July 20, 1957

 Beloved Children of God Seeking Truth: 

I bless you for seeking that Truth and, at the same time, I remind you that Truth, like Faith, without works, is dead! Those who do not know Truth are not held so accountable before the Cosmic Law for works not done; but those who have received spiritual knowledge and use it not for the impersonal benefaction of the race, these are held responsible and accountable to the Source of their own Life and to the Cosmic Law for neglecting to use the gifts of Truth, Illumination and Understanding which they have received. 

As we all honor the God and Goddess Meru, the Brotherhood of Illumination and the Feminine Ray that is guarded by them within the Holy Mountain, I do decree that the understanding and illumination received by each of you, dear pilgrims, shall become practical works to bless and raise the Earth and its attendant evolutions! The Brotherhood of Illumination wear a pink rose upon the breast of their garments and they are truly Messengers to carry Illumination wheresoever it is called forth. Blessed Nada is one of the Messengers of God Meru. As the heart of all Flame is White, so does the Ascending Flame from Meru's Heart have a white core, a golden radiance (representing Illumination) and a pink outer radiance (representing love of service to God and man)! Anticipating your greater wisdom and your greater service, I Am, lovingly and so gratefully, your Friend, Guru and Servant. 





The statement for the Transmission Flame Class of July 20, 1957

     1            2                  3        4                  5        6        7                  8

"I AM" inbreathing the life-giving essence and freeing power of Illumination's Flame

"I AM" absorbing  "        "        "        "        "        "        "        "

"I AM" expanding  "        "        "        "        "        "        "        "

"I AM" projecting "        "        "        "        "        "        "        " 

Hierarchs: God and Goddess Meru;

Color of Flame: Gold and pink;

Musical keynote: "Faith of Our Fathers" (Hymn tune)





July 20, 1957

 Very Dear Friends of Freedom: 

Upon you and yours, Gentle Reader, in the full Authority of God's Most Holy Name "I AM", we call the limitless blessings of FREEDOM THROUGH ILLUMINATION, which is the theme for this issue of the "Bridge". We call forth these blessings to be visible and tangible in your hands and use, so that they may make your way easy, plain, successful and perfect and be of practical help to you all the rest of your way "Home". Consciously accept this in your feelings, so they may do their perfect work in your world! 

Think of the COMFORT of ILLUMINATION! More LIGHT always brings more freedom whether it be physical light generated and released by some mechanical process in this physical world; whether it is more light in the brain and mental body of an individual; or more light on some subject of discussion. 

On the whole, are we grateful enough for LIGHT or do we just take it for granted? Have you ever lived through a very distressing night of pain or some unhappy experience and been glad to see the first breaking of the dawn? It brought you comfort and hope of release. It brought you a feeling of the Presence of a power superior to your own, for what human being can make the Sun rise? 

How would one feel should he find himself in total darkness, not knowing either where he was or in what direction to go? Does not the coming of LIGHT bring freedom to such an one from the feelings of fear and uncertainty? Then, too, when one needs to know more about a subject, one often says, "Now, let me see" which is really calling for more illumination. 

Then is light not a gift to man from God? Light-essence is the body of Almighty God himself! All life loves LIGHT inherently because ALL LIFE KNOWS WITHIN ITSELF that LIGHT (GOD) IS ITS SOURCE and that one day, it shall be FREE to return to the perfection of that Source. 

We are now entering a New Age of greater Freedom for all life. 

What can one do to hasten this manifestation of FREEDOM? What can just one lifestream do? Since all life is one, even the smallest manifestation of freedom in one individual raises the entire race to some degree! If you have a large sheet of material spread out on the ground and you grasp that material in its very center and raise it, does not ALL of that material become raised to some extent? So it is with life, gentle reader! Every personal victory is a gain for all mankind and makes it easier for others to gain that same mastery over human limitations and distresses. JUST ONE INDIVIDUAL using the Violet Transmuting Flame daily and faithfully has formed, at his point in the Universe, an anchorage for the blazing and sustaining of that loving, merciful Flame of Freedom here in this physical appearance world. That can be fanned into a gigantic planetary blaze, if the one who uses it will "keep on keeping on", regardless of human appearances of any kind. 

