God-illumination is one of the most priceless gifts given by our loving Creator to every self-conscious intelligence at the time when individualization of each lifestream first takes place and the immortal, Victorious Three-fold Flame of God is projected forth from the Father-Mother God. This Flame (which is the Heart of Being) , is Blue on the left, Gold in the center and Pink on the right. As we are concentrating this month upon the development and expansion of the Golden Flame of Illumination (which is the center of balance of the Three-fold Flame in every human heart) I implore you to develop the expansion of this Golden Flame within you, with the assistance of the God and Goddess Meru and the Brotherhood of Illumination at Their Retreat. 

For this thirty-day period, these Great Beings are lovingly offering each dear and earnest chela the services of a personal Sponsor, a lovely Lady of Light from their Retreat, who will be in attendance upon you for the entire twenty-four hour period of each day. If you will accept her Presence, at your call she will help you to successfully perform your chosen God-service, as well as give you the assistance of her light to illumine your own individual way. 

Beloved ones, believe me when I say that LIGHT IS INSTANTLY OBEDIENT TO YOUR CALLS! Invoke its limitless power and powers, right here and now, through your outer selves and practically experience its immediate and joyous response to your every call. It will act in, through and around you, setting you free forever from any and all temporary shadows, either of your own making or those which you may have accepted from others. Of course, you can give a tremendous service to your fellowman by calling it forth to free others, too. 


Unascended beings, in the deep recesses of their souls, often do not really desire God-light to illumine to themselves or to others the various imperfections which have formed the shroud of human effluvia in which they exist. Today, the Cosmic Law has issued the Fiat to the Earth and all her evolutions that THEY MUST CONTRIBUTE MORE LIGHT TO THIS UNIVERSE and to the entire Galaxy as well. No lifestream can refuse permanently to give obedience to this Fiat and remain as a guest upon the Planet Earth or in her atmosphere. 

Sufficient loving, willing obedience to this Cosmic Fiat by those evolving upon the Earth at this time could and would avoid many of the distresses which otherwise may have to externalize here in the world of form until all life, of necessity, will desire to co-operate in this Universal endeavor to make of Earth a shining Star! 

Tremendously forceful though my energies may seem to be to some unascended beings who, as yet, are not spiritually cognizant of my REAL love for this sweet Earth and her attendant evolutions, let the gentle reader be assured that the pressure of such energies which are mine to contribute toward the establishment of God's Holy Will on Earth, are motivated only by a WHOLLY DIVINE desire to help each intelligent being to expand his or her own light, thus creating beauty and perfection in the Earth, upon its surface and in its atmosphere. After all, should not one naturally expect more powerfully energies from the First Sphere where I abide and from which I release the energies of the First Ray, since they are those of the PURE POWER of Divine Love and proceed direct from the heart of the Godhead itself. 

You know that it takes tremendous harnessed and consciously directed intelligent energies to light a whole metropolis here even by artificial means (electric power). So does it require a tremendous pressure of concentrated and consciously directed God-energy to help free the imprisoned life (human and elemental) which make up all of Earth's evolutions, thus allowing it to quickly release Its own natural light. To love life free from that which is not now and never was God's Will for it, is my reason for being. So, of course, I cannot be disturbed in any way by the human opinions of those who, not completely understanding, might feel inclined sometimes to disapprove of my endeavors to direct the pressure of God's Will to assist them in the expanding of their own God-light. LIGHT SHALL BE RELEASED TO AND THROUGH THIS EARTH NOW by the NATURAL "CONDUCTORS" of that light here, i.e., those lifestreams who have been using the Earth as a planetary home for centuries! Artificial conductors of light have been a great blessing to mankind all through the ages but now we enter the day when every man, woman and child shall be called upon to contribute his or her own personal light to the Light of the World! BE READY! PREPARE YOURSELVES TO BE LIGHT-BEARERS NOW! You know that one becomes such a LIGHT-BEARER by the expansion and practical daily use of the God-virtues from within his own lifestream. At your conscious call, we shall joyously help you! Surely you know that we have no desire to press you into making endeavor beyond your capacities, but we see so clearly your potential worth as LIGHT-BEARERS and we want you to experience the joy right here on Earth of being a conscious part of the expansion of the Light of the World! 


