
May 20, 1956

Although the first Whitsuntide took place 10 days after the Ascension of the Beloved Master Jesus, (the disciples having been bereft of the strength, comfort, faith and powers that his visible Presence afforded them) men and women everywhere have experienced an individual Whitsuntide from time to time throughout the ages. This special Feast Day celebrates the descent and merging of the Spirit of Cosmic Comfort with the individual's own outer consciousness. It is the mystic union between the Divine and the human. Sincere students upon the path toward the Father's heart, sooner or later find their individual endeavors, prayers, aspirations and devotions raising the outer mind and feelings to the "upper chamber" and suddenly, as a "descent of fire" the Spirit of the Father becomes one with that of his children. Then, as the early disciples were, they too are filled with a new Spirit of accomplishment in his name! On this anniversary of the mystical "transfusion" of the Holy Spirit into the outer consciousness of the disciples, let us all enter the "Upper Chamber" and invoke as well as accept the descent of the Holy Spirit into our lives and expression. It is in our seeming "aloneness" that the mystic union takes place. Beloved Jesus knew this. He understood full well the dependence upon him of his faithful followers, which dependence in reality hindered their full God expression. He said: "For if I go not away, the Comforter (Paraclete) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you." 





May 10, 1956

The public Ascension of the Master Jesus was part of his great ministry so that those who chose might witness, through his Victory, the ALL POWER of the Father, whom he loved and served so selflessly throughout his entire embodiment. Truly has it been said: "He the GREAT EXAMPLE IS!" He himself said: "The things that I do, ye shall do also and even greater things than these shall ye do because I go to my Father which is in Heaven". Among these seeming miracles was his Resurrection and Victory over so-called death; followed by his Ascension and transmutation of the elements of even his physical body in the Presence of an assembled multitude. Long before the final manifestation of his Ascension, his Holy Mother Mary daily walked up the path to the top of the Hill of Bethany where she sent her prayers and devotions Heavenward. In so doing she had created for Jesus an actual Pathway made up of her consecrated prayer force to help him accomplish this public Ascension. Then, before the mingled consciousness of many minds, Jesus performed this final feat of Mastery; hoping thereby to encourage those following after him to make the necessary endeavors to manifest like accomplishment! Upon this Ascension Day, let us look to Beloved Jesus and ask for his feeling of the actual Victory of the Ascension into the natural God estate, from whence mankind has fallen through misuse of the life energies of thought, feeling, spoken word and action. 





May 24, 1956 (approx. 10:27 A.M., E.S.T.) 

From all over the world, guided by the compass of their own heart's love, pilgrims wend their way toward the Wesak Valley for the celebration of the yearly return of the Lord Gautama Buddha. Now, as he has acceded to the exalted position as Lord of the World, the celebration of the Wesak Festival takes on new significance. In his added Power and Glory, as his Luminous Figure appears over the Wesak Valley, all the full gathered momentum which he has gained and which has made him able to fill the position of Lord of the World will be released through the pilgrims attending this Wesak Festival and, through them, to all evolutions in the Earth, on the Earth and in Its atmosphere. Let us not forget to direct our consciousness, minds and feelings toward this particularly significant outpouring of Lord Gautama this year. 





Our precious Buddha!

We welcome you as our new Lord

We want to serve you,

So help us, Great Karmic Board!

Your gentle Presence

Now help us to manifest here;

Let us outpicture

Our Father, so dear. 

We are so grateful

That you have prepared for this time

Ready and willing

To free such a Friend sublime!

To you we're grateful

For showing us God's "Middle Way"

Help us to live in

It's vict'ry each day! 

Our gracious Buddha

Our Teacher and Friend of the past

Flood men with wisdom

And set them all free at last!

Bless them with freedom

And hold them in love's Violet Fire;

Purify all ways

Their every desire. 

Helios and Vesta!

Reward this great Master of Peace;

Flood all his Being

With blessings that never cease.

Make our dear Planet

The fullness of all she should be

Her evolutions

Forever all free!



(NOTE: Above lyrics may be sung to melody "Moonlight and Roses.")










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