious method of ascending in consciousness and remaining in the heart of grace so that I too might become and remain a magnetic and radiating center of that Spirit, to bring peace, comfort, healing, understanding, patience, tolerance and kindliness wheresoever mankind needed it. I was entrusted with the honor of representing the Father in Heaven to all mankind. Every gesture I made; every word I spoke; every feeling I had; was to be representative of him.


Beloved ones, you now stand as representatives of that great and glorious Ascended Master, Saint Germain, who is the very embodiment of courtliness and gentleness-God's great "Gentleman". You must become the embodiment of that grace which will endure throughout the entire New Era, as the Seventh Ray begins to find expression through lifestreams who can individually become imbued with grace.


Grace is not an activity of the will, nor is it an activity of the mind; neither is it a disciplining of the physical body. Many an ascetic, practicing mortifications of the flesh and wearing a hair shirt, has less grace than a layman who may be working upon his hands and knees to clean the floor of a Chapel or Cathedral. Grace cannot be achieved merely by the disciplines of the body. Those disciplines are beautiful in their place and they do raise the vibratory action of the flesh to a rate which is more in accord with the higher vibratory action of the Holy Christ Self.


Unless there is within the heart the Spirit of grace, when only disciplines of the flesh are observed, there often arises a spiritual pride and a subtle bitterness that sometimes does more harm to the soul than indulgence in the so-called "weaknesses of the flesh". I spoke of this in Judea. You will remember I said long ago: "Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, for the publican and the sinner shall enter into the Kingdom before you". This is an aspect of the Law which should be given to earnest and sincere people everywhere. Remember, your body is only the envelope, the habitat of the soul. As such, it should be handled in a dignified and a cleanly manner, for it is the "Grail" which houses your individualized Flame of Life. The more dignity, purity and self-discipline which is exercised through the physical form (as long as it is accompanied by a spirit of grace), the finer is the example and manifest expression of Virtue given by the individual to the race.


Remember, beloved ones, that you are multiple beings. The bodies you wear are the instruments through which you function in this physical appearance world and in which the Spirit of God dwells, waiting for the opportunity to externalize his own Divine nature. When any one or more of your vehicles is undisciplined, whether it be the mental body assimilating an accretion of knowledge within it; whether it is the emotional body uncontrolled, undisciplined or ill-tempered; whether it is the etheric body, recounting over and over again the injustices of the past; or whether it is the physical body enjoying the impure satisfactions of the senses, when any one of these vehicles is allowed to be master of your energy, rather than the Presence of God, "I AM", then you are not living in a state of pure grace.


Beloved children, you who are the proud possessors of mind and feelings, memory and form, in the pursuit of the spiritual path, remember always that the achievement for anyone who aspires to represent the Heavenly Father on Earth, is to express Divine love, harmony, tolerance and goodwill. You have been told that God is love! Unfortunately, that statement, although true, has become an abstraction. It has taken from the Father the greatness of his individuality. Love is truly a virtue of his nature, but he is the ONE WHO LOVES! Others have said that God is spirit and he must be worshipped in spirit. That statement is also partially true. You, too, are spirit in essence and yet, even as the Godhead, you have individuality. It is the raising of the soul of a man; the unshackling of that soul from the uncontrolled appetites of his body; the development of love and devotion to Universal First Cause, that is meant by worshipping God in spirit; worshipping him with deep feeling; worshipping him through the tranquil mind; worshipping him in the merciful forgiveness of the etheric body; worshipping him in a hallowed and holy Temple.


So, you proceed into the heart of the "I AM" Presence and complete the first portion of the exercise of achieving spiritual grace. Your soul and your outer consciousness are filled with all manner of good and evil. Beloved ones, it is your soul that wants peace; it is your soul that wants security; it is your soul that requires sublimation and, ultimately, the transfiguration into God's Image! It is your soul that must be allowed to rise, free from the pressures of feeling; free from tensions of flesh. Rising so into the heart of the great Eternal Presence of God, you will then enjoy the vibratory action of that Kingdom which is not made with hands and thus become part of that vibration which is eternally harmonious, peaceful and loving. There is nothing mystic or occult in this "soul redemption"; it is only the raising of the vibratory action of the separate self until it is in tune with the vibration of the Realm in which the Angels, Masters and God-beings abide. The Masters live in God's Kingdom because They have consciously raised their own vibratory action and have become ONE with the vibrations of that Sphere and strata of consciousness. There they abide as long as their vibrations remain one with that strata. As the Law of life is ever-expanding perfection, the Beings in these Realms may choose to qualify for life and service in even Higher Realms.


