May 19, 1955

The Ascension of the sublimated soul is the goal of all human experience. Little do men realize how they weave the ladder of ascending consciousness throughout many Earth lives nor how much of the energy of other lifestreams is woven into its uplifting radiation. 

Long before the hour of my own Ascension upon the hill of Bethany, my dear mother had walked the grassy pathway leading from the valley to the flat rock which forms the apex of that hill. Here, in deep contemplation and prayer, her own lifeforce ascended Heavenward and a flowing stream of energy created a natural spiritual pathway upon which my own Spirit would, in time, return HOME. 

On that fateful day, obedient to the call of the Father, I prepared for my final farewell to the Earth and to those with whom I had served and lived in my all too brief Earth life. Only John and my mother knew the nature of the experience that lay before me. 

Rising early, I poured my love to the sweet Earth, fragrant with the perfume of a new Springtime; to the cleansing waters that had baptized my soul and purified my body; to the purifying air which I had gratefully breathed into my lungs in that first breath so long ago in a stable in Bethlehem; to the ascending Sun whose example I was to follow on this day of days. I sent forth my invocation to the Holy Comforter to enter into the heart and consciousness of my earnest and devout disciples, to sustain them on the true Way. Toward the crown of the hill of Bethany, I walked the pathway made by the shining footprints of my mother's constant novena for my Victory. Mother and John, knowing of my coming initiation, gathered the disciples and loved ones about them so that I might have a few hours of privacy with my Lord and my God. 

Shortly before the noon hour, they ascended the hilltop and as the Sun reached its zenith, I placed them all lovingly in the hands of the Father, accelerated the vibratory action of my vehicles and bid the world and its experiences a fond adieu. Since then I have returned often in my Immortal Garments to those I love and who love and serve me, for there is no separation in love divine. 

Knowing the supreme glory of that hour, I can but urge each dear child of God to prepare for that day! When the hour comes and the summons from the Father of Light reaches the heart you, too, will know the full and true purpose for individual being. It is to become a Sun of Light in yourself, free of the wheel of birth and death and Master of energy and vibration but yet servant of all that lives until all life becomes God-free also.










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