By the Ascended Master Kuthumi

On: Expanding the Light of the World

CHELA: Beloved Master: We are told that it is essential for the chelas to expand the light of the world. Can you give us a practical way of doing this?

GURU: Blessed chela: Certainly! Every individual is a magnetic center drawing primal life from the One Source, qualifying that life, giving it form and sending it out into the world as either light (harmonious, pure, beautiful vibrations) or as darkness (inharmonious, destructive, disintegrating vibrations). It is the capacity to draw forth from oneself first, and then from others, energy harmoniously qualified, which expands the light of the world.

CHELA: Beloved Master: How can a chela consciously induce such release of harmonious energy from others?

GURU: Blessed chela: The chela has the capacity to create the conditions which stimulate the response of the Immortal Flame of God in every man. For instance, a kind, encouraging, interest in the welfare of a man causes the soul of that man to emanate a vibration of gratitude, enthusiasm, faith and love. This constructive radiation from such an individual makes an aura of light around him and he becomes a focus through which the light of the world expands. Whatever a chela does to make his fellowman more comfortable, more happy, or more secure, expands the light of that fellowman and contributes to the light of the world. Conversely, whatever a chela does to plunge the soul and consciousness of a fellowman into despair, discouragement, or distress, stimulates the release of dark clouds of misqualified energy and adds to the shadows of the planet. Thus, practically, the light of the world is expanded by the development of personal and universal kindness toward those who hold within their hearts the spark of Divinity. To kindle that spark, one must be practically kind.

CHELA: Beloved Master: Therefore, it would seem that every man has opportunity (no matter how small his personal orbit), to create greater happiness in the lives of those around him in his family life, his business world, his religious association or his civic group.

GURU: Blessed chela: You have spoken truly. Many have taken the admonition to expand the light of the world too abstractly. Each human heart is like an electric light bulb which must be consciously connected with its Source and then illumined from within. The true feeling of divine love, understanding, tolerance and interest stimulates the potential light within the bulb (heart), helps the individual to reach toward his own Source, and ultimately causes that bulb (heart) to blaze with its full light.

CHELA: Beloved Master: Cosmically speaking, do not the group activities also help to expand the light of the world?

GURU: Blessed chela: Certainly! Through the group activities the invocation of the purifying radiation of the Sacred Fire removes pressures of destructively qualified energy from the atmosphere of Earth as well as from the auras of individuals, making it possible to more easily reach the "hidden spark" of Divinity within each heart. However, just the service rendered in the group activities is not enough for the full development of the student. He should purify his individual world, develop feelings of solicitude for the needs of others and a desire to help to fill those needs, as well as learning how to live harmoniously with his fellowman at all times. This is essential to cultivate that spark of Divinity and make of it a Flame which lights the aura of the individual. As all these auras are lighted by happiness, peace, harmony, beauty, understanding and love, you shall see the entire Earth "alight" as Freedom's Star.

CHELA: Beloved Master: Your instruction, then, points us toward the limitless opportunity of creating light in our present environment by lighting the feelings of others?

GURU: Blessed chela: True. However, as you are about your Father's business, tell no man. Thus, you will avoid the rebellions of the outer selves of others which is a vibratory action of darkness and which would defeat your purpose. Every chela can perform those acts; speak those words; radiate those feelings in his own world, which make the individuals around him happier and more harmonious. Wise is the chela who renders this service unostentatiously and thus becomes the Cosmic "torch" that kindles the sparks in his fellowmen without acknowledgment and acclaim.

CHELA: Beloved Master: Some people do not respond to overtures of interest, kindness, solicitude and love.

GURU: Blessed chela: That is not true. If the overtures are made through effort of human will and do not carry the real feeling of interest and love from the heart of the chela, the soul of men instinctively recognizes such endeavors as "sounding brass and tinkling cymbal". When the chela's heart is stirred; when the sincerity of his purpose is to truly stimulate the light (harmonious vibrations) through another, he need not even speak but his own aura will be a pressure of loving energy which can and does raise those about him into harmonious expression. Try this and see the truth within this counsel.









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