(Celebrated this year on May 6th)

(Approximately 5 p.m. eastern standard time)

Every Great Avatar and World Teacher is allowed to develop some means of transmitting his own current of blessing to the followers of his faith yet abiding in the world of form. This spiritual communion differs with each religion which is established as a particular outpouring of cosmic benediction to nourish the souls of men. 

In the case of the Lord Gautama Buddha, his infusion of spiritual consciousness into the receptive souls of men takes place once each year at the time of the full moon. The concentration of his Presence is focused through India, the land of his ministrations to the children of Earth. 

The place of celebration of the Wesak Festival is changed from year to year in order to allow particularly auspicious natural currents to cooperate with the visitation. No outer invitation is ever given to be present at the solemn ceremony when the Lord Buddha pours out the spiritual essence of his Cosmic consciousness upon mankind. The heart, stirred by the awakened perceptions of the soul, is the compass and guide of many thousands who embark upon the pilgrimage to the Wesak Valley (wherever it may be located each year). For those few who find it, thousands have searched for it for an entire embodiment in vain. 

Now, however, as the consciousness of mankind finds fuller freedom to travel to the spiritual centers activated by the Presence of the Brotherhood without the encumbrance of flesh, all interested may take their places with the Great White Brotherhood, do honor to the Presence of the Buddha and become grails to carry his benediction back into their homes, families, activities and environments. 

As the moon rises full over the Wesak Valley, Lord Maitreya, and all of the Spiritual Hierarchy bow low before the Luminous Presence of Lord Buddha which materializes in the atmosphere over the entire assembly. Then Lord Maitreya raises the golden bowl of water from the altar and all the assembled pilgrims raise those vessels which they have brought with them. A spiritual benediction and essence flows from the Beloved Buddha to all. The members of the Brotherhood come up to Lord Maitreya in the order of their admission and sip of the water so consecrated and the pilgrims also sip theirs, taking the remainder home to their loved ones. 

The noble eight-fold path as taught by Lord Buddha can well be pondered and adopted by the earnest chela today, asking that the illumination of the Truths that are within it be given each one as a practical guide for daily living:


Right Belief

Right Thought

Right Speech

Right Action

Right Exertion

Right Remembrance

Right means of Livelihood

Right Concentration.


(Recommended reading for spiritual attunement to this great activity:

The Light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold.)










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