Excerpts from an Address by


On How to Expand Your Light and the Light of the World

July 4, 1954

My beloved children, today I bring to you the fullness of my love; that love which has cradled the Flame within your heart for millions and millions of years; that love which has breathed into the Immortal Spark within your heart, sustaining your individual identity ever since I was privileged to enter into Shamballa and become for you "The Light of the World"! 

Beloved ones, long has been your journey and long has been my exile! Now we see the culmination of both in victory through love you resuming your rightful estate as beautiful Gods and Goddesses, Master Presences of light, and I to return to that Home I love so well to my beloved Venus; to my people; to the Sun of my System all because you have chosen to free me of this my exile! You hold my ransom within your blessed hearts! You have brought willingly the Flaming Presence of your own Divinity which abides within the Chalice of your own heart and have offered It upon the Altar of Life, that I might be free! To you, I give my gratitude, my gratitude, my gratitude, beloved, blessed spirits! You are those who came to Earth with such fire and such promise! You are those who entered the atmosphere of this Earth on a vow of love to be the protectors of Its innocent people; to be "The Light of the World" until they themselves could evolve it. You, too, lost your way! You, too, became enmeshed in the shadows! Now you have heard and answered the call of love and you are walking in the light, radiating the light and contributing to the beautiful aura which is the Light of this world.



Now, I want you to feel this morning the rhythm of the Immortal Threefold Flame of Life which is within your heart. Within that rhythm, beloved children, is every power of the Sacred Fire! Within that rhythm also is your freedom and your mastery! In the resting of your outer consciousness within the rhythm of that Immortal Flame, you shall become Lords of the Flame yourselves, Masters of the powers of cohesion and expansion; Masters of the activities of centripetal and centrifugal force; Masters of the powers of precipitation and etherealization-for that is the nature of the rhythm of the Flame within your heart. As that Flame draws primal life into itself, coalescence takes place - substance, obedient to that Flame, becomes manifest as the precipitated form you desire.


As that which you have drawn from the Universal comes into the compass of your sphere of influence in the expansion of your love and light; as you use it to bless life, you complete the rhythm of precipitation and then the expansion of your precipitated gift enriches the Universe. As you draw the instruction of the Master; the words of love and light; the knowledge by which you may set yourself free; you use the power of cohesion and draw the Masters' Presence by love through the power of the Flame. Then, as you utilize the knowledge received; as you work into the activities of your sphere of influence the blessings of that knowledge through the expansion of the works of the Father and instruction of the Masters, you complete the rhythm of your being, expanding your own light and the light of the world.


Beloved ones, giving and receiving constitute the rhythm of being! This is freedom! The lifestream who draws knowledge into itself and coalesces it by the power of magnetization, but who refuses to expand that knowledge to release and to free others-that individual immediately imprisons life. The lifestream who draws from the Universal substance and energy, accumulating much of this world's goods for himself but who refuses to give and thus expand that substance for the glory of God and the blessing of his fellowman, will also experience contraction and tension, not knowing the full freedom of the rhythm of being!


For example: the individual who draws the breath of life and does not release that breath again in an outflow of energy, will soon cease to exist in this physical appearance world. Everything in the Universal which is Immortal, exists on rhythm! I want you to feel that rhythm which is within the Flame of your life. The drawing from any place in the Universe of any God Intelligence who can help you in your individual service or in your desire to overcome the limitations of this world, is within the magnetizing power of your Flame! As you draw from those Beings that intelligence, that blessing, that "sweet anointing from above", it enters into your consciousness and world. However, REMEMBER THE EXPANSION which is the other half of the rhythm of that Flame and utilize it well!


Wise is the man who realizes the rhythm of life! We who stand within the heart of the Universal with our attention turned ever toward God, would not seek to draw even life itself did we not know and use the rhythm of the Flame to expand that life to bless the Universal. So, must it be with you, in that magnificent balancing of your own individual Flame.


When first you came to this planet Earth, the glorious Presence of God within the Threefold Flame filled the entire form which you then wore. That Immortal Flame (the garment of that Presence) was visible to the physical sight of all men at that time. Through the rhythm of that Flame, you were able to draw from Universal light any form you desired, and by the magnetic power of the coalescing action of the Flame, you could design and precipitate food, clothing, shelter, lovely Temples, or whatever was the requirement of the moment. Then, through the power of your feelings which energized your thoughtforms, there was manifest instantly that which was required to make and keep you happy. All of that which you drew forth was used for the good of the whole.

