Excerpts from an Address by


(NOTE: The Beloved Great Divine Director is one of the Members of this Board of Divine Love and Mercy. The other Members of that Board are: Beloved Cyclopea (also known as "Vista"; one of the Elohim and "All-seeing Eye of God"), Goddess of Liberty, Nada (Goddess of Love), Kwan Yin (Goddess of Mercy), Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth and Twin Flame of the Beloved Maha Chohan) and Goddess of Justice (also known as the Goddess of Opportunity). She is the present "Spokesman" for the Great Karmic Board.)

"The understanding of the offices of the Members of the Great Karmic Board will bring to the consciousness of those of you who represent us in the world of form, a greater realization of that Divine Love which has made us willing to accept this rather thankless service. 

Every lifestream, as you know, having magnetized primal life and chosen self-conscious intelligence and desiring through the use of freewill to learn how to use energy constructively, has created a heritage of karma. The good becomes the glory of the Causal Body and the evil becomes the weight of the personal aura, as well as the contributing factor through that great, seething mass of energy which you have called the 'Psychic' Realm. This is the 'veil' between the glories of the Kingdom of Heaven and the earnest consciousness of the 'bound'. 

It is the responsibility of the Karmic Board to see that these energies, woven out of life's substance by the evolutions on this planet, are transmuted, purified and redeemed and then returned to the natural state of perfection which they first expressed when they were invoked and drawn forth from the bosom of the Eternal. 

It is the responsibility of the Karmic Board to develop through individual consciousness, a realization of the ways and means by which polluted energy, carrying the stamp of a life-stream, may be drawn back into the individual's world and purified, returning through the door of consciousness into its natural estate as part of the glory of his Causal Body. 

It is the responsibility of the Karmic Board to see that the incoming lifestreams of each generation (bringing with them the heritage of their own personal karma) does not over balance the already over-weighted Earth. It is therefore our responsibility to examine the karma of each lifestream who is about to embody on the Earth and to see that the karma of the lifestream leaving the Earth (through so called 'death') is about in balance with the karma of the incoming soul. 

It is the responsibility of the Karmic Board to allow into the twelve-month cycle of birth, enough lifestreams who have the capacity to transmute energy and to try in each generation, to remove at least a portion of the psychic creations from the Earth and its atmosphere; thus endeavoring to advance the redemption of the Earth in these rhythmic cycles. 

The mass human creation (which is the 'veil of maya') is also called the 'Astral or Psychic Plane'. This has been generated by every unascended being belonging to Earth's evolutions. The individual karma of every lifestream who has been given the Ascension, has been transmuted prior to the invitation to dwell in the God-free Realm. No lifestream becomes God-free who leaves a heritage of pollution behind, for that would not be either mercy or justice. 

Therefore, when individuals ask for opportunity to complete their cycles of individualization and attain the Ascension (all in the course of one final embodiment) it is made extremely clear to them by one of the members of our Board that their destructive karma (which now lies dormant in the atmosphere of Earth) will have to be revivified and the opportunity given to such an individual to transmute all the discordantly qualified substance and energy which carries the stamp of his lifestream through the use of his freewill. This discordant energy is an actual weight upon the Earth. It is then necessary for the Karmic Board to discover whether or not a lifestream is strong enough to render such a service of personal purification in the course of one Earth life. Mercy would not allow us to grant the title of 'Candidate for the Ascension' to a lifestream whose heritage of destructive karma would be too great for the developed consciousness to transmute. If the returning destructive karma were quickened and the catapulting energies of such invoked impurities were directed toward a soul which did not have certain inner understanding of the merciful use of the Sacred Fire (Violet Flame), certain fortitude, certain spiritual maturity, more harm than good would be done, because discouragement and an overwhelming sense of defeat might be impressed upon the etheric body. 

Those of you who have accepted the responsibility of becoming a 'Candidate for the Ascension' and who stood before us not so long since, have been found capable of handling the individual transmutation of your energies. That which you sometimes feel entering into your world for purification (through the use of the Violet Fire) comes through your own invitation in order that you may more quickly balance your debt to life and be free. You are not required, however, to continue at this accelerated pace if you do not choose to do so. 

However, those of you who do desire to complete your course at this time, utilize the activities of purification through the use of the Violet Flame, feeling joyous release at every returning experience (no matter in what form it may return) which gives you opportunity to love imprisoned energy free. As you pass through that experience, poised and centered in your own God flame, untouched emotionally, mentally, etherically or physically but impersonally passing that energy into the Violet Fire, you are building into your Causal Body that minimum requirement of 51% which will magnetize your four lower vehicles and draw them 'Home' the instant that that purification takes place which is required by Law. 

In the earlier ages, when we were required to balance every jot and tittle, the lifestreams of the initiates went through far more trying experiences than those through which you are passing today. As you know, through my own world and aura, I have transmuted a great deal of the human creations of the student body but through the causative centers of thought and feeling, there has been woven again the same kind of chains which I had previously cut with my own hands and dissolved by my own life. You are at a point of great opportunity in the opening of the door (conscious use of the Violet Flame) through which your energies may pass into eternal freedom. 

I come again this morning to give the impetus of the purifying action of my Sacred Fire to flash through the energies already polluted in your worlds which are presently acting through your emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies. However, you must self-consciously root out the causative centers of those qualities which are not of God. The Law allows us now to remove some of the effects of your human transgressions but the causative centers within you which produce these effects lie in the (to you) unseen, in the lusts of the flesh; in destructive etheric records; in your thought-processes and in your feeling world. Through self-conscious endeavor, in the majesty and mastery of your own God-Flame, these you must root out by the persistent use of the Violet Fire. Become the harmless one! Become beings of ‘cause’ alone; that ‘cause’ which you set up being directed by your Christ-Self to yield an effect of only benefit and blessing to yourself and all the rest of life. Nevermore allow a causative center in your being to create emotionally, mentally, etherically or physically, an effect which will again have to be redeemed through the energies of your world as an imperfection which has no right to live. 

When you become the conscious control of the causative centers of your being, you will not again weave destructive karma and through the action of mercy we (who are allowed such freedom now to remove the effects of discord) can release you from centuries and centuries of discordant accumulations!"









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