An Address by


Sept. 29th, 1957

I am Michael, Divine Protector and Defender of the Spiritual Light within the hearts of mankind. By the graciousness of the Sun of this System, I have been given opportunity to serve as the Prince of the Angelic Hosts and, in regard to the Archangels and the Angelic Hosts who serve with them; this is exactly the same office as that held by the Lord Maha Chohan with regard to the Chohans of the Rays. 

Now, as the Protector and Defender of the Faith of man in God and the sustaining of that very spirit of Faith within the Immortal Three-Fold Flame within the heart of every human being, I have gained a reputation for being a rather fierce and warrior like Angel! I would like to repeat some of my words of a short time ago when I said: "My service is to restore to Heaven every lifestream who, through self-conscious use of God's pure energy, has removed himself from a state of Divine harmony and grace." Some of the legends which have sprung up through the centuries about my service to life have some basis in Truth. 

I repeat: I am the Divine Protector of the Faith in God of the people of Earth and it is at least part of my task to prepare for entrance to those Realms where only harmony and peace abide, the consciousnesses who, of their own free-will, have not chosen to generate and sustain the harmony which allows them entrance into the Divine Realms. Do you see? Together with other Members of the Angelic Kingdom and Ascended Host, it is my endeavor to train lifestreams who have lost conscious control of their thought and feeling centers, to a point where they are again in God-control of those centers. It is also the activity of the Protecting and Defending Angels to keep within the compass of Earth's atmosphere any radiation which is not qualified with the Divine Love and Peace which fills interstellar space. 

"Ring-Pass-Not" - A Living Reality 

Now, this "Ring-Pass-Not" of Blue Flame which you have been told has been established in the atmosphere of Earth at a certain distance out from the Planet itself is a real and living thing! It is composed of the living, breathing bodies of the Legions of Blue Flame - tier upon tier - and it was devised after the "laggards" came from the other Systems, as the way and means by which the ten billion souls using the Earth as a schoolroom might be kept from polluting interstellar space with their chaos and discord. These Angels of Blue Flame are of course those who belong to the First Ray and they are great Beings, wielding tremendous power of light. Since there is no discordant vibrations in the entire Universe except those generated by Earth's evolutions, these Angels need not protect the Earth against such intrusion of discord from interstellar space as there is none there! 

However, the discordant human creations around individuals, the mass destructive thought and feeling forms which abide in the atmosphere of Earth and the effluvia which flows forth constantly from them, form the mass tides of destructively qualified energy which sweep constantly back and forth through Earth's atmosphere these are all imprisoned (as it were) within this "Ring-Pass-Not" of Blue Flame. 

Now, it is the joyous service of the Angels of this "Ring-Pass-Not" to welcome and admit through this Ring into Earth's atmosphere and into the various foci (Retreats) of Ascended Master radiation in the Earth, on its surface and in its atmosphere (especially to the Half-Yearly Conclaves at the Royal Teton) Solar Lords, Cosmic Emissaries and Interplanetary Travelers who may be passing in the vicinity of Earth and who are so joyously willing to expand their own light by giving such service wherever it is required. By the constructive use of your energies in visualizations, decrees and songs, you have made possible (especially recently), the drawing to Earth of Sun Gods and Goddesses from other Systems who have answered your calls and have graced us with their Presence at the Teton. 

You will see, then, that the "Ring-Pass-Not" is not just a static band of light but is actually made up of living intelligences Divinely alert and on guard every moment of every twenty-four hour period. Therefore, there is no spaceship, "flying saucer" nor occupant thereof that could possibly enter into the atmosphere of Earth with either destructive motive or intent for even without this "Ring" there is no life in any of this Universe that could possibly desire to do so. 

So, this activity of the "Ring-Pass-Not" of Blue Flame is one which is very close to my heart. It shall remain in the service which it has been giving to the Earth for such a long, long time, until the masses of mankind are taught to use their own life always and only constructively and the causes and cores of those habits which form the seven mortal sins (and their many ramifications) have been removed forever. Then the discordant effects which have emanated from those causes and cores and which formed the veil of maya in the first place will be no more. Quite naturally, since there is no barrier to Divine Love anywhere in the Universe, when you have group activities and you join together in visualizing, decreeing or singing to any Celestial and Divine Beings, these Angels of the "Ring-Pass-Not" allow those harmoniously qualified energies to arise and pass out of Earth's atmosphere to become a benediction to all the Planets of the System and then upward and on to the Solar Lords and Beings in Superior Systems. 

