Excerpts from an Address by

Our Beloved Ascended Master Jesus, The Christ

September 2, 1956

Beloved Children of the One God! I bring to you today the LIVING WORD which is my life, that Word which also is the life of every Cosmic Being, Ascended Master and Angel who brings to you their gifts of light from time to time. That Word is a living part of their consciousness and very Being. Does it continue to live in you after you have received it? What do you contribute to that LIVING WORD given into your consciousness, your mind, your feelings, your flesh? Does that LIVING WORD mean as much to you today (when to your physical eye-sight I seem invisible) as it did in the days when I spoke to you while wearing a flesh garment, so that your outer senses might have the comfort of form? 

Think on this, beloved ones! Every bit of instruction, radiation and blessing transferred to an individual from an Ascended Being or even from a Teacher, Minister, Priest or Rabbi (Orthodox, Metaphysical or Occult) is a part of the very life of the Teacher entering into the world of the student. Thereafter, it either lives there, activated by joyous, buoyant acceptance; by mental remembrance in the process of application; by etheric vitalization of that instruction and by physical works; or, by lack of acceptance and attention, it is allowed to go to seed so to speak! Long ago, in some of my parables I spoke about the seed which was cast on shallow ground and on the rocks, in contrast to that which was cast into the good Earth, grew and brought forth a harvest. 

I bring this to your remembrance this morning because our words are our life, containing our consciousness and our very selves, given in great Spiritual generosity, according to the Dispensation of the Cosmic Law. As at present, these great gifts are given to just a mere "handful" of people, hoping that those words will live in works well done, emotionally, mentally, etherically and physically. 

Purifying Service to Great Religions

Now, our particular activity of this month is to assist in the dissolving of the destructive etheric records and the emotional and mental scars on the etheric bodies, as well as the records of destructive experiences of the past which have been registered upon the physical brain structure and the flesh of the Jewish people. We have chosen this month (September) for this purpose because the attention of the Jewish people is focused on their great Holy Days during this time, releasing a great deal of their energies qualified with thought and feeling of devotional worship of God; also, those who are sincere and earnest in the representation of that religion in their honoring of those Holy Days, form a natural magnet for the drawing from us and our Realm of much more than ordinary protection and blessing. 

Beloved ones, for the next few months we have mapped out a course of action through which we intend to send a specific purifying current of great power through the religions of the world and we began with the Jewish Faith on last Thursday evening. This was so started not only because of the marvelous opportunity of more easily reaching those people through their attention upon the activities signified by their Holy Days, but also because, in the Near East, there is at present the clashing of the feelings of the people of the Mohammedan Religion and the people of the Jewish Faith, together (I regret to have to say) with some members of the Christian Faith as well. 

Beginning with the month of October, we shall turn our attention in like service to the Mohammedans. Then, while the Retreat at Shamballa is open and the great Spiritual currents of the Buddha are more than ordinarily active in the East, we shall devote the month of November to the Buddhists. In December, when my humble Presence is acknowledged by the attention of the masses of the people, we shall dedicate our energies to the purification of the Christian Faith. So, to those of you who are hoping to settle down into a happy little "rest period", I personally regret having to bring you news of more service. However, in this Activity, do not feel that you must become so very tense! As others of the Great Ones have told you, fifteen minutes of good application when your energy is fresh; your attention held firmly upon the perfection of what you want to have done and your feelings of faith and acceptance charging into that, is worth many hours of releasing tired, discouraged or uncertain energy.  

So, dear hearts, as you enter with us into this service of purification I want you to see this picture. We began this activity last Thursday evening and it has been expanding ever since. We established the double triangle representing the Star of David over and around this building (Sanctuary) and then, continuing to use the energies of the Builders of Form, the Directors of the Forces of Nature and the Beings connected with Ceremonial, we have now created a Star of David which is gigantic in size, so large that the Earth revolves within it and the Earth's axis forms a connection at either end with the inner part of that Star. Now, this Star which has been so created is made up of pure white light, with a tremendous activity and radiation of Blue Flame outside that white light. The center of this Star of David is filled with Violet Fire. It is a living, breathing entity! It is not an individual being, but it is a created thought-form, into which all of us (particularly every Avatar, Master, or the Progenitor of the particular Religion being purified) has poured and is continuing to pour our very life. It breathes thus: first, from the very center of the Earth (which is revolving within that Violet Fire in the middle of the Star) is breathed out into the periphery of the Star those destructive etheric records, thought and feeling forms particularly concerned with the Jewish Race. Then, as these are drawn out through the Violet Fire, White Light and Blue Flame, there is immediately breathed back into the place from whence they came, (right on the same current) the positive God-qualities and radiation of perfection from (in this case) the Great Being who was the main benefactor of the Jewish Race, the one whom you know as Beloved Moses (today known as God Ling, God of Happiness). Others who have served that Race through the ages are also giving their assistance here. 

