To the Cosmic Spirit of Illumination: 

We invoke through your Divine Emissaries Illumination for the outer consciousness of the mankind belonging to Earth's evolutions NOW! 

Let your Light dissolve all shadows of human concepts and opinions in the emotional, mental, etheric and physical worlds of mankind and replace these shadows by TRUTH. This Truth can and will set mankind free from the mistakes of the past, the present and the future! It can and will reveal to the mankind belonging to Earth's evolutions the Way to serve God and their fellowman. It can and will provide the stimulus to use knowledge in practical service. 

We welcome the Presence of the God and Goddess Meru and their Divine Brotherhood as a radiating center of that Divine Illumination during this thirty-day period. We invoke the spark of Divine Intelligence within the heart of every man to reach forth and accept the gift of Divine Illumination while the Temple of Illumination is spreading its Rays throughout all the planes of experience where I understanding, knowledge, truth and activity of a constructive nature are desired! The outer mind, the intellectual consciousness and the Divine Intelligence in man SHALL respond! So Be It! 



 The Homes and Retreats of the Masters of Wisdom


July 15th, through August 14th, 1957 

The Temple of Illumination, hidden from the curious eyes of spiritually unawakened mankind, is located high in the Andes Mountains of South America. The Flame and Ray of Illumination are guarded by two Great Beings, known as the God and Goddess Meru. This Feminine Ray of pink is one of the two Cosmic Rays which truly form the axis of the Earth. The Pink Ray enters the Earth at a point near the focus of this Retreat. The other Ray (Masculine - Gold) which has been more active up to this time, enters the Earth at a focal point in the Himalaya Mountains and these two Rays meet in the heart of the Earth, forming a gigantic focus of light at her center. The radiation of this Golden Ray which enters the Earth at a focal point in the Orient accounts for the drawing to that part of the Earth of those lifestreams particularly interested in the development of spiritual understanding. Now, as mankind enter into the greater and greater expression of the final and permanent Golden Age upon this planet, under the direction and guidance of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, the Feminine Pink Ray will come into more and more powerful action and those pilgrims who seek spiritual illumination and guidance from now on will be drawn to South America as they have been previously drawn into the Orient. To this end, the Directors of the Forces of Nature and the Elemental Kingdom are making preparation toward providing a natural means of access to this hitherto "untapped" spiritual Focus of Illumination in the Andes Mountains. 

As the conscious chelas still embodied here recognize the presence of the Holy Mountain Meru and its beloved Guardians, visiting this Focus of Illumination in consciousness, the first channels of energy in the physical appearance world are thus opened toward this glorious Fount of Wisdom. The condition of the energy which makes up the lower strata of Earth is like a jungle morass and spiritual pioneers volunteer to move forward first to make pathways into and through this morass; just as certain explorers and pioneers have always done in the physical world. Then, later, when the inner pathways have been well-defined and clearly opened, it will be easier to make actual physical paths to certain Foci of Light which hitherto have been inaccessible to the outer consciousness of the people. Over at least one of these, in their physical bodies, the people then will be able to make pilgrimages to the wealth of spiritual understanding which lies within the Retreat of our Beloved God Meru and his Brotherhood. 

Many of the Sacred Documents recording the various aspects of Truth received by Illumined Beings all through the ages, have already been removed from Asia and brought to this Retreat for safe-keeping and for the use of the chelas of the New Age. 

To the average tourist, the Retreat of our Beloved Meru is carefully disguised as a resting place for those who climb the Mountain. Many such individuals have received hospitality, rest and refreshment here in the lovely but unostentatious lounge which forms the "outer room" of this Retreat. These have then gone happily upon their way, not knowing just how close they had come to the Divine Presence of the God Meru and his beautiful Goddess. This "outer room" is pleasantly and comfortably furnished and, like the bland expression on the faces of many of the Wise Ones, gives little or no inkling of the presence there of the Great Retreat which may be entered only by those who have been invited so to do. This is done by merely drawing aside the curtain which covers the doorway at one end of the room. 

From time to time, a few chelas have penetrated the carefully prepared "illusion" and, by merit and grace, have been invited into the actual Retreat itself. Such an invitation is given by a silent Messenger who draws back the mystic curtain and beckons the chela to enter the long hall leading to the Flame Room itself. I, myself (El Morya) have seen the outer room filled with tourists, mountain-climbers and travelers and I have seen the quiet invitation so carefully given to one in their midst that the other members, enjoying their rest of the moment, were not even aware that such invitation had been given; nor were they cognizant of the acceptance or withdrawal from their midst of the privileged one. An individual so chosen is always one whose inner light signifies to the Great Ones the merit of the student which enables him to receive such a blessing. 

If a chela should be fortunate enough to be invited into the Temple of Illumination, he would see the Great Flame and Ray of Illumination rising from a natural cave in the center of the Holy Mountain. Divine Beings and unascended chelas will be seen seated upon beautifully colored cushions, facing the Flame, absorbing its radiance and, often, listening to the Inspired Speakers who are invited to give of their knowledge and wisdom from time to time. 

In days to come, a great Temple will be built on the surface of the Earth itself in honor of this Flame and its Guardians. For the present, the activity, radiation and service of the Flame of Illumination are guarded by the Brothers of Illumination and only the ESSENCE pours forth into the atmosphere of Earth. 

Come, now, you who seek illumination, knowledge and understanding, to the Temple of Illumination. Help us to create those Spiritual Pathways there through your attention and projected consciousness. Thus you become a very real part of the preparatory work necessary to the expansion of Meru's Great Radiation for the benefaction of your fellowman!


(NOTE: For further description of the Temple of Illumination, please see Transmission Flame Book, pp. 6-7; "The Bridge to Freedom," Volume I, No. 5; Volume V, No. 5.)








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