An Address by


December 30, 1955

Beloved children of God, I come to bring to you my consciousness of victorious accomplishment! That which I have done that which I have manifested through a flesh form similar to the one which you presently wear was not miraculous! It was something similarly ordained for every lifestream upon this planet. My endeavor to bring that manifestation of Christ-fulfillment before the eyes of men, was merely to provide an example by which every man, woman and child might be stirred to make effort toward a like development and a like maturity of their own Godhood. 

One of the greatest mistakes which has "bogged down" the activity of the Christian Dispensation is the placing of Godhood upon myself alone and denying it to my fellowman. Of course, as we have come into a more enlightened age and some of the superstitions and dogmas of the Orthodox thinking have been swept away by the braver men and women who opened the door to the spiritual Path, there has come a spiritual realization that Christhood is possible for others besides my humble Self. Before I was even born into my final embodiment, there were many, many lifestreams who had achieved the state of Christhood; full Mastery and God-control, having sublimated the flesh form, knowing the victory of the Ascension! However, for the Christian Dispensation, it was my great opportunity to manifest the Resurrection, which is done so easily every Spring by your Nature Kingdom. I was to come and bring the Divine Presence right into the substance of Earth, developing it into a God-man, made in the Image and Likeness of the Father who, in the first place, created me. He also has created you in like manner. 

The Perfect Divine Pattern 

For every Divine creation, whether it be Angel, Deva, Seraphim, or human being, there is the Archetype of Perfection for that creation. In the case of the human being, Saint Germain has chosen to call it "the individualized 'I AM' Presence." This Divine Pattern of Perfection is fashioned out of living light and within its heart is placed the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Life. Within that Flame is intelligence and within it is consciousness! In lesser degrees of expression such as flowers etcetera, there is also a Divine Pattern created. If it is in the Nature Kingdom, the Divine Pattern is formed by the Devas who are designing (let us say), the daffodils, which will be the glory of the country-side in the Springtime. The Divine Pattern is fashioned at Inner Levels out of primal light by the thoughts and feelings of those Devas; energized by the directed pressure of some Elemental life and then is focused within the bulb. The Elemental who is in charge of breathing his life essence upon the bulb causes the Divine Pattern of perfection (already within the bulb) to expand, until the perfect replica and manifestation of the daffodil appears, that Divine Pattern which is in the Inner Realms. 

So, those who have given great honor to my particular Mission might consider this with a little more wisdom and understanding. They would find that every daffodil which bursts into bloom; every flowering shrub; every tree that follows its natural pattern does, through the Nature Kingdom, that which I did through a flesh body! You, too, must do this some day! Within your own individualized "I AM" Presence, you have your Divine Pattern and Plan. You have been created and directed from the heart of the Universal First Cause by some Great God-parents. Some of you came from Alpha and Omega's Cosmic Hearts; some from Isis and Osiris; some from Apollo and Diana; some from Krishna and Sofia or from Helios and Vesta. (Note: The above Sun Gods and Sun Goddesses are those in charge of Systems closer to the Great Central Sun than the System to which the Earth belongs, Helios and Vesta being the God-parents of our System. Alpha and Omega represent the Great Central Sun itself.) Your individualized "I AM" Presence was created in the Image of the God-parents who directed a Threefold Flame from their hearts into universal light substance and around that Flame coalesced your glorious Electronic Body of light. Then later, there was projected down into this physical appearance world a portion of that magnificent Flame. It contains within Itself (even as the bulb contains within itself the perfect design of the daffodil), the picture and the seed of your Divinity and of your God-self. Are you less, then, than a flowering bulb or a seed that produces after its kind? Are you less than a blade of grass; less than even the embryo chicken which bursts from the egg, following the pattern of its parents? Ah, no! You are far greater! 

However, you have one thing which is not the gift of the Nature Kingdom - freewill! Through the use of that gift of freewill, you have chosen not to let the God who created you (the Divine, perfect "I AM" Presence Who is living within your heart) expand into its full perfection. From time to time, Beings have been chosen at Inner Levels who have a certain consciousness of the capacity of "letting go and letting God" and these volunteer to come to Earth through physical embodiment to show the people the way to attain Mastery; showing them how to develop into the full flower; the full bloom of the Christ. 

Your Mission Similar to Mine! 

Now, your Mission is similar to my own! Before I came into the world of form, I was "charged" with a Mission that is to manifest unto all mankind the full perfection of our Father which is in Heaven. You were also so "charged" when you were created! When your Beloved Infinite "I AM" Presence projected down into your physical heart the Immortal Three-fold Flame, that Flame contained within it the embryonic Christ whose light we are now endeavoring to expand until it has stirred the outer self from its soul-sleep. We are trying to expand that light to a point where its pressure is more powerful than that of the shadows of the physical and astral Realms in which you presently abide. 

