The Masters of Wisdom Speak



The forming of The Great White Brotherhood by Sanat Kumara was prompted by the requirement of the hour to reestablish a conscious communion between the Ascended Master Realm and the outer consciousness of mankind. When the veil of maya (spun by mankind themselves from their secret thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions) separated mankind in consciousness from their own "I Am" Presence, the Kingdom of the Angels, the Cosmic and Ascended Beings, mankind was truly in a state of confusion and outer darkness. This Great Order began the long and rather thankless task of endeavoring to reach the outer minds of the "few" who, in the recesses of their memory, retained some concept of the ideal state in which Master, Angel, Elemental and man walked and served together with a common purpose TO FULFILL THE DIVINE PLAN OF GOD, the Cosmic "I Am" Presence of this Universe. After centuries of time, the "few" responded and, in time, others became interested in preparing themselves for re-instatement in God's Kingdom. Each such a one, achieving and sustaining a state of spiritual grace, released a Volunteer Spiritual Emissary from another Galaxy or System, to return HOME! The new Members then, in turn, began the long and tedious work of interesting others to take upon themselves the task of personal redemption of the energies of their worlds so that they might become conscious conductors of the purpose and plan for this Earth. Today, as we are in a time of planetary and universal change, we are accelerating the endeavors of ALL within whom is a desire to re-establish a conscious "communion" with the Divine Realm, from whence truly all blessings flow. Let me counsel the earnest, the sincere, the interested chelas to watch their own motives, for therein lies their passport to such freedom or, conversely, their continued bondage to the desires of the emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles which encompass their still polluted souls. Man needs no outer guide, except for discrimination, honesty of introspection and humility, to show him the motive that stimulates his endeavor. My Beloved Pallas Athena and the Master Hilarion are particularly interested in helping those aspirants whose motives are impersonal and humble, to a greater realization of Truth for themselves. They know that, in that realization, the chela will desire to serve the entire evolution impersonally, as do all the Members of the Brotherhood. 


The Great White Brotherhood (in the Ascended State) have voluntarily chosen to temporarily renounce the greater joys and freedom of Cosmic Service in order to help those among the human race who desire their counsel, instruction and assistance. In order to do this, the Members of this Brotherhood have to find, sustain and expand an association with and through unascended beings. Thus, the Divine Plan is conveyed to the outer consciousness of individuals who, in themselves, are not yet capable of reaching the state of consciousness where they may perceive clearly this Divine Plan. Of course, there are many "facets" of a Divine Plan which encompasses all evolutions in the Earth, on the Earth and in its atmosphere. Each Chohan endeavors to promote and develop that portion of the Divine Plan which is specifically delegated to him to externalize through individuals who belong, primarily, to his own Ray. My Ray is concerned with the projection of conscious knowledge of the Will of God (the Cosmic "I Am" Presence) into the outer consciousness of those who choose to accept it and attempt, according to their various talents, capacities, powers and momentums, to externalize this Divine Plan for the benefaction of the Earth and its evolutions! 


The service of the Second Ray (which I oversee) is to throw the Light of Illumination upon the individual Divine Plan of each lifestream belonging to this evolution. The Second Ray also intensifies the radiation of comprehension, discrimination and understanding through the outer consciousness of those who desire to help fulfill the Divine Plan of the entire race, besides developing and externalizing their own portion of the Divine Plan through co-operation with their individual "I Am" Presence. This Golden Flame of Illumination is no figment of the imagination but rather a specific "searchlight" of directed God-energy to make clear and distinct heretofore vapory and vague impressions which sometimes enter the consciousness of the earnest chela. It helps such an individual to distinguish between the promptings of his own personal self and the promptings of his "I Am" Presence, as well as those of the Ascended Host of Light. The personal self is willing (yes and eager) to accept as "gospel" those promptings which issue from the emotional, mental and etheric vehicles that tend to build up the ego and glorify the personality. This personal self is not so willing (and, in fact, reluctant) to accept the impersonal promptings from the "I Am" Presence and the Ascended Host which are contrary to the concepts, opinions, pre-conceived ideas and desires of the unascended individual. It is to help in the development of humility in the outer self, the discrimination of the consciousness, and the obedience of this self to the Will of God, that Illumination's Golden Flame is dedicated. Be assured that any prompting, direction, advice or counsel which builds up the personal ego, stems from the impure energies of the lower bodies or the directions of other individuals who wish to use the weakness of the personality by such promptings and commendations. Be also assured that any promptings which tend to sublimate the personal ego and make of the individual a humble (yet withal positive) power for good in the world of form, issue from above. 