Mankind moved in that natural rhythm of life; that natural expansion and contraction; the drawing and giving forth of the blessings of the Kingdom. Every man, woman and child was then "about the Father's business". All were interested only in widening the borders of the Kingdom, by coalescing into form the Divine Ideas which passed from the "I AM" Presence of each individual into his outer consciousness through the Silver Cord. Each lifestream was like a fountain. It drew the new ideas from the Presence, coalescing around them the elemental substance which responded instantly to their love and their call, thus manifesting the magnificence of form with which they filled the world. This was the time when the Golden Ages were manifest, where Angels, Gods and men walked together and there was no veil between! The "curse of Cain" (labor by the sweat of the brow), disintegration and death were unknown. Those were days of great happiness, beauty and perfection of every kind.


We are now about to witness the incoming of a New Age of Perfection in which your blessed selves are again taking part.



Then there came an opportunity for selfless service, when the planet Earth was allowed to accept the "laggards" from other Systems who were not far enough advanced to progress with their own planets into a more intense vibratory action of planetary and individual light. Those of you who were guardian spirits of Earth's evolutions (long before the "laggards" came) were told that, in their coming, the knowledge and consciousness of good and of evil would be brought into the atmosphere of this planet and the consciousness of her people for the first time; to a planet which was so sweet and to a humanity so innocent. The guardians then increased their spiritual application, calling for added illumination and strength of the light, not even passing through the chance called "death" for some time, so that they might be ready for the impact of these incoming consciousnesses who brought shadows and to guard the innocent lifestreams belonging to the Earth from contagion and contamination.


Finally, there came to the Earth individuals who (through destructive thought, feeling and experimentation with free will) had created patterns, forms and manifestations which were not in accord with the Divine Mind of God; not in accord with the beauty and perfection of the Presence of God. Then those upon the planet Earth, looking upon these creations, accepted through their senses into their own consciousnesses, the seed of those patterns and forms of imperfection.


In the beginning, these lifestreams of the Earth had previously received directions only from their own Presence in the form of Divine ideas, desiring only to manifest those Divine ideas in perfect form, invoking the Elemental life that joyously rushed to make the "cup" (the clothing for that idea). Then, however, the first disobedience ensued, in their rebellion against the fulfillment of the Divine ideas. They then chose to take the creative centers of their own thought and feeling and draw out of their own energies and primal life the same patterns they saw externalized by the "laggards" of the System. Having taken the vow of obedience to man, Elemental life was required (by the authority of the life Flame in everyone's heart) to create and sustain these thought and feeling forms, even though they were imperfect. Thus, the great veil of maya was woven and the fall of man began.


Although the consciousness of the "I AM" Presence is too pure to behold iniquity, the soul (outer consciousness) attached itself to miscreations by its attention and thus began to generate the same distortion of form which it saw. It was then that Archangel Michael, in all the power of his light, fashioned from the substance of light by love, his Sword of Blue Flame. He then took the vow that as long as the creative centers of mankind would imprison Elemental life in these distortions, he would remain and dissolve them by the use of that mighty Sword, releasing that life again and returning it to the Sun for re-polarization.


What happened to that magnificent Inner Presence (abiding within the Threefold Flame of Life), which was the Director of the activities of the people of Earth, when the attention no longer rested upon that Presence? /span> When the life, the primal essence, which belonged to the individual no longer gave precedence to God, the focus of light and life within the heart began to decrease in size and influence. That which life sustained (through attention upon it) began to grow larger. The human creations, the shadows, individual cocoons and mass karma, began to increase. Thus, mankind came to the darkest time in the history of Earth's evolutions when the Flame Itself (the Immortal Presence of God) receded. No longer did the attention hold to the Divine Image and only a spark of the Immortal Flame remained within the heart. Truly could it be called the "UNFED" Flame! May it now be called "The Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth". May it also now be fed continuously by the attention, love and life of every heartbeat!