Beloved ones, let us not feel that "becoming the Christ" is such an effort! Is it an effort for the bulb to release the green shoot; the lovely golden head of the daffodil; or the lily with its fragrance? Is it an effort for the Nature Kingdom each Spring to manifest the Spirit of Resurrection and, where trees with leafless branches signify the absence of life, to bring perfume and color in blossoms that garland your countryside with such beauty that it brings you closer to the Kingdom of Heaven? 

Beloved ones, why is mankind alone content to allow the embryonic Christ within his heart to remain quiescent within its "shell"? Why is he content to let it remain within the "bulb" and not let the flower of his Divine manhood unfold? The perfume, beauty, dignity and gifts of God through each one should expand to bless the Earth and her people sick unto death with travail and all manner of distress. 

What is the "second-coming"? 

One Christ is not enough, even in a two-thousand year period! The "second-coming" means the awakening of many men and many women; many sincere and determined lifestreams who have had enough of their own way and who, in the privacy of their own rooms, are willing to kneel before their own God, asking that that Presence have its own way with them; externalizing the glory of the Divine Pattern and Plan through their outer selves. 

This was my Message it was my Mission! It was the reason for my coming into being; the reason for which I went through every experience of the Earth life, even to allowing men to mutilate my flesh form. I allowed this to prove that the Immortality and Divinity of the Godhead could be manifest through one of the sons of men. This is my endeavor now, in drawing your attention, each and every one of you, to your own Christ. It is not as if you had to generate something inside yourselves that is not already there. It is not as though the gardener had to insert the pattern and picture of the daffodil into the bulb... it is already there! The very fact that you have being and a beating heart proves that this Divine Image and Pattern is within you and it but requires the courtesy of allowing your Presence to develop its full maturity through your lifestream at this time. All over the world tonight, earnest, and sincere groups of men and women have gathered together while we are endeavoring to pour our energies into their souls, dislodging in that process the desire to continue to use free-will destructively! 

Dear hearts, the removal of the destructive use of free-will is the petition which you individually and collectively have made to the Karmic Board. I would like to explain to you that the desire to use the free-will destructively (which continues to create and sustain imperfection) is in the feeling world. Thus you may understand a little more clearly how it is possible for you, through application, to raise the vibratory action of your own world, the student body and then of mankind at large, to a point where destructive desires no longer exist. You know that the more rapid the vibrations of energy, physically, mentally, emotionally or etherically, the less of discord there is! The slower the vibratory action of the atoms and cells which make up your physical and inner bodies, the more prone they are to accept and become the recipients of vibrations of a low, heavy and discordant nature. Therefore, the acceleration of the vibratory rates of your inner and outer vehicles is part of the reason for your decree work, your songs and, in general, your collective group endeavors. 

Acceleration of Decrees and Songs is Beneficial 

When a group of students gathers together for a meeting, a great Master Presence or Deva stands within the atmosphere. As the decrees, fiats and songs go forth in a fairly rapid but balanced tempo, the rate of vibration of the atoms making up your physical and inner bodies increases and there is thrown off much misqualified substance which is instantly transmuted by the Great One in charge of the meeting. You would be amazed could you see with the inner sight, how much impure substance of your worlds is thus transmuted by that beautiful, ever-present and all-willing Violet Fire. This impure substance has been lodged in your physical and inner bodies. 

Benefactions of Violet Flame 

This Violet Transmuting Flame is always blazing up around every Sanctuary, once it has been called forth there, even when you are not present. It is so wonderful to know that the Violet Fire is always there. Whenever purification is called for, that Violet Flame goes into action. It frees the Elemental substance from all impurities, returning it to the Sun for repolarization by Divine Love. 

Explanation of Atom and Electron 

Now, to explain the activity of the atoms, we shall go back to our illustration of the electron and the atom which has been given you previously, (especially in the Autumn class of 1955). The Causal Body* (represented by the circles of color around the upper figure in the Chart) may be likened unto an enlarged electron. Many of those electrons, swinging around a central core, form one atom. Between each electron there is a great distance (relatively speaking). As the electrons swing within their atom, they are either expanding their light or they are closed in by the discord and substance of the astral and psychic Realm, which is forced like pie-shaped wedges, between these points of light. Now, when your thoughts, your feelings and your etheric memories dwell upon imperfection, you slow down the vibratory action of your electrons and then the substance of the psychic and astral Realm closes in around them, lowering the entire vibration of your four lower bodies. In this way you become an easy prey to depression, poverty, ill-health; to any number of the various negative aspects which mankind at large mirror and outpicture today. 

