December 21, 1957


How we love you! How we desire you to come to a conscious remembrance of the Power of Precipitation which is your natural God birth-right! How we breathe upon the Holy Christ Flame within your hearts our feeling of Divine love... hoping ever for that day when you shall allow it full freedom, through your outer consciousness, to externalize Its particular gifts and powers for the blessings of the race. How we anticipate your joy when you come to a point of cognizance of yourselves as Precipitating Beings! 

This thirty-day period we all enter together into the Temple of Precipitation, you bringing your gifts of your presently developed consciousness and we bringing ours. They shall mingle in this joyous time and you shall have available to you for your acceptance our feelings, realization and use of these Powers which we use and which are lying dormant within you right now! In your feelings, try to consciously accept our gifts to you! We will help you! Let us all, now, Ascended and unascended beings, share the same Power of Precipitation and put it to the fullest possible use for the expansion of the Light of the World. 

We love you so much! We know your sincerity of motive and service and you have proved that you love us too! This forms a strong spiritual tie which will make it possible for us to help you more. 

Not only at Christmastime, but always (even when you seem to be temporarily alone) we are ever with you! You see, we, too, give strict obedience to the Law and, sometimes, when you think yourselves to be alone, we are merely observing the Law of allowing you to develop and expand your own light during the periods of the ebb-tide of our energies flowing to you; as well as when we are allowed the joy of flooding to your world the fuller tide of the light of our Presence. 

Love and blessings






The statement for the Transmission Flame Class of December 21, 1957

     1               2        3        4        5        6                  7        8

“I AM” inbreathing Lanto’s feeling of God control and reverence for life

“I AM” absorbing  “         “         “         “         “         “         “

“I AM” expanding  “         “         “         “         “         “         “

“I AM” projecting “         “         “         “         “         “         “




Temple of Precipitation, Rocky Mountain Retreat (Royal Teton), Wyoming, U.S. A

Hierarch, Beloved Lanto;

Color of Flame, Chinese Green;

Musical Keynote: "O, Thou Sublime Sweet Evening Star" from Tannhauser





December 21, 1957


Christmas greetings to you and yours! This blessing to you individually and collectively is most sincere and the practical manifestations of it in your daily life will be real to you, if you will accept them, in faith believing! They shall manifest practically to you as quickly as you will receive them greater comfort, peace, protection, illumination and ever-present supply of all you require to fulfill your Divine Plan. 

One of the greatest gifts of the Godhead is PEACE! All the world wants it collectively and certainly we all require it individually these days. We always think of Christmas as being a Day of Peace, the birthday of the Prince of Peace and even physical wars have been temporarily interrupted for that day! Beloved Jesus has freely offered us the gift of his consciousness of Peace just for the taking! He said: "My peace I give unto you not as the world giveth, give I unto you!" How is Jesus' gift different from that which the world gives? In one way, for any gift given, the "world" (outer consciousness of the mass of mankind) always expects something in return! Strictly speaking, you know, THAT IS NOT GIVING! It is simply exchanging the things of this world one for the other. 

To really give the Christ-gift, one must "blanket" (as it were) his entire world and all the life he contacts with the benediction of his Presence, his feelings of Divine Love, gratitude, courtesy, understanding and forgiveness just as impersonally as the snow falls and covers the ground upon which it lies, whether that be field or forest, moor or fen; whether its gift be appreciated as a blessing or cursed as an obstruction in someone's way. The snow simply IS WHAT IT IS it gives all it is and has and all who contact it may accept or reject it as they like; the snow asks nothing for itself! 

So does the Beloved Jesus give and so does every illumined Being give. Such a consciousness is perfectly aware of his permanent connection with his unfailing Source of every good thing and that to give of that good is simply to expand it, even to him, self; for the Law is that all good sent forth must eventually return to its sender always with accumulated energy. Therefore, truly, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." 

For one to so learn to live and give will prevent much heartache, disappointment and bitterness for to give for the joy of giving, expecting neither credit nor reward for the gift or service, brings Jesus' feeling of peace "which surpasses the understanding of the mind". Try it and see! 

Releasing Light's gifts in Love's Service "I AM"






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