In other words, this Protective "Ring" is elastic and intelligent. It is not like a brick wall or wire fence, it is made up of Intelligences who have been trained in their service for ages and, when individual lifestreams gain the victory of the Ascension, they pass quite easily through this "Ring" into the Ascended Masters' Realms of Light where they then dwell. 

Therefore, my service is dual in aspect, shepherding Earth's lifestreams "Home" and protecting the harmony of the rest of this Universe from the intrusion of discordant effluvia of Earth, which radiation is sometimes very subtle not too apparent in its very beginning, just as it was when the "laggards" first came to use the Earth as their schoolroom. 

Original Trinity of Association to be Restored Here 

You have been told that it was I who brought the "Holy Innocents" to the earth in the very beginning of their habitation here. Ascended Masters and Angels daily walked and talked with the mankind of Earth in those early ages and then there was no veil of maya, no discordant human creation of any kind between ourselves, the mankind of Earth and the Elemental Kingdom (the Sylphs of the Air; the Undines of the Water; the Gnomes of the Earth and the Salamanders of the Fire). You have been told, too, that in the beginning, our planet Earth was just as pure, beautiful and perfect as the Seven Mighty Elohim of Divinity could create it and as the Directors of the Forces of the Elements and the Elemental Kingdom could prepare it for habitation. In that day, we had the trinity of activity - association of the Angels, Earth's people and the Elementals, all lovingly co-operating in daily and hourly association. Now, there is to be the re-establishment of this Divine Pattern here again. It is the re-instating of the perfect balance of the Holy Trinity in action, the Divine Realm, the human and Elemental Realms, the governing of all of which will come under the direction of your Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain as he occupies the Office of the Lord of the Seventh Ray reigning here for the next two thousand years. This "Golden Age" which is now being ushered in by the advent of the Seventh Ray's dominion here shall be permanently sustained and expand forever! 

You can readily see that just so long as there exist feelings of antagonism between the Elemental and the human Kingdoms (built through centuries of ingratitude on the part of mankind for the selfless and constant services of Nature); while there is a rebellion within the feelings of the members of the Nature Kingdom against mankind's needless and wanton destruction of food and various gifts of Nature (to which that Nature Kingdom has given so much of their very life and energy to produce) , the Elemental Kingdom and mankind cannot be joyously and fully united in co-operative service. It is only the power of Divine Love from Beloved Neptune and Virgo, Aries and Oromasis (and particularly in their use of the Fire element which has transmuted as much of the human effluvia as the Cosmic Law would allow from time to time), which has kept the Nature Kingdom from rebelling violently and casting back upon the human race in the form of tornadoes, floods and various cataclysmic activities, some of the destructive effluvia of man's own discordant creations. 

During these changing times when the Earth and all her evolutions are being purified and freed from much which really never should have been, the Angels of Protection and Faith in God are required to serve even more actively here than ever before. Our glorious Regent (Sanat Kumara) and our lovely Gautama (New Lord of the World) have recently asked me if we would allow the Retreat at Banff to remain open for at least seven succeeding months, in order that we might magnetize and radiate forth more of that protecting power through conscious chelas here, through the Nature Kingdom and through the emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles of all mankind embodied here. Of course, we acquiesced to this request and now find ourselves in possession of an even greater opportunity that of being one of the Active Retreats in the beginning of this momentous year of the Angels - 1958. We are extremely grateful for this added opportunity and, even when our Retreat closes its especially active service on the 14th of March (1958), although you will have your successive processional through the other Retreats at thirty-day intervals from then on, our focus of Faith in God shall still remain vibrant, vital and directing its Cosmic Christ protection to the Earth and all its evolutions for some time to come. 