When this Flame had receded in the hearts of those on Earth until it was only about one-sixteenth of an inch in height, great crises took place in interstellar space. The Holy Christ Selves who had originally poured down through the Silver Cord the life and protective radiation enfolding the physical form, now, in mercy, decreased the size and volume of energy pouring through that Silver Cord in order to minimize mankind's destructive creations. In time, the Holy Christ Selves of mankind were about to withdraw those sparks and endeavor to begin individualization again through newly created personalities. Even the Earth itself faced dissolution!


I was among those who heard of Earth's crises at the Great Cosmic Council. I was the one who said that I was sure, if some wholly Free Being would come and nourish those tiny sparks, keep them alive and fan them with all the power of his Divine Love, someday the attention of mankind would return to its Divinity. Someday, primal life which had been pressed into the distortions that have caused the excess weight upon this Earth, would again feed that Flame. Someday, we would expand that Golden Presence that lives within the Flame in every heart and let it again stand forth revealed through each flesh form.


When I returned to Venus and saw the beauty and magnificence of my Star; when I remembered the original beauty and perfection of the Earth, I was more determined than ever that a planet created in Divine Love, sustained for so many ages by the Masters, Angels, the beings of Nature and Virgo herself, should have opportunity for redemption. When my Beloved (the Great Being Venus), in all the renunciation which is Divine Love in its deepest aspect, said: "If the Cosmic Law will allow you to go, you are free to do so!" Grateful I was for the opportunity!



Some of you remember the Council on Venus. Some of you here volunteered to go to Earth before me and create a focus into which I might come. Great was that sacrifice, children of light, children of Venus, my beloved hearts! Earth was then in her darkest days. The light within the hearts of men was scarcely discernible. Beings of love from Venus who had known nothing but harmony there, chose to pass into that darkness through the regular gates of birth, accepting bodies provided for them by earthly parents. Nine hundred long years they labored in the building of Shamballa in the midst of that darkness; that blanket of effluvia; the mass creation of the physical and astral realms. These dedicated souls had to hold the vision and the pattern of the City they chose to build. They also had to hold the unbroken connection between the Christ Self, myself and the outer consciousness through which they were serving. They had to hold back the pressures of lethargy, rebellion and hate by the very strength of their own light. In that nine hundred years, more than once were their physical bodies destroyed by hordes of savages who, opposing the light, drove in upon them. No sooner were their physical bodies disconnected from their souls, than they applied again for new Earth bodies from the Lords of Karma. These bodies were quickly provided for them and back again they came! So, Shamballa was built. The perfection of the beautiful White Island grew. My love flowed continuously around the builders, and ever about them stood the sustaining power of my faith until the Cosmic Moment of Visitation came.


The Lemurian Pole Star signified my coming. I bade goodbye to my Star; to my people; to my Love, Beloved Venus herself! Together with the other great Kumaras, I arose into the atmosphere over Venus as every lifestream upon my planet sang. I remember that well! I have long envisioned and hoped for a like return. Now, through your energies, that vision shall become fact!


The Golden Star which will be my chariot is being fashioned from the sweet energies of some among you. My love for you is very great! As the great Kumaras preceded me upon my journey earthward, they embodied the triple activity of Love, Wisdom and Power. One Kumara ensouled the full power of the Blue Ray; One the Gold and One the Pink. As our beloved friends awaited us in Shamballa, the Kumaras descended upon a pathway of Flame and created a Threefold Flame in the heart of Shamballa into which I stepped. In that same moment that Three-fold Flame was attached to the sparks of light within the heart of every lifestream belonging to the evolutions of Earth. The Threefold Flame which we brought has been breathing the spiritual fire into each such lifestream on Earth and has sustained the identity of the egos belonging to Earth's evolutions, all this time. It is like a Cosmic bellows that has played through the Three-fold Flame in the human heart.


Thus, we took up our abode upon the sweet Earth. Through the same power of centripetal and centrifugal force of which I spoke (cohesion and expansion of the magnetic power of Divine Love), we then began to magnetize the Flame in the hearts of some of the guardian spirits who were not sleeping too soundly and who were not too enthusiastically engaged in using primal life for the satisfaction of the personal self.