As we said above, this thought-form is breathing. It renders the same service which you give on Transmission of the Flame night and what you should be doing daily in your individual breathing exercises. The activity of this thought-form is that it breathes out into the Star of David (from the particular group we are purifying at the time) the discord and then it breathes back our substance into these people, qualified with protection and perfection. Beloved ones, in the outer consciousness, you have no concept of how deeply imbedded in the etheric body (memory world) are the experiences of both good and evil of the present and from the past. These are easily stirred into action whenever great pressures and Cosmic tides of similar vibration move into, through and around the planet as they do during the time of the changing of the Rays. This is now taking place when, because of Cosmic progression, the time has arrived for the Sixth Ray (which has been the authority for the last 2000 years) to release such authority to the Seventh Ray. So, now that the new tremendous vitalizing radiation of the Seventh Ray is coming into action, those destructive etheric records (some of which have lain dormant for many, many hundreds of years) are brought to the surface, coming into the conscious mind and entering the feelings of the lifestreams concerned, they sometimes bring with them very great bitterness and very great hatred, as well as (less often, however) the remembrance of great light. 

It is to handle these that we are going to render this specific service now by this tremendous action of the Star of David described above. We shall sustain this activity of the Star until the service is completed. Each month the Great Being who is the Founder of the Religion to be purified that month will take the authority of making the "count" for the rhythmic breath Cosmically. Beloved Virgo, Pelleur, Neptune, Aries, Astraea and all the Beings who represent the Directors of the Elemental Kingdom are giving special assistance to us at this time because, naturally, the more impure substance which can be removed from the Earth, the more the Cosmic Christ Light can flow in to take its place... 

Call on Law of Forgiveness

Now, beloved ones, will you who are here today call with all your hearts, souls and spirits on the Law of Forgiveness for anything and everything which you may have contributed through the ages that are past, to the destructive karma which yet beats itself out upon the bodies and in the souls of human beings who are presently embodied in the Jewish Race? May I ask that silently right now while we are in your midst, you make that sincere heart-call, that all of the life which you have injured and then all the life that has injured you, in or from this particular Race and Religion, (as you suffered martyrdom and various experiences of an unpleasant nature) be sublimated (refined by fire), transmuted and blessed; henceforth expressing only the perfection which God intended in the beginning. This is a ceremony of giving and receiving. It is a ceremony of grace! 

Now, I ask you also to make the same call on the Law of Forgiveness for every other individual who belongs to that race (those who may not have touched your lifestream in any way) that they may be forgiven emotionally, mentally, etherically and physically for all that they have done that is wrong and all the wrong that has been done to them. Your call here will include a great many of those lifestreams who have passed out of their physical bodies because of terrific atrocities to those bodies in Russia, Siberia and Germany in recent years, as well as all the way back to the days of my own ministry. Some of these experiences also go back as far as the days of Moses the sufferings by the people of Israel in Egypt and the rebellions and resentments that ensued out of the Exodus of the Jews. It goes back into the struggles between the Tribes of Israel for their rightful King and then all the iniquities of those Kings and their Courts which followed. So, you are including a great army of lifestreams in this collective prayer. Many of such individuals are again in embodiment now and many more are soon to come. I think the greatest number to come into physical embodiment on the Earth this year (outside of the Buddhists) will be those of the Jewish Race. This is another reason why we are endeavoring to give this purification now so that, as these incoming children pass through the Gates of Birth, they will not have to take on the destructive karma of either commission or omission. 