True God-illumination is, of course, the gift of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe who serve on the Second Ray. Many are the pitfalls of human delusion into which earnest chelas sometimes stray in their search for knowledge and illumination upon mystical subjects if they do not have the constant God-protection and guidance of the Ascended Masters. Their sole interest is in awakening and expanding the dormant powers of Divinity through the Holy Christ Self of every unascended lifestream. This God-protection and guidance is the conscious radiation of the Ascended Master, which radiation enfolds the earnest aspirant in Divine Love and protects him (or her) from both visible and invisible destructive forces which would tend to lead such an one from the true path toward God-mastery. 

Students who have attained a little knowledge of mystical practices are often inclined to more and more ignore the loving protection of the Ascended Masters by neglecting to daily call for such protection and "go off alone", experimenting with the knowledge which they have intellectually stored within their own brain consciousness. Such independent experimentations so often result in enmeshing the soul and personality in various strata of the psychic and astral realms, linking such lifestreams with wholly undesirable "entities" (destructively qualified thought and feeling forms). These creations are often "mass entities" which abide particularly over heavily populated areas and live by a vampire activity upon the energies of embodied lifestreams endeavoring thus to express themselves on Earth. Of course, the astral or psychic plane surrounding the Earth (where these creations abide) is now steadily being purified but until this is completely done, every lifestream sincerely seeking to serve the constructive way of life needs tremendous protection against even the radiation of these creations. 

At this time, too, there are also mischievous Elementals who, unfortunately, have absorbed much of mankind's discordant vibrations and these, too, often influence certain individuals to do their will. You see, these discordant activities connect with a lifestream through the power of attention, invocation and, sometimes, a similarity of vibration somewhere in the world of the receiver of their messages. When these creations are allowed to act through their "mediums", they eventually do great harm to such individuals, as well as to the entire sphere of influence which the "medium" has created about him. 

Calling to any Cosmic Being, Archangel (especially the Beloved Archangel Michael), Cherubim, Angel or to any Ascended Master for constant protection against such insidious influences will bring immediate and quite satisfactory results. As this calling to such a Divine Being is wholly a freewill process, it cannot be forced upon any searcher after Truth. 

Besides the above, there is also the unredeemed karma of the personality and the soul to be considered. This often desires expression and to the unwary these "many voices" which they hear (that seem to come from God) are merely the pressures of the accumulated energies of the outer self which want to continue to dominate the soul and restrain the Spirit. Absolute honesty on the part of the chela is essential to achieve the spirit of Grace which enables him to cognize and obey the "still, small voice within" which, of course, is the Spirit of God acting through the Golden Flame of Illumination, right within one's own beating heart. 

We are so willing and able to help any and all chelas who really desire to avoid such pitfalls (subtle or flagrantly apparent) by the giving of our advice, instruction and protecting radiation. We are willing to help you to rise emotionally, mentally, etherically and physically above all vibrations of a discordant nature and prepare yourselves to visit with and enjoy the actual Presence of the God and Goddess Meru! When you have had such an experience even once no fraudulent energies will be able, even for an instant, to touch the hem of your spiritual vestments (purified aura) . It is well worth your constant endeavor to persevere to this end! 


As our gentle readers so well know, the service of our Brotherhood is to EXPAND the Immortal, Victorious Three-fold Flame of God's Eternal Truth through every individual belonging to Earth's evolutions still unascended. This Flame is held within the Chalice of every beating heart and the Holy Christ Self which lives within that Flame is now destined to burst the tomb of the human creations which have limited It for centuries; allowing it NOW to become the Divine Directing Intelligence of all personalities on Earth. Thus, quickly, we shall see manifest the Permanent Golden Age on Earth. The activity of our Brotherhood is to pour the pressures of our feelings of Divine Love upon the Christus in every "human" heart until those very pressures set that Christself free! 