In this way, the Great White Brotherhood began. The Threefold Flame within the heart of Shamballa, within the hearts of the Kumaras and myself, formed the magnetic heart of the Great White Brotherhood by whom you have all been blessed and of which Brotherhood you all aspire to become conscious members. Now we are expanding the activities of that Brotherhood by turning the attention of the guardian spirits and of all the people back to the Immortal Threefold Flame within their hearts. We are encouraging them to control the attention, taking it away from the appearance world, away from the human creations and shadows; turning it to the power of the Presence of God within the heart. We are endeavoring to assist you all to nourish that Flame of Divinity and Mastery and to make it expand. In the case of conscious chelas, that Flame has already grown to a point where your inner perception and consciousness has accepted the Image and Likeness of your Presence. The small Divine Presence which once filled your entire body, is beginning· its expansion again through the upper part of your physical form until one day you will become the Master Presence of life. This small replica of your own Divinity (as your attention goes to it and as you invite and invoke it to use the energies of your life to produce perfection), will mature and expand in power. As it does so expand, shadows, discordant creations and the maya of human appearances will decrease. As the "I AM" in you increases, the discordant creations around you will decrease.


Beloved ones, the mathematical precision of the Law of your life is such that I long to get this one point firmly anchored in your consciousness. The "I AM" Presence of God who once filled your being, has decreased because you voluntarily chose to take your life and attention from it and place your attention upon the creations of the thought and feeling forms which you saw around you! The Presence of God will again increase within you as you take your attention away from the discordant creations in your own world, no matter what they are limitations, ill health, inharmony all creations that are distasteful to you and to others. When you take primal life (the essence of God) and turn the flow of that life through your attention toward your God Presence often enough, that God within you will stand revealed! You will not have to tell any man where your life is flowing. Each man is an open book in himself. Wherever your life has been directed, the resultant appearances are a manifest expression in your world.


Beloved hearts of light, within you is the Presence of Almighty God! It is the same great Presence of God which I have used to sustain this planet in the Universe. Whatever your mind can conceive; whatever your heart can feel; this Presence of God can do! It says always: "All this I can do, my beloved, and more!" This God Presence must be invited and given opportunity to act for and through you. Through that invitation and opportunity to serve you, it matures and expands.



Beloved children, when the Presence of God does anything through you, you are expanding the light of the world! When the Presence of God issues decrees of perfection, through you, you are expanding the light of the world! When you allow the intellect and human ego to accept the credit for whatever is accomplished (even silently within yourself), you are then denying the Presence of God the courtesy of recognition as the only power that can act! Then you are only adding to the shadows of personality. The man who cuts a cord of wood, acknowledging the Presence of God's energy (life) flowing through his arm, as the power by which he works, expands that power of the Presence of God within him, lighting his aura and lighting the world! The singer who acknowledges God as singing through her, expands the light of the world! The woman moving about in the daily household tasks, acknowledging that it is the Presence of God in her which enables her to make the beds, set the table, or cook the meals, is also filling her aura with and expanding the light of the world! The Presence of God, when invoked and acknowledged, always fills the individual aura with light.


Now, you who wish to be "The Light of the World," relinquish now in my name all power you have ever given to the outer self; all the power you have ever given to others; all power you have ever given to the shadows you have created. Remind yourselves every morning: "I live, move and have my being in the very Presence of God. I cannot lift a finger except by the use of the life of that Presence. I cannot speak a word but for that Presence". Dedicate and consecrate your conscious mind and feeling to remembering that, as you walk, as you speak, as you think, the Presence of God within you is endeavoring to widen the borders of God's Kingdom. Then shall I have "light-bearers" in fact! It is so simple a realization and yet within it is your freedom!


We who see with the inner sight the magnificent Presence of God within the Chalice of your heart, long for the day when you make the great surrender of self to that Presence. It will come more quickly than you think! Until that day, remember, I LOVE YOU for, you are "The Light of the World". As that Presence expands through you; as the light passes through your body, mind and feelings and as you come into the realization of the natural rhythm of your own Immortal Flame of Life, I shall soon return to my Star, Venus. Yet I shall visit you often in the future, in the fuller freedom that comes from intercourse among those planets whose vibratory action is ONE DIVINE LOVE.

Thank you and good morning!







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