Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God "I AM" in me, O thou Beloved Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth within my beating heart, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind and to the Beloved Archaii "Hope", Spirit of Resurrection, do I call:

Sweep the Flame of Resurrection through all my world today

Let its joyous, raising Presence ever with me stay!

Sweep it through me constantly, renewing every part

Fulfilling all God's perfect Plan that's held within my heart. 

Surge the Resurrection Flame through everything in me

Let it now reveal the full perfection I should be!

Let It make me young and lovely; healthy, too and wise

Drawing forth God's power to bring sight to blinded eyes; 

Let me use its power on those who cannot hear

Let that hearing be restored; perfect, crystal clear!

Let this Resurrection Flame bring balance to each mind

That's lost its way, confused amid the shadows of mankind. 

"I AM the resurrection and the life of all I need"

Whether that be manifest as money, word or deed.

In short, the Resurrection Flame is God's great gift to me!

O, Holy Christ Self, help me use it setting all earth free!



On March 17th, we have the great joy of honoring the birthday of Beloved Saint Patrick. Some of our gentle readers may be familiar with his life and experiences. If so, you will remember that it was the Great Being Victory who conversed with Saint Patrick on that hill in Ireland which Patrick had ascended, vowing he would not come down from that hill until he had been granted the dispensations of mercy and light which he made there for his people. In this particular experience, Beloved Saint Patrick was subjected to the initiations of constancy and perseverance. Three different times, the Beloved Victory told Patrick to return to the valley from whence he had come, content with his own soul's salvation. However, Saint Patrick refused so to do continuing his demands on the Godhead for certain spiritual assistance for the people of Ireland. He continued to storm the Gates of Heaven even in the face of the Celestial "rebuff" from Beloved Victory. 

Finally, the Initiator (Victory) smilingly told Patrick that he had passed his test of perseverance and constancy of endeavor and that God's grant of mercy and spiritual benediction for his people would be his reward. 

Grateful indeed are we today for the strength of this lifestream who, as Beloved Saint Germain has counseled us, just "kept on keeping on" until that for which he asked was in his hand! We ask him now to help each one of us who needs a similar strength.