To the Cosmic Spirit of May:

Blessings upon you, blessed Spirit upon whose sweet essence so many individuals among our Company have ascended out of the toils of human shadow into the light of Eternal Day! 

We do invoke the stimulating Presence of your radiation to flow through the souls of men, resuscitating their spiritual selves which contain so much of the beauty and glory of God's Kingdom! 

In this season when the Nature Kingdom expresses so fully the glory of renewed life, beauty and perfection, let mankind also experience the joy of a "rebirth", each man a God, each woman a Goddess, each child a potential Cherubim of Light! 

Many of us remember the month of May as a month of personal liberation and victorious God freedom! We ask that all mankind may be sensitized enough to accept that which you offer and then utilize your ascending rhythm to rise above all limitations into full freedom! 



The Homes and Retreats of the Masters of Wisdom



May 15th through June 14, 1956 

In the southern part of France is one of the most beautiful Retreats of the Masters of Wisdom, dedicated in spirit and in practical service to the development of the Divine Plan through the hearts, minds, souls and spirits of every intelligence belonging to the evolutions in the Earth, on the Earth and in its atmosphere. 

Upon careful discernment, one notices that everything about this magnificent Chateau is expressed in the Trinity, denoting the Third Ray upon which our Beloved Paul presently serves. The magnificent tree-lined drive has three rows of high trees on either side. There are three series of marble steps leading up to the doorway of this magnificent edifice, between each set a large lawn in the center of which a beautiful fountain plays. The building itself is built in three stories. Behind the Chateau there are the magnificent gardens in three tiers. Here the lovely statuary is displayed among the glorious marble columns wound round with roses of every known variety. In these gardens, many beautiful musical evenings are spent and, although few are privileged to attend in their physical bodies, many hear the celestial music wafted on the soft sweet air perfumed by the variegated flowers, which carries these gifts of LOVE to the people of France, Europe and then all mankind. 

The service of Beloved Paul and the Brotherhood of the Chateau de Liberte is also threefold. First, the development of a true love for and faith in God by whatever name the devotee chooses to call him; Second, a love for and cooperation with the Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, Angelic, Seraphic and Cherubic Beings who are his Messengers, as well as the unascended chelas who represent him in the world of form; Third, by a sincere and practical love for the potential gifts hidden within the hearts of men and women everywhere. This love, impersonally but definitely directed, can, and does draw forth from the hidden recesses of the soul the talents, gifts, powers and activities for which every man was given being and was sustained through eons of time by his own "I Am" presence. 

Belief in and respect for the Divine Manifestation through every human heart signifies a true devotee and representative of this Brotherhood. As the Beloved Paul himself said recently: "It is easy to love beauty, genius, and the developed talent, but it takes true Divine love and faith to love the individual who has the desire to express some talent, not having had as yet either the training or development to give such expression its perfected channel of manifestation." 

Thus, although our Beloved Paul (as well as those who have represented the Third Ray before him), has gathered around Him in his Retreat the perfect specimens of art, sculpture and every type of exquisite culture already developed by man in all the Golden Ages through which the Earth has passed, he also retains (as a mother sacredly saves the kindergarten child's first endeavors) the crude expressions of those who desire to become perfect channels for the Divine Concept in the world of form. He and his Brotherhood not only guard, sustain, encourage and protect the genius already at the top of the ladder, but the humble aspirant who has gingerly placed his timid feet upon the first rung of that Ladder of Attainment. 

In Golden Ages that have been and the New Golden Age of the Master Saint Germain into which we have now entered, every Nation will provide for, encourage, subsidize and develop this "budding genius" in foci patterned after the Chateau de Liberte. Then the many souls who come to Earth with gifts and talents will not find a cold, unresponsive world that shrivels their aspirations and steals the precious life energies of such potential geniuses in the necessity of "making a living" in the outer world. Until this time comes, the Brotherhood of Liberty do their best to hold a radiation of Faith, Love, Encouragement, Protection and sustained Enthusiasm around such individuals whose potential gifts are ignored by a thoughtless world. 

In this beautiful month of May, many souls are called to the Sacred Heart Temple before the Beloved Mother Mary and are given the opportunity of taking embodiment upon the Earth, as she fashions gently the Holy Grail (Heart) within which will pulsate the Three-fold Flame of life. Through past embodiments and through study at Inner Levels at the Feet of their Masters these souls have perfected, to a great degree, much of the beauty of the Divine Plan and they approach a new Earth life with much hope; much inspiration; much developed talent to give to a world that cannot or does not at present know how to receive them. 

Within the Three-fold Flame in their hearts is anchored the talent which they bring. For the men and women already incarnate, who have achieved their physical majority and who will be the parents, teachers and guardians of such incoming souls mentioned above, we pray that such prospective parents will prepare for their coming and join the Brotherhood of Liberty, thus giving such souls OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS that which is within their beating hearts. 

Below the main floor of the Chateau de Liberte pulsates the Liberty Flame itself and those who are ready to give to the world something of celestial beauty are drawn, either in their etheric bodies or in their Holy Christ Selves, into this Chateau to receive the added strength of the Liberty Flame to vitalize, energize and sustain their endeavors as they go forth to bring greater beauty to mankind en masse. 


(Note: For further descriptions of this Foci of the Ascended Masters, please see

"The Bridge to Freedom," September, 1953; September, 1954; August, 1955.)



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