When any being allows the vibratory action of his inner bodies or his flesh to become inharmonious, that moment he disconnects himself from this invisible (to average physical sight) but all-encompassing Sphere which is the Kingdom of Harmony and the Kingdom of Heaven! When I said: "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you", I meant to convey the Truth that you have the capacity to regulate your vibratory action so as to connect with this great universal harmony expressed by God, Angels and Masters. That capacity lies within the Flame in your heart. Once you have consciously felt that state of grace; once you have become master of your thoughts, feelings, memories and flesh appetites; once you have entered into the glory of the peace that surpasses the understanding of the human mind; you will not want to relinquish that peace! You will not want to allow any of your own vehicles or the uncontrolled energies of all mankind, to break the vibratory action which has "tuned" you into the Universal First Cause (God's Nature of love, light and harmony).


Having so ascended in consciousness, you are imbued with grace. The virtue of grace then flows out from you as you function through your physical body, performing the acts that daily life requires. Thus, you are able to do them in a graceful manner. No matter how mundane; no matter how sordid it may seem; every act then becomes an act of grace. As one of my followers (Saint Theresa) said, not so long ago: "I find him easily among the pots and pans". She did and lived a life of grace!


Right here in America, in the humble service of just opening the doors of a Cathedral for the great men of the Church, a certain monk, named Brother Andre, lived such a life of grace and devotion; such a life of confidence and harmony in that Presence; that thousands were healed just by touching the hem of his spiritual garment (atmosphere). It matters not your place in life, but it does matter what is your state of consciousness. Wherever you may be on the surface of this Earth, if you are filled with that essence of grace, you become one more outpost of the Father of Love. You become, as I endeavored to become, a representative of the Heavenly Father. It is difficult, beloved ones, for men and women to hold a correct concept of the Father in Heaven in abstraction. In mankind's blessed endeavors in Church services, as they sing their praises to the Lord, their thought-forms of the Father take on many and varied shapes. According to his race, nationality and religious credo, each individual causes the Deity to take on personal characteristics. According to his consciousness, each one limits the Godheads, giving to him virtue and, in some cases, "wrath" (which, of course, is only of the human self!) 

So, some of the concepts of the Godhead presented to mankind, have been fashioned by the human minds of spiritual leaders who hold sway over the people, choosing to dominate them through fear. They have qualified the nature of the Father of Love with the desire to punish and destroy his creatures. Great races and great nations have forgotten that the nature of God is LOVE!


Through the teaching of Beloved Lord Maitreya and through the assistance of the Beloved Helios and Vesta, when I was given the opportunity to bring a true picture of the Father to the Earth, I prepared well to remember the nature of the Father and to embody that nature myself! All through that embodiment, I kept before me his Presence so that through me and my works, man might know something of that Father, his love, understanding, kindness and actual Presence.


So, it is now with you. You stand at the threshold of a new day. Men and women everywhere are seeking for God. As the cycle closes; as the pressures of a changing era cause fright, uncertainty and turmoil in the world of form; man will seek God more intensely. Where shall he find him? He will not find him in the sky; not in abstract statements; not in the written or spoken word! Man will find God in the body, nature, example and radiation of those who have learned how to raise their consciousness into a state of grace and sustain themselves within it!


My gift to you today is the grace of the Christian Dispensation. All that you do in God's name; all that you do in my name; all that you do in the name and to the Glory of Saint Germain, do in the spirit of grace!






"Lord of pots and pans and things, since I have no time to be

A Saint, by doing lovely things, or watching late with thee;

Or dreaming in the dawn light or storming Heaven's gates,

Make me a Saint by getting meals and washing up the plates.

Although I must have Martha's hand, I have a Mary mind;

And when I black the boots and shoes, thy sandals, Lord,

I find! I think of how they trod the Earth, the time I scrub the floor;

Accept this meditation, Lord, I haven't time for more.

Warm all the kitchen with thy love and light it with thy peace;

Forgive me all my worrying and make all grumbling cease.

Thou who did'st love to give men food, in room, or by the sea

Accept this service that I do... I do it unto thee."




(These lines were written after thinking over Saint Theresa's statement:

"I find him easily among the pots and pans.")






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