That Violet Fire should be used by every individual who has ever heard of it, at least as faithfully and continuously as he eats his meals! Used rhythmically at least three times a day, it would perform REAL MIRACLES for those who gave It their attention; calling it forth and seeing it pass dynamically up, in, through and around their physical bodies and auras uninterruptedly for at least five minutes at a time. We ask no one to believe us PROVE THE TRUTHS WE GIVE YOU! It costs nothing to try and you will never know how much this Violet Flame can do for you and your world until you do TRY! This Flame is actual substance, compounded by certain of the Ascended Host who have voluntarily chosen to give this service to mankind so that all may be as free as they are. It is composed of just the perfect proportions of the Pink Ray of Divine Love and the Blue Ray of Power combined just the right consistency to produce a rate of vibration which will disintegrate the density of discordantly qualified substance; originally pure light-essence upon which has been imposed some sort of human error in thought, feeling, spoken word or deed. It actually raises into God-purity all those slow rates of vibratory action expressing as distress; which low rates of vibration have been imposed upon the electrons in every cell of the four lower bodies either by the free-will use and choice of the individual or through a lack of protection of mankind's worlds, individually and collectively. Incidentally, do you know why the brain of man is called "gray matter"? You may say: "Because that is its color". Perhaps that is so, but the brain of man was never intended by God to be in such a low rate of vibration that its color appears as gray, the vibration of fear, worry, grief and other unhappy feelings. The color of the brain structure in man should be a brilliant sunshine yellow! Then would the God-ideas register from his "I AM" Presence and Holy Christ Self and then would he be God-directed and wholly FREE BY DIVINE ILLUMINATION! 

The use of the Violet Transmuting Flame today is one of the greatest of God's gifts to man! USE IT! USE IT! USE IT! until it becomes so much a part of you that you are as conscious of it as you are of having hands and feet. You do not keep your attention upon your hands and feet all the time, but you use them constantly, quite naturally! You do give them certain daily attention, but for the rest of the time YOU LET THEM SERVE YOU and enjoy their blessing to you. Just so should it be with your use of the Violet Transmuting Flame. We speak now to those of you who have known of this transcendent gift of Freedom's Love for years. What would you do without it? Would you like to awaken some morning having completely forgotten its existence in this Universe? Then those of us who have been entrusted with its knowledge and the privilege of its use had better get very busy in these days of such world turmoil and distress and USE IT! USE IT! USE IT! not only faithfully and uninterruptedly daily for ourselves individually, but call it forth dynamically in, through and around the entire planet itself and all her evolutions still unascended. 

The following visualization will give great assistance to Beloved Saint Germain (Lord of the Seventh Ray and thus the one in charge of bringing PERMANENT FREEDOM to this planet now. Make the mental picture of the center of the planet Earth as a gigantic focus of the most powerful, brilliant and beautiful Violet Flame. Then see gigantic releases of that Violet Fire charge forth in all four directions through the actual substance of the planet itself - north, south, east and west - thus forming a gigantic Maltese Cross of that all-powerful Mercy Flame. This Maltese Cross, as you know, is the electronic thoughtform of Beloved Saint Germain's lifestream. 

Then, from that central focus of the Violet Fire, see going out through the four arms of that Maltese Cross, concentric circles of violet lightning and see both the cross and the circles of Flame continue out around the Earth for at least 10,000 feet all around the planet. Called forth daily, the activity will intensify more and more until the Divine Plan for this dear Earth and her evolutions is completely fulfilled. As a "Very dear Friend of Freedom", will you pledge yourself to give him this help now when it is so much needed? He has no one here on Earth to help him among unascended mankind but those who profess to be his friends, you know. You are one of those staunch, sincere, tried and true! He loves you and we do too! 

Grateful for your Loving Co-operation in Freedom's Cause "I AM"



(NOTE: For more explanation of the Violet Flame and suggested decree for personal use, please see p. 21, July, 1956, issue of "The Bridge".)





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