Excerpts from an Address by


"I think perhaps you do not realize (even when there is not an Ascended Master address given at the meeting) how long in advance of your coming to that class you are prepared emotionally, mentally, etherically and physically, so that you may be in a state of grace and desirous of giving the most efficient attention and service through the outer self at that class. This preparation is always given you by some Angelic Being who has accepted the definite charge of purifying your atmosphere and bringing you into a state of comparative peace. This is so important because if either the feelings or the mind are in turmoil and the physical body distressed in some way, there is very little of our words which registers in the outer consciousness. As the Beloved Lord Maitreya (our NEW Buddha) said to you some time ago, it is the outer consciousness and the soul which we must reach and to which we speak at this time. The Divine Self of you is already free! So, it is the persuasion of the outer self that is needed, the bringing of this outer self to a point of willing, sustained endeavor which requires all the energies we can devote from our side. From your side (Messengers, Sanctuary and Group Directors, Field Workers) it requires all of your energy, patience, love and light to sustain the interest of the people in the service of the Cosmic Law..."