October 20, 1957 


I am come to bless you for this desire; to encourage in you the constancy of endeavor required to perform this service; to invite you, personally, to enter into the Temple of Lord Zadkiel in consciousness, and learn how to invoke the Violet Fire into your own Foci of Light; to accept the feeling of the efficacy of this Violet Fire to act for you and the evolutions in the Earth, on its surface and in its atmosphere. Thus can you truly serve your Master and my son, the Beloved Saint Germain. 

Wherever possible, make the invocation (silently or audibly according to discretion and conditions), for the removal of the fear which lies buried deeply within the etheric consciousness of many who, in their souls, do not want purification and redemption. 

Together, you and I, as well as the Spiritual Hierarchy, shall honor Lord Zadkiel and his Priesthood during this thirty-day period. We shall increase the efficacy and power of the Violet Fire of Transmutation and Mercy to act in the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousnesses of all the evolutions belonging to Earth. As unascended beings, you form the "lifeline" from our Realm to yours by your conscious acceptance of our Reality, your attention upon us and calls to us. Over this "lifeline" this knowledge, power and use of the Violet Fire can find anchorage in the outer consciousness of the masses. 

I am eternally grateful to you for loving this Violet Fire enough to render this service. 

Love and Blessings





Statement for Transmission Flame Class of October 20, 1957:

     1               2                  3        4                  5        6                  7        8

"I AM" inbreathing the Archangel feeling of Violet Fire purity from Beloved Zadkiel

"I AM" absorbing                                                                         

"I AM" expanding                                                                        

"I AM" projecting                                                                        



Hierarch: Lord Zadkiel, Archangel of the Violet Fire;

Color of Flame: Royal Purple;

Musical Keynote: "Blue Danube Waltz" by Strauss.





October 20, 1957 


While you are reading these lines, there is blazing up, in, through and around your four lower bodies (physical, etheric (which interpenetrates the physical and in which you go out in sleep at night) , mental and emotional) the full forgiving, freeing power of that glorious, merciful Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, for I have consciously called it forth for you in the Name and Authority of the Beloved "I AM" Presence! Consciously, gratefully accept its Presence acting to bless you now for the Good Book tells us that "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God!" Then all need Divine Forgiveness and purification by the Sacred Fire and there is no greater Real Friend to man than this God-gift to him for his limitless use this Violet Flame which is the dissolving, transmuting power of Divine Love itself. 

Right here and now, won't you please stop for just a moment in the midst of this "wild race" of trying to make a living and consciously try to quiet all the energies of your world (thoughts and feelings, as well as spoken word and physical movement) and, even if it is just for one full minute put your attention upon this pillar of Violet Fire blazing up all-powerfully around you (like a draught up a chimney!). Hold your attention upon it for just this one full minute and LET IT INTO YOUR WORLD to do its perfect work for you! Your attention upon it, remember, is the only Open Door through which it can come into your world! You stand as a Monitor at the door of your consciousness and nothing can enter there except that which can first get and then hold your attention. Think this through! 

How much would Edison ever have found out about electricity had he not put his attention upon it and then, almost constantly, kept it there, persistently working with that "force" until it was compelled to yield many of its secrets to him, which secrets he, in turn, gave to all life here for its blessing? How much of an education along literary lines would one have if one never went to school or never looked at a book? Could you ever learn to drive a car if you never put your attention upon it - if you had no desire so to do and never even tried? Do you not try to take and hold the attention away from that which you fear or which is unpleasant to think about or feel? Conversely, we like to think about (put our attention upon) persons, places, conditions and things we love and which bring us happiness, comfort and peace! 

There is much talk about how much the world needs PEACE today and yet there can never be PERMANENT WORLD PEACE until there is the feeling of permanent peace in the hearts and souls of the lifestreams who make up that world. You see, the WHOLE is only the aggregate of all its parts and that which is in just one part, if not controlled, will one day permeate the whole! 

The attention is a beautiful and wonderful servant but a tyrannical master, if left to its own devices. The attention acts as a .conduit into our worlds for that upon which we allow it to rest. Therefore, it can bring us the Freedom, Beauty, Supply and Happiness from Almighty God "from whom all blessings flow"! (by looking up and holding the attention there for, you know, ALL MANKIND'S TROUBLES COME FROM LOOKING DOWN!) or it can (and just about constantly does for most people) draw into their worlds the limitations and distresses of others about them. When we allow our attention to become fixed upon those distresses, either from sympathy or otherwise, they begin to come into our own worlds and we must then deal with that shadowed energy. It is not that we should ever be unsympathetic - far from it! However, those of us who KNOW the Law of God's goodness and his willingness to give it freely to all who will ask him for it and then abide within the Golden Rule so that his good may flow freely to and from our worlds to bless life, those of us who KNOW this, upon seeing the distressing appearances about us, should take our attention away from them and place it upon the God-self of that individual, calling this blessed Violet Flame into action for them to dissolve the cause and core of the distress and then see the Luminous Presence of the Beloved Jesus envelop that form or condition and see that perfection take the place of the distress. This is at least a part of the holding of the "Immaculate Concept" which the Beloved Mother Mary has so persistently asked us to do, for ourselves and for each other! 

Beloved Jesus said: "If ye know these things, HAPPY are ye if ye DO THEM!" 

The Beloved Apostle Paul wrote to one of his churches along this line thus: "Whatsoever things are good; whatsoever things are pure; whatsoever things are lovely; whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT - THINK ON THESE THINGS and the GOD OF PEACE SHALL BE WITH YOU!" If we want the good things of life; if we really want FREEDOM from human limitations and distress, then we must PLACE AND KEEP OUR ATTENTION UPON THAT BLESSED VIOLET FLAME OF FREEDOM'S LOVE as often and as long as possible, every day. Otherwise, we shall have deprived ourselves of its heavenly Presence and blessing. It is ready and willing to serve you! Will you use It and accept that which It alone can give you? 

Hopefully and Gratefully in the Light





In the Name of Almighty God that of my own Beloved "I AM" Presence and that of all mankind, I call directly to the heart of the Beloved Saint Germain and all who serve on the Seventh Ray, as well as to the Great God of Absolute Fearlessness to now, this very instant, completely and forever remove the cause and core of all fear (conscious or unconscious) of the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love and its use in this physical appearance world. Replace that which has been transmuted by Beloved Saint Germain's feeling of the enjoyment of forgiving all human mistakes and his feeling of the Ascended Master FREEDOM which is within that Violet Flame. I call this blessing forth to be instantly and eternally active in the beings and worlds of all life belonging to Earth's evolutions still unascended and I consciously accept this done RIGHT NOW with full power! Eternal love and gratitude I send to you now for answering this and every call to light!