(*NOTE: The "Causal Body" is composed of a series of circles of constructive colors around the individualized God Presence of each lifestream (the "I AM" Presence), that which Beloved Jesus called the "Father". This Causal Body is the repository of all the good created and developed by that lifestream that created by the Presence and Holy Christ Self of the individual at Inner Levels, before taking physical embodiment; as well as all the good created, developed and expanded by the human personality through all its centuries of embodiment here on Earth (or on some other planet, if the individual came here from another Star . Beloved Jesus says in one of the Gospels in the New Testament that man shall be accountable for every word that proceeds from his mouth; also that every "jot and tittle" must be accounted for. So it is! Not one electron or atom escapes from experiencing the results of the vibrations sent out by, from or through it. The Law of the Circle is absolute and all must return to its Source one day, either for purification or reward. That which is GOOD is deposited in the Causal Body and that which is discordant (because of its very density and low rate of vibration) stays around the physical body and its environment. It is this accumulation of evil which forms the Astral or Psychic Plane! This discordant accumulation (individual as well as the collective discord in the Astral and Psychic Realm, must all be purified and redeemed one day, before the Ascension can take place). This purification is accomplished through the constant, dynamic use of the Violet Transmitting Flame. When 51% of the energy of one's lifestream has been drawn into the Causal Body, qualified with perfection, then that individual's Ascension into his Presence (his Source of God's Perfection) has begun.) 


Constant Vigilance Required Over Four Lower Bodies 

Now, in order to quicken the vibratory action of your inner bodies, you must use that Immortal Threefold Flame within your hearts and you must make conscious effort to accelerate the rate of the electrons as they move around the center of the atom. This is done through your decree work; through your songs, visualizations and applications individually or in groups. It is done also by a constant vigilance over the type of feelings you allow to rest in your emotional world and the type of thoughts you dwell upon. This vigilance is necessary all through the day, not only during the hours while you are in class, at which time you are directed primarily by someone in charge, whose endeavors keep your attention above the consciousness of the mass mind. The type of memories which you have and the type of physical environment with which you surround yourself also affects these inner vehicles. As you keep a vigilant watch over the activities of these inner bodies and you keep the vibratory action of each one of them up above vibrations of the psychic and astral Realm, then there should be no difficulty in expanding the Christ Flame from within your heart. If you allow these bodies to descend into the Realms where discord and negative creations abide (through discordant thoughts and feelings) then you have age, disease, limitations and distresses of every kind and description. 

Your physical body is interpenetrated by your etheric body. These are enfolded by your mental body and your emotional body. All of these are made up of atoms. Those atoms are composed of a series of electrons in constant motion, spinning around its tiny centripetal heart. Now, the quality of the atoms of every one of your bodies is constantly subject to change; to purification and etherealization; or to become grosser and heavier. That is why individuals are sometimes very beautiful when they are young (around eighteen years of age). Their faces then are clear and unlined; their bodies are alive and buoyant; but after they have passed through the discordant experiences of some twenty or thirty years, you find that the vital flesh atoms have been lowered in vibration. This makes the flesh form less beautiful than it was before the discord was registered upon it. 

Your emotional body is in a constant state of motion, as is even this seemingly inanimate lectern upon which I place my hand. Science has confirmed that there is no such thing as inert or inanimate matter. Your emotional body is made up of millions of tiny electrons in constant movement these form the atoms. Now, if that motion of the electrons is in accord with the rhythm of your God-Flame and is in accord with the constructive radiation of some Master, that is fine! Then your emotional body deflects all destructive feelings projected at you, as well as all the discordant energy which you contact. You are then the Master-control of all energy wherever you are! In other words, your feelings ride upon the surface of life, just as a cork floats upon the water and it requires no effort to sustain itself in that buoyant, happy state. However, if the vibrations of the emotional bodies are allowed to submerge that body beneath the buoyant poised happiness of the Master (uninterrupted harmony) , the form of atom changes and you have a heavy and uncontrolled vehicle, which is part of the mass psychic and astral Realm of mankind. In order to refine and purify such an emotional body, the student has to keep using the Violet Fire through it constantly! 

Strength of Love Required for Victory 

Here, let me digress for just a moment. Sometimes it is quite amazing to me to see what some people think I feel! My goodness! If I had been the lukewarm, sad-faced individual mankind picture me to be, I never would have gained the victory! Beloved friends, Divine love takes great strength! To honestly love in the face of betrayal, abuse and distress, takes great strength... Love is not a negative, lukewarm consciousness which mankind so often accept in referring to the shepherd and the sheep. The shepherd is eternally vigilant and his love for his sheep takes him into many dangerous places, believe me! 