Through the gracious invitation of the God and Goddess Meru to visit their Temple of Illumination in consciousness during this thirty-day period, every blessed chela will have added opportunity now to expand the Golden Plume of the Threefold Flame within his own heart and thus balance more quickly the triple activity of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power through them for the benefaction of themselves and the entire human race. 


At Luxor, from time to time all through the ages, we have been approached by many lifestreams who sought spiritual knowledge which they could use for personal gain. However, the Divine Law is such that, as each morsel of true spiritual knowledge is released to any individual, careful measure of what such an individual DOES WITH the knowledge so given must be recorded on their Book of Progress. This recording determines how much MORE energy, instruction, radiation and grace can be given by Cosmic Law to such an one. Thus the aspirant himself not the Ascended Master or Guru really keeps the door open to a continued steady flow of the God-given directives of the Spiritual Hierarchy; or conversely CLOSES THAT DOOR by the lack of that one's impersonal use of the knowledge which he has received for the benefaction of the entire race. 

Those who have selfish motives behind their desire to pierce through into the mysteries of Spiritual Science automatically disqualify themselves to receive more of the deeper aspects of Truth. Such individuals, of times, are not even cognizant that they have temporarily closed the door to the greater reception of those Truths which, if practiced, would result in their personal self-mastery and, ultimately, their Ascension into the Realm where we abide! 


As it has been my great joy to be among those who endeavor to teach individuals the Science of Self-mastery, I cannot overemphasize the necessity for the earnest student to develop from within himself true God-illumination as differentiated from intellectual accretion, which merely surfeits the brain consciousness and inflates the personal ego. 

God-illumination ALWAYS manifests as true humility, wisdom, selflessness and impersonal consecration to the service of that particular constructive line of endeavor upon which the individual has volunteered thus externalizing in manifest works well done, his particular portion of the Divine Plan. Every one of the truly great men and women who have left LASTING LIGHT upon this Earth as a heritage to all succeeding generations, has been humble and self-effacing in the extreme. Whatever avenue of service to which you have consecrated your life energies, this can best be developed and expanded (particularly during this thirty-day period) by making good use of your opportunity to enjoy closer proximity to the ILLUMINATION FLAME, by giving it your rhythmic attention for a few minutes, definitely set aside each day for this purpose. Such a practice will allow this glorious Flame to widen and enrich your abilities to serve your fellowman with greater blessing. 

JESUS: (who, jointly with Beloved Kuthumi, has recently qualified for the Office of World Teacher, which Office was formerly held by Beloved Lord Maitreya): 

Recently, through the loving kindness of the Great Cosmic Law, both Beloved Kuthumi and myself have been elevated to the Office of World Teacher through the acceptance of which Office we now have the great privilege, as well as responsibility, of endeavoring to perform the services previously given with such God-perfection by our Great Teacher, Lord Maitreya. 

The lovely Lady Master Nada has kindly and graciously offered to accept the Chohanship of the Sixth Ray which I formerly held. Therefore, in the succeeding issues of "The Bridge", she will give to you her instruction on the activities of the Sixth Ray. I would like here to thank personally the Beloved Lady Master Nada for her gracious acceptance of this Office, for her acceptance thereof has allowed me the fuller freedom to utilize my energies in the preparation necessary to act as a World Teacher for this dear Earth and her attendant evolutions. 


It is with great gratitude and joy that ALL Members of the Ascended Hosts of Light accept ANY Spiritual Office offered them by the Cosmic Law as opportunity for greater service to all life. Therefore, in all humility, I have offered to the Great Karmic Board those energies which are mine, to be utilized in expanding the loving ministration so beautifully expressed and freely given by my Illustrious Predecessor, our Brother Jesus. 