Beloved ones, you are now a part of a great Cosmic "change" which is little known and less understood by the minds of the billions of people who belong to the evolutions of this Planet. Perhaps it is well that, for the most part, the outer minds of the people are not cognizant of such a "change" because of the tremendous fear which practically dominates many lifestreams. I am eternally grateful for your calls to have the cause and core of all fear removed from yourselves, all mankind and the Elemental Kingdom as well and I do ask that you continue and increase those calls until each of you has become an absolutely FEARLESS ONE! Then you will stand in your own place, wheresoever your own God of Light desires you to be, with the Blue Ray of Faith in the supremacy of Almighty God and his power over all, this Ray directed through your own spinal column, animating your aura and flashing forth into the atmosphere around you as a power of positive energy which can raise into confidence and faith the quality of fear for an entire city, a nation or the Planet itself. 

Try Not to Personalize Energy 

Now, in your daily endeavors as you move upon a comparatively peaceful course of living, you have opportunity hourly (by the use of the Violet Fire) to practice raising the quality of unhappily qualified energy of fear and other discordant feelings, whenever you see such energies acting that are less than the Virtues of God. This can and should really be a joy instead of a tedious task, if you will realize that through this practice you are arising into individual mastery. Again and again the Ascended Masters have said: "Try not to personalize energy". If that energy is shadowed, depressive, inharmonious or unhappy in any way, that energy needs forgiveness, purification and redemption. Be not concerned with the faucet (personality) through which that "soiled" energy flows. If it is discordant, it is some of God's beautiful life which temporarily has been imprisoned in discord and is now calling for freedom. 

Please do not become so concentrated in your attention upon the form through which the "soiled" energy is flowing that you actually add your own resentful feelings to it and thus increase the rip-tides of those distresses, which riptides sweep constantly back and forth through the Earth's atmosphere. In the Name of God! Let us recognize the fact that, wherever there is a sharp word, a depressed feeling, an impatient gesture, wherever you sense heaviness, lethargy, discouragement or any of the negative qualities, try to realize that that energy is really beautiful God-light part of the body of the glorious Helios and Vesta (or some other Solar Lord if the lifestream is a Guardian Spirit and has come here from another Planet) . This life has been imprisoned temporarily through discordant thought and feeling by those who really know not what they do. The opportunity of the wise, then, is the immediate use of the Violet Transmuting Flame and other purifying Flames of the Sacred Fire to raise and redeem that discordantly qualified energy, thus not only freeing the energy but gaining personal mastery by the practice of the use of the Sacred Fire as well. 

One need not audibly call forth this Sacred Fire if he is in the presence of individuals who need assistance but who are not cognizant of the Ascended Masters and their ability to help them. However, through the power vested in you by the Presence of the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth anchored within your beating heart, you can silently call forth an all-powerful focus of the Violet Transmuting Flame which will instantly go into action to control and purify that destructively qualified energy. You can raise the quality of energy in yourselves as well as in an inanimate object by the use of that Flame. 

Beloved Serapis Bey told you some time ago that the Ascension Flame was so practical that it could actually tune a piano or "tune-up" a motor. The Ascension Flame could render you many practical services in the restoration of those so-called inanimate objects which you have around you in your home. Individually, I challenge you to invoke that Ascension Flame to blaze up constantly through your homes and see what it will do for the substance and actual appearance of your present furnishings not to mention what it can and will do (if you will allow it to do so by your feeling of acceptance of Its power) to transmute the in-harmonies which often arise in family life. 

Our Beloved Saint Germain long ago promised you assistance in the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame in, through and around your homes, if you will just believe in its reality, efficacy and immediacy of action for you, self-sustained and ever-expanding. So command it to be! If you feel you have not enough faith in its willingness and ability to serve you, ask me to give you MY FEELING OF THAT FAITH WHICH YOU REQUIRE. I live but to express the reality and power of Almighty God as the Supreme Source of this Universe and, remember THE CREATOR IS ALWAYS GREATER THAN HIS CREATION! Therefore, whenever your destructive use of free-will has satiated your feelings with the distressing experiences of the outer world, the everlasting love and mercy within the heart of the Eternal Father are not only willing but able to allow you to come "Home", there to live in invincible, eternal harmony and peace and "go out no more". 

