August 16, 1958

Beloved Children Seeking More Light for Your Own dear Worlds and More Light for the Earth, Your Hostess: 

I bless you without limit for the earnest desire which is within you to reclaim into your outer consciousness your God-given heritage - ILLUMINATION THROUGH GOD'S LOVE! 

This night we shall all gather together in the blazing focus of the Retreat of the God and Goddess Meru, there adding our light and blessings to their sustained ILLUMINATION FLAME. As we (the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Beings and the humble, reverent, worthy chelas) GIVE of our light and blessings to these two mighty Beings and the Cosmic Ray and Flame of Illumination which they and their Brotherhood have guarded all through the ages and still guard, we also MUST RECEIVE into our own individual worlds, that specific quality of ever-expanding God-illumination. 

Here let me bring to your attention that the Gods and Goddesses of the Mountains are very highly developed Intelligences, about whom the masses of mankind (particularly in the Western World) know little, into whose Presence so very few unascended chelas ever come and to whom they give little attention. However, let me assure you that these great Beings are the VERY EMBODIMENT OF DIVINE LOVE for, the higher each intelligence rises on the Spiritual Pathway toward Ultimate Perfection, the more loving, humble, gracious and kindly such an intelligence becomes (Ascended or unascended)! Then think not of the Beloved God and Goddess Meru (or the Gods and Goddesses of any Mountain Range) as austere and unapproachable Beings. Consider them as they really are mighty Magnets of Divine Love to draw the consciousness of all unascended beings UPWARD into the Light of God's beautiful Presence! 

Even before entering sleep and directing your Holy Christ Self to take you to this Retreat, ask that Christ Self also to accept and sustain FOR YOU in your outer consciousness and atmosphere, those feelings of buoyancy, light and God-mastery as you return to your personal orbit and physical body after your visit in projected consciousness into the Presence of the Beloved God and Goddess Meru. 

Those of you who ever have visited any Mountain Range know something of the feeling of freedom one receives from the disturbing vibrations of the petty thoughts and feelings which plague the outer self. This greater clarity of consciousness and the feeling of God-freedom are those which one receives from these great Beings and are intensified a thousand fold as one enters their Holy Temple and actual Presence. Anticipate experiencing those feelings of joyous and complete freedom! Accept them! 

In your outer consciousness, it is not vitally necessary at this time for you to remember your actual visit to the Ascended Masters' Retreats (where you do really go when you so consciously direct your Holy Christ Self to take you there in consciousness, while your body sleeps!) In fact, it is a great mercy that many do not bring back the fullness of such remembrance for, such memories might make your needed services in the mundane world more difficult to perform. You see, remembering the beauty, ease and peace in and through which you functioned there might make service in the lower vibrations of the astral world in which you abide even less attractive than they sometimes are! 

Therefore, since I am he who secured this Dispensation which allows the opening of the Retreats to unascended beings through projected consciousness and set into action certain aspects of the Cosmic Law wherein and whereby you might be apprised of the activities in these Ascended Master Foci, I am also the One to encourage you to feel NO sense of disappointment or dis­couragement if, at least for the time being, you do not vividly remember such experiences. However, BY NOW you should be able to FEEL THE RESULTS of such visits and be able to experience as well as use their practical benefits in your daily lives. As your four lower vehicles become completely purified of the causes and cores of every human distress, you then will be able to remember every detail of such visits, just as easily as you are able to remember the details of a trip taken by you in your outer consciousness. Of course, in order to be able to bring back such remembrances, one will have to be humble, grateful, reverent and wise enough to hold the privilege of such visits and their attendant blessings in the Sacred Heart of the Silence, allowing your LIGHT not your lips to proclaim your having had the blessing of actually sitting at the feet of the Ascended Host! 

Lovingly yours in the ever-expanding consciousness of Illumination here on Earth




Statement for the Transmission Flame Class for August 16, 1958:

1        2                  3        4        5                  6                  7                  8

"I AM" inbreathing th'victorious feeling over all things human from Illumination's Flame

"I AM" absorbing                "                  "                            "        "             "

"I AM" expanding                "                  "                            "        "             "

"I AM" projecting                "                  "                            "        "             "


Hierarchs: God and Goddess Meru;

Color of Flame: Gold and pink;

Musical keynote: "Faith of Our Fathers."



(Note: The Messengers from the Illumination Retreat always wear a single pink rose upon their vestments - over the heart.)