Having had the splendid training and experience of living in spiritual communities before my Ascension and, under the direction of the Beloved Archaii Charity herself, I learned to consciously bring into being, maintain and expand SUSTAINED HARMONY THROUGH THE RADIATION OF PURE DIVINE LOVE! Now I offer the full-gathered momentums of my lifestream to any and all of the brave chelas who, today, form the focal point of the spiritual energies which are being channeled through them for the benefaction of all the members of such communities or groups. Those who can accept this specific service which I can give (because of my having developed them through many centuries) will find it a great deal easier to transmute into light the many hidden as well as apparent imperfections which may be in the members of such communities or groups. 

My offer particularly applies to the beloved Sanctuary and Group Directors who voluntarily take on the responsibility of assisting in the transmuting of yet unexpiated destructive karma of those who are drawn about them to magnetize some specific Virtue of the Godhead then releasing and expanding that Virtue in this world of form for the blessing of all. Of course, the Director of the community or group is God-inspired as to which particular Virtue is to be magnetized at certain points on the Earth's surface where such groups are located. Those who are attracted to such a Director already have built into their Causal Bodies certain related Virtues to enrich the entire Activity. 

Beloved ones, remember always that the actual Ray and Flame magnetized through your spiritual Director are augmented in power and efficacy by the release of the energies from the members of the particular group or community. Where one or more members of such a community attempt to dominate or interfere with the harmonious directing of the actual Ray and Flame as magnetized by such Director, rather than to impersonally contribute to its efficacy by holding to a single purpose and design, there is bound to be temporary conflict and inharmony. Individuals who find themselves out of harmony with their Sanctuary or Group Director will wisely and quickly transmute that desire for self-expression to protect the individual and collective harmony of the entire unit; or, if they so desire, they may call the Illumination Flame to place them in some other group or community wherein their energies will be able to express themselves constructively and in loving co-operation with others. 

As you know, at the invitation of the Beloved Serapis Bey at Luxor, I served there for some time as a harmonizing presence among those hopeful aspirants in his magnificent Temples. I bear witness to the fact that, through endeavor of human will and certain spiritual arrogance, many desired to complete the rigorous course of self-discipline at Luxor, wherein they suffered undue hardships; because they were not willing to transmute their own human nature. Had these good people followed a less arduous discipline in another Retreat, they would have been happier in themselves and, too, would have lessened the pressures and strain upon the qualified aspirants! 

(Note: We think our gentle readers might be interested to know that the gracious Lady Master Nada made her Ascension from this Earth more than 2,700 years ago!) 


I personally bless the Great God and Goddess Meru, the ILLUMINATION FLAME and its sincere and devoted Brotherhood for sustaining this Cosmic focus of Light upon the Earth and in its atmosphere, as FULL FREEDOM for the individual, the family, the Nation and the very Planet itself depends upon GOD-illumination. My Cause, of course, is that which will establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and it can best be served by the full illumination of the outer consciousness not only of the chelas but of all mankind. 

As the Seventh Ray is primarily devoted to the Science of the Conscious Invocation of God-free Beings, I cannot urge you too strongly to invoke this glorious ILLUMINATION FLAME into your own personal consciousness daily and, (if you wish to give an impersonal service) then into the consciousness of all mankind PARTICULARLY THE LEADERS AND DIRECTORS of the thoughts, feelings and actions of the masses. 

The Gods of the Mountains (of which Beloved God Meru is One) are some of the most glorious friends you shall ever know! I await the day when you have qualified (by complete purification of your lower vehicles) to see them with your physical sight. Until that day, take advantage, my beloved, of the Dispensation afforded you to visit in projected consciousness, the Ascended Masters Retreats (particularly during this thirty-day period when the Illumination Flame is so freely and lovingly offered to you) . Such radiation as you can receive by proximity to this Flame of God-perfection will enable you to raise your consciousness above the petty human discords of the lower strata of Earth into the pure, clean, uncluttered heights of the Andes Mountains. Here is the lovely Retreat of the Beloved God and Goddess Meru, your gracious Host and Hostess who await your coming. They are so lovingly and graciously willing to serve you. I, too, shall be among those who await you there!





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