Beloved ones please believe me for I know whereof I speak! I stood before the Throne of your God and mine, long, long ages ago, in the beginning of the habitation of this Planet. I stood there then and I stand here today as a Servant of that God and of the light within your hearts. I have no other reason for staying in the lower atmosphere of Earth twenty-two hours out of every twenty-four except my very love for your life and my very determination to convey through my radiating into your world my feeling of conviction in the ultimate destiny of each of you as God-beings and the ultimate destiny of the Planet Earth and its evolutions as Freedom's Star. 

Divine Power - An Aspect of Divine Love 

Now, beloved ones, I know that the pressure of energy which is mine to direct is sometimes a little uncomfortable to those who desire the Angelic Host to be expressions of gentle "motherly love". However, the dynamic release of energy with which I direct my feelings to you is necessary to get through the individual "shells" of thought and feeling in which you live, your personal auras. Think for a moment with me! When the door to that "Compound" was opened to me and I entered therein, think of the energy required of me to be able to pierce the "shell" around individuals there who had refused to bend the knee before the Lords of Karma for centuries, preferring rather to remain within that darkness, living their particular "hells" over and over again! 

If I had gone in there gently and on tip-toe, lightly touching their worlds with a little wand, (the like of which is sometimes carried by a character portrayed by Mr. Disney), think you I could have reached through to the Flame in their hearts? You see, there is the right time for every God activity! There is a time to release the power of Love and there is a time to release the gentleness of Love. There is a time for action and there is a time for inactivity. For instance, in the case of a so-called "accident" of the outer world, first it is necessary to remove from the scene of the accident either the individual or the group concerned from further distress or danger and then follows the time of ministration, rest and peace when those lifestreams are restored to harmony again, according to the best abilities of the ministering ones. 

When people speak of me as roaming through the world battling the spirits of evil who seek to destroy the souls of men, those people are not too far wrong. You have not seen (and I pray to the God of Mercy that you shall never have to see) the destructive mass creations, many of which recently have been dissolved, thank God that would actually smother and kill you, not your physical bodies so much as the constructive desires within you to serve Almighty God or stay upon the Pathway of Light. Do you think I could approach creations as large as the one which was referred to in "The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak", when I transmuted the entire mass creation over the Continent of Africa, without considerable power and release of positively, God-controlled energy? Beloved ones, those destructive mass creations in the atmosphere of Earth are intelligent (for, after all, they are made of God's misqualified life) and their nature is to seek the ruin of human souls. When serving in the Astral or Psychic Realms where these creations abide, we must wield a power of light which can and does protect us and sustain our mastery. Would that you would do likewise! However, the very (shall we say "automatic") protection which you receive from us, which you often feel but do not yet see with your physical sight (nor thank Heaven do you see the huge and vicious creations of discord in Earth's atmosphere into which you direct our Flames and Light Rays through your decrees) makes you a little lax in calling for your own blazing protective light. 

Use Protective Armor of Light 

Beloved ones, there are certain vicious conditions active in the Astral Realm into which I would not think of entering without first putting on an entire armor of light. Yet, so often we see you, through mighty decrees, plunging into mass creations of sickness and disease and all manner of distress, just clothed in those Tubes of Light which you have drawn about you (without full faith in their adequacy) and which you puncture every few moments by discordant thought, feeling, spoken word or deed! I am very grateful indeed that you do call those Tubes of Light forth and that you are strengthening them as you continue to call for them and then hold more and more uninterrupted harmony in your worlds. 

Now, WHY DO YOU THINK I HAVE OFFERED YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN THE USE OF MY ARMOR OF LIGHT? Please use it - for it is, of course, to completely enfold you in my feelings of protection; my Helmet, Armor, Sword, Shield, Cross of Christ - PLEASE PUT THEM ON AND USE THEM BEFORE you go into action, dealing with powers of certain concentrated viciousness of which your outer self knows nothing!

