For use from February 15 through March 14, 1955

 Beloved mighty Presence of God "I AM" in me, oh thou beloved Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth within my heart, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind and beloved Maha Chohan! Expand, expand and forever expand through all mankind in overwhelming Cosmic power and doubled in power every hour, your Flame of Cosmic Christ Comfort and ITS FEELING of absolute God-control over all the energies of our beings and worlds. Let that Flame HOLD that energy harmonious under all circumstances and conditions, regardless of human appearances, and let it sustain forever the Cosmic Christ PEACE which is so essential to the fulfillment of God's great Divine Plan. We consciously accept this done NOW with full power!

Beloved Maha Chohan! We call directly to the Great Karmic Board in the Name and Authority of our beloved "I AM" Presence and Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, to grant your petition for the release of all life on this planet from the pain of birth and so-called death, letting the souls who belong to our evolution here come into and pass from life in Cosmic Christ peace. To this end, we call to You to so release daily limitless oceans of your Comfort Flame through all life on this planet that this great gift to mankind is made visible and tangible to all as soon as possible. We thank thee and consciously accept this done in full power in Divine Wisdom.




Beginning with April 1955 issue, "The Bridge to Freedom, Inc." will start on its fourth year of publication. For the first three years it was partly sustained by the free service and gratuities of a few interested and consecrated chelas. It is now the desire of our beloved Master and Friend, El Morya, that "The Bridge" at least pay for its publishing and mailing costs. Therefore, starting with Vol. 4, No. 1 (April 1955), the subscription rate for our little journal will be $4 per year in the United States and Canada and $5 per year elsewhere. If you desire special handling, such as first-class or airmail, please send us the additional money to cover this expense. The mailing cost by air of one copy of our journal to Europe is $0.30 per copy and to Australia and the East it is $0.50. You can readily see that the extra one dollar of the subscription rate does not cover this special expenditure. 

Every thinking individual knows of the increased costs of labor these days in printing as well as the costs of paper and we have thoroughly checked these prices here as well as in other cities, for the most reasonable rates. Our little journal costs us nearly $0.22 per copy to print and when one adds the postage and envelope costs, it tells its own story. 

The preparing of the manuscript, typing, editing, proofing, etc., is all contributed as a glad free gift of love by willing chelas or we could not get "The Bridge" out at all. Even "The Reader's Digest" (with its tremendous circulation) has been forced to incorporate advertising copy in its issues starting with April 1955, in order to carry expenses. The Masters have recommended that, as yet, we do not take the valuable space for advertising which can be used for copy, for such copy will be of benefit to your own soul growth. 

By taking you thus into our confidence, it enables you to work cooperatively with us in the great opportunity at hand to expand the Beloved Master's words and works. 

Gratefully and lovingly,