The Homes and Retreats of the Masters of Wisdom


June 15th through July 14th, 1955

Rising majestically out of the level plains in the State of Wyoming stands the Grand Teton Range. Even to the mind of the man insensitive to the great spiritual world in which he is immersed, the glorious natural cathedral which spirals above the emerald green setting of plain and trees draws admiration. It impels aspiration toward lofty thoughts and stirs the spirit of inspiration toward Godliness. The snowy finger of the Grand Teton pointing Heavenward is a silent but constant admonition to all who look upon it to lift up their eyes unto the hills and then beyond to connect with the Creator of those very hills and man himself. 

For many ages, within the heart of the Grand Teton, an Order of the Great White Brotherhood have united their strength, their consciousness and their Presence to evolving ways and means of helping the mankind of Earth to the expression of greater perfection of mind, greater peace of soul, greater health of body and greater development of the dormant Spirit of God which awaits summons from the heart of man. 

This Order of the Great White Brotherhood is under the direction of the Beloved Master Lanto, who many ages ago, answered the summons of his God, left the Earth body for the last time, and now abides in that Body Eternal, not made with hands, serving the mankind of whom he was once a member. Having achieved his victory in the Orient and having been removed from the wheel of successive births and deaths, he chose to be a part of the great blending of consciousness of East and West, by taking up his abode in the United States of America at the sacred place where the first man to accept the hospitality of Earth set foot upon the planet. 

From this ancient Retreat in the heart of the Wyoming Rockies, brothers and sisters who are primarily interested in helping mankind to develop their natural talents, gifts, powers and reason for being, go forth to every country upon the surface of the sweet Earth whom they live to serve and whom they love. 

The Law of Life is based on the science of giving and receiving. In scientific parlance it is referred to as centrifugal and centripetal force. Nature confirms this Law and so lives in harmony and balance. The release of the breath from the physical body is essential before the lifegiving breath can enter to nourish and sustain the body's life. The tree must give of its fruit in order to prepare for the miracle of a new resurrection and a future harvest. The flood tides recede to fulfill themselves and to again wash full and free upon the waiting shore. 

The focus at the Rocky Mountain Retreat is the focus for the outgoing (centrifugal force) upon the planet Earth. The Ascension Temple at Luxor guarded by the Chohan of the Fourth Ray, Serapis Bey, is the focus for the incoming (centripetal force). Mankind, through voluntary choice, asked for opportunity to experience Earth life and to contribute through his own creative centers of thought, feeling, spoken word and action to the creation of a Kingdom of Heaven upon the planet Earth. He chose to ride on the tides of the outgoing breath of the Father into the world of form. When he has rendered this self-chosen service, contributed his share to the establishment of his own Father's Kingdom on Earth, he will return on the incoming breath of the Father focused at Luxor. 

Because the development, externalization and general manifestation of God's Kingdom on Earth is focused through the Retreat within the heart of the Grand Teton Mountains, those Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, Angels, Devas, Builders of Form and dedicated men and women gather within the Council Chambers of the Teton twice in each year (at the end of December and at the end of June) in order to formulate plans and designs to help such establishment of perfection on Earth. 

These half-yearly Councils are presided over by Seven Great Beings known as the Karmic Board. The laws that govern this Universe are scientific and exact, though merciful in the extreme. It is the responsibility of the Karmic Board to give every opportunity to the Spiritual Hierarchy and those chelas who represent them in the world of form, to quickly put into action whatever ideas and plans will help to fulfill God's Will. However, the use of free will, gift of the Father to all his children, must be respected and ALL that can be done by God, the Great White Brotherhood and a few unascended beings interested in their brothers' welfare is determined by the desire within the hearts of men to want to know and experience the fullness of God's Will for the planet and its evolutions. 

When unascended beings choose to invoke the Presence of God's Will for the plane of which they are yet an integral part, the Cosmic Law allows more grace, more spiritual nourishment, more opportunity and more guidance to those few. 

Up until a few years ago, only the Ascended Beings participated in these Councils. Not many of the members of the human race were even cognizant of their Guardians, Protectors and Benefactors nor of the Councils held on their behalf. Thus all of the energy, all of the ideas and plans, all of the visions designed and presented to the Karmic Board for ratification, came from God-free Beings. These were limited in the expression of their Divine endeavors because so few of mankind were open doors through whom they might plant the seeds of those ideas, with the conscious knowledge that those seeds would be lovingly and trustingly received, nourished by the thoughts and feelings of the receiver and finally externalized in the world of form. The more of mankind who can be interested in such manifestation of God's Will and who can be presented in their finer bodies before the Karmic Board as the proof of interest in the race's welfare, the greater the dispensations and grants given by the Karmic Board to these Elder Brothers and Sisters to TRY to fulfill their Plans through chelas whom they can contact as best they may. 

