Excerpts from Instructions by


January 1953

"Perhaps I can explain my feelings for mankind in general by asking you to feel your reactions when a blind man makes a misstep and suffers an unfortunate fall. You know that it is the lack of the faculty of sight which has caused his unhappy blunder. Well, so we feel with regard to all human mistakes and blunders of the race. All of them are caused by the loss of the use of the faculties of the Higher Self, because the blunted and dulled faculties of the human are a far cry from the natural Divine perceptions of the Divine Presence. There is no part of life which is fundamentally evil! O, may mankind quickly be awakened, purified and raised to the full use of the faculties which are their Divine heritage; that in such awakening, stumbling and confusions may forever cease! 

As you may know, I occupy one of the Thrones of the Seven Lords of Karma and all of us endeavor constantly to effect the greatest possible blessings for the race in the world of form... 

How well do you remember me, your friend of long ago? I hope you will remember me well now and in the coming days by your giving of mercy to all life that within your own bodies as well as to the life in each other and in all mankind. Thus shall I know how well you remember me. By your calls to me for my assistance to you in this respect. I shall know of your desire for our friendship to continue always, in the fullness of Divine Love and active service to life!"






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