I love Thee - my very own "I AM"

Thou Flame within my heart!

Thou art the life - the breath - of me,

From Thee I cannot part. 

O, true! I've wandered far away

In consciousness from Thee;

Forgetful of my Source - ignoring

All the Truth of me! 

Forgive me, God for doubting

That my very life is Thine;

That all the Earth has come from Thee;

Sea, air and warm sunshine. 

But now that Truth has been revealed

To my outer mind again,

I call that Flame in every heart

To arise and free all men!  

O, Flame of Life in every heart

Take Thy dominion here!

Transmute now every shadow

And the cause and core of fear. 

No need to fear Thee Father

Thy Will for all is good!

O, let me rest in Thy great arms

Of tender Fatherhood! 

Let me accept Thy Will for me

Is every gift of good;

Let me expand those gifts to all

In loving gratitude. 

Arise! possess me, Flame of Truth

(The Will of God for me);

Now manifest God's plan fulfilled

Through me, eternally!


(Note: Some natures prefer rhythmic decrees, they like the rhymes, feeling that they are easier to give and to remember. We endeavor to please as many of our gentle readers as possible and if you will give the above earnestly, at least once a day for the next 30-day period, it will enable Beloved Morya to bless you and your world with more than ordinary assistance to your freedom. Thank you for loving God's Will.)




(With Blessings from our Beloved Ascended Master El Morya) 

May 1, 1957 - Saint Germain's Coronation Day and Anniversary of his Ascension

We give praise and thanks for the strength, love, constancy, service to the light and subsequent Ascension of our beloved Brother, Saint Germain. Because of that service, he was ready to accept the great responsibility of becoming Chohan of the Seventh Ray and, later, was duly coroneted by the Lord of the World (May 1, 1954), thus being given full authority to begin the direction of certain Rays into the atmosphere of Earth, which will result in the establishment of the permanent Golden Age upon this Earth. To the Beloved Ascended Master, Saint Germain, our gratitude flows. Let the Earth open its heart to his Presence, his Violet Ray, his Service! 

May 8, 1957 - Birthday and day of illumination of Gautama Buddha

As the spiritual progress of the Earth and its attendant evolutions has recently elevated Lord Gautama to the position previously occupied by our Beloved Sanat Kumara, we all pledge our spiritual allegiance to the New Lord of the World, on this day, when so many people celebrate his birthday as Prince Siddhartha and his Day of Illumination; when first he began to teach the doctrine of the "Middle Way." Welcome Lord Gautama! Let the people of Earth soon know you and feel your Presence and your Love. 

May 12, 1957 - Mother's Day

Today is the day of acknowledgment of the Feminine Aspect of Deity in the Higher Realms. We love and honor all such beautiful Goddesses and all Mothers on Earth as well! 

May 13, 1957 - Wesak Festival - 5:34 P.M. (E.S.T.)

As the pilgrims make their way toward the Wesak Valley, we know Lord Gautama, in his expanded Consciousness, will give to them all, this year, the greatest blessing they have yet received. We invoke the light in the hearts of all pilgrims to guide them to the Wesak Valley and to open their minds, feelings, souls and bodies to the Communion with the Holy One. We shall all be there! We hope our gentle readers will be there in consciousness at least. 

May 30, 1957 - Ascension Day of Master Jesus

As the public manifestation of the Ascension remains the crowning glory of Beloved Jesus' Ministry, we do invoke his consciousness of Immortality to flow in, through and around all unascended beings on this day. Beloved Presence of God, "I AM", today take away from all mankind the fear of death, as well as the grief and distress which accompany the passing of loved ones. Replace it INSTANTLY with the joyous acceptance of the possibility of the Resurrection, for all Elemental life and the Ascension of every member of the human race, as well as embodied members of the Angelic. Kingdom. For your strength, your service, your EXAMPLE OF VICTORY over all human appearances, we bless you, Lord Jesus and all who assisted you to that Victory!









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