Although comparatively few members of humanity have visited the Rocky Mountain Retreat in their physical bodies, many thousands whose hearts, souls, spirits and minds are earnestly desirous of helping in the externalizing of the Kingdom of Heaven visit these half-yearly Councils in their inner bodies. Some of them also contribute plans and designs to help the race. Many a great patriot, a great educator, a great artist, a great architect, a great scientist or inventor, a great religious personage, a great pioneer into the subtle frontiers of spiritual truth, has received his inspiration and his consecration at these Councils and has returned to his physical body filled with inspiration and conviction which he has woven into a blessing and benefaction for the race. 

Few men can actually tell you where the consciousness goes during the hours of merciful sleep. Yet many men who are "called" to great service are the beneficiaries of the wisdom of these Councils and mankind are the beneficiaries of these peoples' presence at such Councils. 

During the time when the Council again gathers within the Teton Mountains, direct your mind toward it before entering sleep. Ask sincerely that if you have no conscious plan, vision nor design to present to the Brotherhood which will be of universal benefit to the race, that you will at least bring back some plan, design, vision or pattern presented there and then have the courage, endurance, faith, love, wisdom and balance to make of that "seed idea" a manifest blessing for the Earth. Within this issue of our Journal, you will read some of the petitions made by the Archangel Michael and the Ascended Masters on behalf of mankind and the elemental kingdom. This will give you a visual pattern to follow in attendance and in voluntary contributions of your own ideas which are, after all, seeds planted by the Father in your mind, which you are obligated to externalize as perfectly as your talents and powers will allow. 


Note: For further description of the Rocky Mountain Retreat, please see Transmission Flame Book, pages 20-24; pages 61-64; also, The Bridge to Freedom, Vol. 1, June and Dec. 1952; Vol. 2, June and Dec. 1953; Vol. 3, June and Dec. 1954.  


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Opportunity to Serve 

Dear, Dear Gentle Reader: God bless you and all you love forever with the fullness of every good thing actually in your everyday use, giving you every assistance in the fulfilling of your Divine Plan for being. Many, many of you have been so gracious in requesting some decrees for daily use, some means of joining with others of like intent in co-operative service to life. This is most gratifying to the Great Ones and has earned you great merit with the Law. Service to life is what counts the most with the Ascended Masters for they have become the embodiment of that selfless gift to life which God himself is, has always been and shall always be! Beloved Jesus said, "Let him who is greatest among you be servant of all." Remember? 

One of the mightiest services we can give right at this time in particular is to call to the Source of all life for the purification and release of the water element from that which mankind has so thoughtlessly and so long imposed upon that element. Did you ever stop to think what happens when you use that element to bathe the body and refresh it? What happens to your feelings of heaviness, tire and discomfort after a bath? Those feelings are removed from your world by the water element which takes those feelings on that substance which it removed from you, that gave you those distressed feelings, it took upon itself, leaving you refreshed, able and ready to "keep on keeping on" in your life journey. Purification by the Sacred Fire (Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, etc.) is the only permanent purifier of any substance and nothing is permanently transmuted into light and redeemed from discordant feeling until the Sacred Fire has passed through it. The ultra-violet rays of the Sun render this service to water to a certain extent but you can all see how much impurity is imposed on the water element by the millions living in the big cities, these people for the most part entirely oblivious to the fact that there is a purifying service of the Sacred Fire. 

Therefore, it would be very wonderful indeed if you were to make this call for the water element at least twice each day (repeating it 3 times) it would do so much to lessen the distress that weighs so heavily upon the little intelligences that make up the water element. 





Suggested Decree for Water Element 

Beloved mighty Presence of God "I AM" in me, oh thou Beloved Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal truth within my heart! Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, Beloved Mighty Neptune, Beloved Maha Chohan, Beloved Kwan Yin, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Arcturus and Beloved Zadkiel and all who have to do with the Beings of Nature and Forces of the Elements. With all our hearts, we thank you for the water element in the name of all who live upon this planet Earth, all who have ever been here and all who shall ever come. We call the mightiest blessings of God-gratitude upon that element for all its limitless service to life in all its forms belonging to this Earth and her evolutions. Bless and bless and bless that water element without limit this and every hour with the full power of purification by the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love and the Pink Adoration Flame of Gratitude, sustaining it forever. Illumine the people of this planet at once concerning their great need for this element and all the service it has given them through the ages. Let all mankind now consciously express such gratitude to and for the water element that they make it their devoted friend and co-worker and thus avoid as much distress as possible should world changes be compelled to take place. We consciously accept this done right now with full power.









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