Now, going back again to this emotional body of which we were speaking, if you find that yours is heavy; if it has explosive tendencies and if it has various qualities in it, apt to rush off hit or miss, according to the pressures of the moment, all right! Let us be calm about it! You have created it throughout many centuries of living. It is made up of intelligent electrons forming atoms and these you have collected through ages of time. They are yours! No one can take them from you, probably no one wants to! The very fact that it is yours; that it is intelligent and that it can be sublimated (refined by fire) should be an encouragement to you. Students get so discouraged the moment they see any expression of the "Dweller on the Threshold" (their own human creation) the moment they see something in their worlds which needs correction. They go along for many years or perhaps a whole lifetime in joy and happiness when their strong points are confirmed; but it is the weak points which keep you from your Ascension! 

Dear hearts, we come to give you assistance in correcting that which is wrong in your world and to help you create strength of character... Every time you have a flare of discordant feeling, it blasts through your emotional body, setting all the electrons and atoms ajar. What happens then? After these little electrons and atoms get over their shock, they are vibrating in a broken rhythm and any of the psychic and astral Realm around them, vibrating at the same rate, connects with them and becomes part of the substance of your own emotional vehicle. Meantime, through the natural proximity of the mental body to the emotional, the electrons of the mental body are also set into motion and you have another set of discordant vibrations. When the mental body is inharmonious, it tunes into other discordant thoughts and draws those types of atoms into itself. This stirs up etheric memories, somebody did the same thing to you twenty years ago, and the etheric body starts into motion. (Audience laughed.) Well, beloved ones, I am glad you can laugh, but this is what happens to the average chela and student in a period of twenty-four hours, once if not more often. Then, all of these discordant bodies react upon the flesh and you have indigestion, a headache or some other physical distress. The flesh body is prostrated for the time being. Then, all over again, you have to start to recreate a harmony among the members of your household. 

The Beloved Maha Chohan brought out a good point of instruction, last night. You know, sometimes it is necessary for us to come together and discuss the class work, as well as your progress individually. He said one of us should be sure to bring to the attention of the students the fact that repression of emotions is not the answer to this endeavor to sublimate the outer self. You see, repression of thoughts, emotions or actions will only cause frustration, which will react in either physical distress or some mental or emotional block in consciousness. Transmutation of your energies is the safe way to get these vehicles into alignment. Now, you can use various methods of transmutation. 

Ways to Govern Lower Bodies 

If you are a very dynamic, powerful and positive individual and you have a great amount of energy to handle, you can transmute that energy in some type of constructive service. Those of you who are gifted musically, when you feel a surge of irritation approaching, still yourself for a moment and then do something good with that energy. Play the piano; write a kindly letter; do something you know will make someone else happy; do something constructive and make the energy in the emotional body render some good service, rather than allowing it to explode in the unbridled emotion of the moment. 

Please, dear hearts, do this with the mental body as well. If you have recurrent thoughts of self-pity or depression and if you continue to go back to thought patterns of impurity (some lifestreams have more to handle along this line than others), take charge of those thoughts right then and there! If your mind is inclined to dwell on the negative side of life; on either impurity, poverty or limitation of any kind; put your mind to work on something just the opposite. Give it a book to read; give it something constructive to do and re-channel that energy to where you want it to go! Give your mind constructive decrees to learn and repeat. As long as it wants to work, then give it one of the books of the Ascended Masters to read and let the energy work itself out harmoniously. 

The same thing is true of the etheric body. Individuals who have a lot of leisure on their hands, particularly those in mental institutions, old peoples' homes, prisons, etc, those who have not enough to do allow the etheric body to continue to spin out records of past injuries which have caused those conditions to manifest. The entire atmosphere in and around those places is permeated with that effluvia of depression. This is also true of students when they go on vacation or have too much free time. If the etheric body has not been fully purified, there will come out of this sub-conscious Realm many things which cause you to feel a sense of being "hard done by", through the injustices of other parts of life. This is something to guard against! You can do the same with this etheric body as you did with the other bodies, either use your music or your reading, or render some constructive service to your fellow-man. This will keep your etheric body from that disintegrating practice of energizing past errors. 

If you will do this, beloved ones, eventually you will get the electrons and atoms of all your bodies polarized and harmonized long enough to let God, through you, fulfill himself. The Godhead must get all your vehicles to a point of uninterrupted harmony long enough to allow that beautiful Presence to fulfill itself in glory through you, in dignity and in Mastery... Thank you and goodnight!







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