The service of the Third Ray (of which I am presently Guardian) is to stimulate the love for God (The Cosmic "I Am" Presence), the Messengers of God (Masters and Angels) and the unascended beings who are attempting to serve God and his Holy Messengers according to their own light. We are also directly concerned with the development of the potential Divinity within the hearts of all men, embodied Angels and Elementals. The direction of the substance, radiation and pressure of the Pink Ray in, through and around all such individuals, is a practical way of assisting them in the development of confidence in God, his Messengers and the potential good within unascended beings. This Pink Ray acts as a "Cosmic Incubator" which stimulates the Divine instincts endeavoring to find expression through the soul-self as a blessing to the individual, as well as to the evolution of the Earth as a whole! "Self-love" is not enough! Love for God, his Messengers and one's fellowman are the distinguishing characteristics of a well-developed Third Ray Man. Let me counsel all who will listen. There is a vast difference between sentimentality (which is short lived) and genuine interest and compassion for the suffering of mankind, elemental life and the animal kingdom. Compassion kindles the fire of Divinity within the soul and makes constant the purpose, the service, the love and the practical works of the chela. 


Many individuals seek contact with the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Host, motivated by a conscious (or often an unconscious) desire to inflate the personal ego and to extend the sphere of influence through which numbers of believing and credulous individuals may be governed and controlled by them. True communion between the Masters and aspirants can never come when such is the conscious or unconscious motivating power; for conscious endeavors of self-discipline, self-mastery and the attendant exercises for the purification of mind and body are absolutely necessary to bring about such communion. However, there is the possibility of such communion with the Ascended Masters, which can result from a humble, sincere, compassionate and constant desire to assist the Cosmic "I Am" Presence to fulfill the Divine Plan of the Universe. The MOTIVE for such an association determines the actual result. 


The vibratory action of the brain cells (and, for that matter, the cells of all the vehicles through which the soul works) will determine the receptivity of the outer consciousness to the directives of the individual's "I Am" Presence, the Ascended Ones and, finally, the Cosmic "I Am" Presence of the Universe. To quicken the vibratory action of the cells of the inner and flesh bodies is a science in itself. Besides certain exercises of breathing, invocation of light and its subsequent radiation through the individual's world and aura, a state of SUSTAINED HARMONY AND GRACE is required. This SUSTAINED HARMONY is a natural power which does accelerate the vibratory action of the vehicles of the unascended being, because HARMONY is the natural vibration of the Kingdom of Heaven and all its inhabitants. Therefore, all the practices, exercises and invocations which temporarily lift the vibratory action of the outer consciousness, CANNOT be sustained permanently until the outer self CONSCIOUSLY endeavors to hold HARMONY AND PEACE in his thoughts, feelings, spoken words, deeds, body and affairs. This HARMONY AND PEACE enable the currents of the "I Am" Presence and the Ascended Masters to flow into, through and around the individual because, even as water seeks its own level, so do the currents of harmony and peace seek the level and complement of themselves in the lower atmosphere in which mankind presently abide; as well as in the atmosphere in which we abide. 


Long ago, I counselled mankind "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven (HARMONY) and its righteousness (right use) and all these things (powers and gifts) shall be added unto you." In the days when I walked the Earth, there was much grumbling among the disciples and followers of John, the Baptist, because they followed the "letter of the law" (ascetic disciplines of the body). My followers, less attuned to bodily disciplines but more attuned to disciplines of thought, feeling, spoken word and action, were directed by me to live in a state of GRACE. I can say today as I did long ago, that disciplines and privations of the flesh alone will not raise and sublimate the soul; rather do they tend to nourish the worm of spiritual pride and arrogance. The disciplines of the feeling nature and thinking process (in purifying thought and feeling by self-control and use of the Violet Fire) will eventually outpicture in natural co-operation of the flesh garment. Remember, it is not the flesh body which is eternal. It is the finer vehicles of man and his sublimated (refined by fire) soul which stand before the Lords of Karma and attain Victory through Love! 


The use of the Violet Fire of Mercy and Transmutation greatly assists the earnest individual to remove the CAUSES AND CORES of discord in his emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies. Coupled with a CONSCIOUS ENDEAVOR to sustain personal, family, national and world peace, this brings VICTORY. Patience, application, realization and invocation of the momentums of the Virtues which the Ascended Masters and Angels offer to mankind, will assist any individual to rise to a point where he can receive the directions of his own "I Am" Presence and, eventually, qualify to receive the directions of the Masters and Angels, for his personal edification. Those few who are qualified to receive the directions of the Masters and Angels for a World Movement, have been prepared for ages. There is a vast differentiation between personal inspiration (from the "I Am" Presence and the Spiritual Hierarchy) which is meant, primarily, to help the individual in his own development, and the impersonal directions which flow from the Hierarchy through a previously prepared and qualified "contact," to guide, guard and counsel a world movement. Again, the subtle influence of the "ego" must be carefully watched and individual development, if truly achieved, need not be proclaimed but will be manifest in works!





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