I do thank you for your willing assistance, beloved ones, and it would be well if you were to continue this daily until the service is completed for all the Religions we are endeavoring to help. You may hold the mental picture of the activity of the Star of David even as you are lying down to rest the body or while you are on your way to your places of business, just visualize the great Star and see the Earth revolving within the Violet Fire in the center of that Star. Visualize there being drawn out of the bodies, minds and worlds of all in the Jewish Race (which we are purifying at this time) all destructive etheric records and impure substance. See this done also for all those from that Race who are not in embodiment at the present time, wherever they may be abiding in the Inner Realms. Then, as the thought-form breathes in, try to see and feel the shadowed substance being replaced by the radiation from the Beloved Moses whose quality is the feeling of God-happiness (the color of his Flame is bright gold); as well as the pure Christ White-light substance from myself, my Beloved Mother and all the other Great Ones who are assisting in this service. 

Your Spiritual Vocation

Beloved ones, you are people who have a vocation and that vocation is a Spiritual one! In other words, the Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth within your heart made a vow to God and to certain Masters to perform a chosen service in this world of form. However, you do not have a vocation of the soul as well, at least not completely, as yet. There is a difference, you see, and that is where your personal "Armageddon" comes in. In the fuller freedom of the Inner Levels, it is very easy for the Immortal Threefold Flame of God, the Immortal Identity of you, to vow to assist, for instance, in a World Movement like this of the Beloved Saint Germain; but the soul-self, with its etheric memories, its mental concepts, its emotional tendencies, is not always wholly cooperative with that Spiritual vocation. There is the battle between the pressures of self-dedication to Cosmic service and the surrender of the soul (outer self) to God and that service. Now, the Church endeavors to prepare the individual for a "soul-dedication". That is my endeavor with you now! Spiritually, you have made your' vocation manifest in serving this Freedom Flame and mankind at large for many years. Sometimes, though, your soul has longed for release, relief and respite from this continuous task and that has caused a "war" in the feelings between the desire to serve the Christ or the "passing" man. 

Now, to dedicate your soul and to really have a vocation of your outer self, you must persistently pursue the Seven Steps of Creation (or Precipitation) which have been placed before you again and again:

FIRST: You must be willing to do the WILL OF GOD in joyous humility; 

SECOND: You must be willing to PERCEIVE the Will of God that which he desires you to do by listening for and hearing the "still small voice within" or from those of the Ascended Host who choose to assist you; 

THIRD: You must have a willingness to learn to really LOVE God, the Ascended Host and the Angels; 

FOURTH: You must be willing to become absolutely PURE in motive (let me emphasize that again and again. It is the PURITY OF MOTIVE which will determine the efficacy of your works; 

FIFTH: You must be willing to CONSECRATE your feelings; (Here is a place where you will have to watch yourself when you take step No. 5. If you were to give me your feelings this morning in a burst of enthusiasm and say: "Lord, these are thine", I should expect to keep them at the rate of vibratory action which is mine. Would you think it fair, then, to take them back and express through them the feelings of the outer self, such as depressions or rage? Are you able to consecrate your feelings to me today with no reservations? I wouldn't answer that question, if I were you until I had thought about it well, for if you were so to do, I should consider your feeling world my own. 

If you were to give your mind to me today and say: "Lord, this mental body is thine, never, never again will I think of anything less than the same perfect concepts which fill your thoughts." Could you then let your mental body lie within the compass of my thinking? 

Were you to give your etheric body to me today and say: "Lord, here are all my memories. Transmute that which is not of light and keep the rest as a heritage". Would you not be inclined to remember some grievance and take back the gift you had given me? Were you to give me your flesh body today and say: "Lord, without reservation this flesh body is Thine". Then, should I say: "We shall walk, then, the width of this great Continent (or its length) ", would that flesh body still remain mine? When you make a sincere consecration, which is part of a soul's vocation, it is ALL, dear heart, OR NOTHING!) 

SIXTH: You must be willing to stay and MINISTER to mankind long enough to finish the service you have vowed to give; 

SEVENTH: You must be willing to believe in and desire to learn the most efficacious way of drawing the grace of Heaven (INVOCATION) unto Earth. 

Pin your soul against the wall, tonight, dear hearts, like the shadow of Peter Pan. See how much you are really giving and how much you are RESERVING! I say this only because the more you give us, honestly without fear and without regrets, the more we can use you and the more quickly you become like us. 

May all the blessings of the Most High Living God and the peace of the Eternal Father rest upon, be alive and active in and through you. May that day quickly come when your souls can humbly stand before whatever Master has sponsored you and make that surrender which will give to you the power of conducting all the radiation of that Master's Presence into this world of form. Thank you, so much and Good morning!






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