May 18, 1957


I invoke the Presence of Truth to enter your outer mind and your brain consciousness to help you in your sincere, determined, selfless desire to find the Truth which Beloved Jesus promised would set you free! Long has been your search for Truth! Heart rending have been your disappointments as you followed by-ways that seemed to lead to Truth, only to come to a realization that Truth was not at the end of that road! Heartening has been the constancy of the pulsation within your hearts to find Truth, no matter what the experience, that by that Truth you may set yourselves and your fellowman free from distress. 

As we enter the gracious and beautiful Retreat of El Morya, each of us who has found and become the embodiment of Truth brings his consciousness to add to the already powerful radiation of Faith in God, determination to know and do his Will and a distinct radiation of the First Ray which is constancy of endeavor until manifestation occurs! 

As you enter this Retreat in consciousness, you bring with you all your experiences wherein you witnessed Truth expressed, even long before you took your first embodiment on Earth. You bring also the etheric memories of all the so-called "miracles", as well as the doctrines set forth by the "Way-showers" upon the Spiritual Path from past eras when you were associated with such Spiritual pioneers! 

Thus, we become ONE in offering the good of our life-streams to expanding the radiation of El Morya's Flame of God's Will manifest now for every part of life still in bondage and I imitation. 

Let us walk together up the steps; enter the glorious entrance hall; look upon the replica of the Taj Mahal and wait for our Host, El Morya, to greet us and take us to the Temple Room together! 

Love and Blessings,





The statement for the Transmission Class of May 18, 1957:

   1             2           3                  4        5        6                  7        8

"I AM" inbreathing from beloved Morya the joyous obedience that does God's Will

"1 AM" absorbing “                                                                       

"I AM" expanding “                                                                       

"I AM" projecting                                                                                  


Hierarch: El Morya;

Color of Flame: Crystal with radiance of Sapphire Blue;

Musical keynote: "Pomp and Circumstance".





May 18, 1957 


God bless you! Even as you are now reading these words, I invoke from your own individualized "I AM" Presence anchored within your beating heart, the mightiest release possible for your world NOW of the power and powers of the Resurrection and Ascension Flames, manifesting to and through you all the rest of your way "Home"; the perfection of God's Will for you - such beauty, comfort and freedom from limitations of every kind as your present outer consciousness could not even dream to be possible. Consciously accept this, right now, manifest in full power! 

Wise, indeed, and happy too, is the individual who puts his REAL SELF FIRST in his life. As your first thought on arising, greet that Inner Self with a loving smile and a deep feeling of intense gratitude for its willingness to stay with you another day; to sustain you by its Love; protect you by its Grace; guide and direct you by its Wisdom and supply you from its limitless abundance of every good thing. 

Do you like to be ignored? No, we love to be thought of, especially by those we really love. How long would you continue to give your very Life, Love, Understanding, Patience, Forgiveness and Supply to one who had forgotten you completely; who never even turned their attention in your direction? That is what this "monitor" in your heart has done century after century for you, through many ages of time. 

Its constant daily endeavor has been to lead you in the paths of righteousness (the right use, or constructive use of life) ; that which will produce Health, Wealth, Beauty and Happiness. All that is of God is beautiful, think it through, Love, Joy, Peace, Faith, Confidence, Mercy, Opulence - all are God-created, God-sustained and God-expanded and all are beautiful, reproducing their kind. 

That "monitor", that "prompter" within, desires ONLY GOOD for you. Its sole purpose of existence is to care for you. It knows just exactly what qualities will make you, personally, happy for, after all, YOU ARE ITSELF. IT HAS NEVER FORGOTTEN YOU; in all the thousands of bodies similar to the one in which you read these words, NEVER has that glorious life in your heart forgotten you! Is not that constancy a thing of beauty in itself? Do you know anyone else so devoted to you that their only interest in existence is to make YOU happy? 

Then do you not think it is extremely foolish for you to longer deliberately push aside this Friend of Friends and persist in your own ways of thought and feeling, of limitation and distress, when right within your own physical heart is this TRUE FRIEND of Eternity of whom we have now become aware? At your slightest sincere call Its Light and Love rushes to you, if you will get still enough you can FEEL it and it brings you Peace. At your call, also, this can and will be sustained. "Ask, and ye SHALL RECEIVE". 

Dear hearts of light, do you realize that, as a matter of real Truth, all the Virtues and qualities of God-perfection you and all of us together once knew and had with the Father in the beginning before this world was? As a result of our forgetfulness of our Source that all-loving individualized God-Presence of each of us, we have drawn ourselves into human limitations of every description. However, these are not eternal (and, in that sense, they are not real, although they seem mighty real to us when we are tormented by them). 

Now, the great mercy of life has provided the use of the Violet Flame and other purifying activities of the Sacred Fire for the daily assistance of all who are willing to use them joyously, to thus clear away the results of misused energy all through the many centuries we have lived. Then by the joyous and grateful use of the Resurrection Flame and Ascension Flame, each one individually may prepare himself or herself to again enter "The Father's House", the Realms of the Ascended Beings, where only beauty, opulence and general perfection are the constant manifestation of God's Will for all his creations. 

Take full advantage of all the opportunity which is yours today and set yourself eternally free, by the use of the powers of light. They are yours for the taking! 

Angels of God's Will surround you completely, now and all ways, and keep you reminded each day of that Heavenly Friend of yours, living right within your beating heart!  

Yours in Loving Endeavor to do his Will - "I AM"









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