(Celebrated this year on July 5th at 12:26 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, i.e., twenty-six minutes after midnight of July 4th.)

NOTE: The gentle reader is reminded that the radiation and blessings drawn from this outpouring from Lord Maitreya commences twentyfour hours before the actual ceremony takes place and continues for twenty-four hours afterward. It is wise, therefore, to put one's self in spiritual rapport with this ceremony by keeping the attention as much as possible upon the Beloved Lord Maitreya all during the forty-eight hours concerned with this ceremony. 

Once each year, in a time of Full Moon, the Beloved Lord Maitreya (Great World Teacher and dear Friend of the Lord Gautama Buddha) in honor of him and the anniversary of the first delivery of Buddha's revelation of Truth to the world after his Ascension, gathers together those disciples and chelas who wish to be a part of the magnetizing of Buddha's love during this ceremony. It takes place on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, in the lovely private gardens of Lord Maitreya. 

Here there is delivered again the very first sermon which Lord Buddha gave and Beloved Lord Maitreya adds to it a simple address of his own, developing the Truths within the revelation of the Buddha to fit the needs and requirements of the current hour. 

The recitation of Lord Buddha's sermon is given by Lord Maitreya in the original Pali language but, as in the Christian Pentecostal miracle, everyone present hears him in his own native tongue. 

Lord Maitreya generally takes his place upon the marble seat set at the edge of the raised terrace in his lovely gardens. The highest officials sit close about him, while the rest of the Brotherhood are grouped in the garden below. The sermon begins with the admonition to take "The Middle Way" followed by the presentation of the Four Noble Truths:


The APPEARANCE of Sorrow or Suffering

The CAUSE of Sorrow; (which must be alleviated);

The END of Sorrow (or escape from it); and

The WAY which leads to the escape from Sorrow.


This is followed by the presentation again of the Eight Noble Truths. (See May 1955, "Bridge") 

Each "seed idea" in this sermon is developed anew and applied by all the chelas in their daily endeavors to manifest self-mastery. 


GENTLE READER: It is known that the life-tide of energy on the Earth is increased as the New Moon grows to its fullness. Our planet, being a schoolroom for the development and maturing of the emotional bodies of the people, is, (like the physical body), composed of a preponderance of the water element. As the ocean tides rise, as the plant life develops and when the life energies of mankind are at their apex during this Full Moon period, the Masters of Wisdom use such an hour to pour out their greatest blessings to the people. The beloved Masters always use the natural means of magnetization and radiation, thus conserving the priceless energies which are Theirs from, the Godhead. 

It is well known that many individuals have experimented successfully with the planting of their crops which yield produce above the Earth (such as peas, beans, barley, corn, etc.) at the time of the New Moon and first-quarter phase, allowing the "pull" of the rising Moon to develop them. Plants that grow from bulb formations and give their yield within the Earth (such as radishes, beets, potatoes and carrots, etc.) planted at Full Moon or during the last-quarter phase, are more successful.





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