Dear ones, when I see you so sincerely and earnestly making your calls to Light and without adequate protection of the Light, I always immediately call in limitless Legions of Angels around you to give their Christ protection to you. You have no concept of the amount of Cosmic Christ protection which has been necessary to be invoked by myself to enable- you to receive from "On High" through the psychic plane into the lower atmosphere of Earth, the radiation and spoken word of the Archangels, even during this four-day period. Up until now, most of this protection has been given from our side but it would be so wonderful if each of you individually and all collectively (when in group activities) were to call my Protective Armor of Light into action before you call forth and direct the mighty Flames and light Rays into the rip-tides in the atmosphere of Earth of hate, uncontrolled sex, crime and viciousness of every kind. Unless you had been given this protection by me and our Legions in the past, you would not even be here today; nor could there have been anything of a permanent nature anchored into your outer consciousness from the Great Ones to whom you have called; nor could there have been the tremendous purification which has taken place here. 

Now it is not that we are not either able or willing to sustain this protection FOR you, but it is a matter of Divine economy. You see, you are all at a point of consciousness now where you are able to hold this protection for yourselves and when you do reach such a consciousness, the Great Law requires that you use it! There is a great conservation of energy in the Heavenly Realms as you have been told. For every project we undertake, we are allotted a certain amount of energy to accomplish that task and, if we are obliged to use that energy to protect you, there is less for us to use in other ways, either to expand your own personal light or our Activity. Do you see? So it will be of tremendous assistance to us, to our Activity and to yourselves if, from now on, you will call forth more constant and complete protection as you proceed in the service of the Light. Will you try? 

Silence and Peace Are Not Lethargy 

Sometimes it takes actual phenomena to stir up the constructive energies of the etheric body, otherwise the outer self remains unimpressed. For instance, the Sun rises each day without sound and so it sets; your springtime comes and the leaves and flowers unfold quite silently; your harvest comes into being without sound and mankind just accept all these as a matter of course. However, if the Sun came up each day with a great roar like thunder and if in your springtime every flower burst with some sound or other which could be heard throughout your home as well as your garden, I think perhaps mankind would be much more cognizant of the magnificence of the spring. So the great Cosmic activities of purification and protection which have been going on in, through and around the Earth for some time now and which are performed in so-called "silence", are just taken for granted by mankind and accepted in a very placid way. 

I do pray to our Heavenly Father that all the purifying changes which Earth is passing through will also be accepted in a placid manner by mankind, free from fear and every kind of distress. However, a placid "outside" does not always signify a placid "inside" so let us all endeavor to make and keep ourselves ALWAYS PLACID WITHIN - calm and peaceful of heart - physically, etherically, mentally and emotionally - God-controlled at all times. Now, mind you, I do not mean that you should be lethargic! I mean to be constantly and Divinely alert and at peace! 

In teaching the outer mind to be at peace, it seems so difficult to gain just that perfect balance between lethargy or indifference and tension. When you tell people to be at peace, they like them to assume the lethargic consciousness and say: "I'll just do nothing, let God's will be done, I'll fall where I stand". I want you to stand NOW where you fell before! For millions of years you have been falling, ever since you first fell from grace.  

Now, in the Name of Almighty God, I CHARGE YOU INDIVIDUALLY WITH THE CAPACITY AND POWER TO STAND SERENE AND POISED IN THE FAITH THAT GOD CAN CONTROL EVERY PERSON, PLACE, CONDITION AND THING AT YOUR CALL knowing as well that my Presence is always with you; that my life is yours to command, for I am the Servant of your Spiritual Self! As I have often said, I have followed you along many highways and byways of existence: through about just every dark spot you could find and again and again I have drawn you forth there from by the magnetic power of my great love for you. Now, you are on the Upward Path again and your light is expanding. 

Returning again to the subject of your Tubes of Light, you have drawn them about you but (looking upon you as I am doing today) I see that they are pretty gossamer in texture, because you have not as yet completely accepted their efficacy to serve you. Dear God, make those Tubes of Light around each one so powerful that they actually become for them the Armor of Light of the First Ray. 

The Beloved Polaris and Magnus (the Great Beings whose Light Rays form the actual axis of the Earth itself), are radiating Blue Flame from the very heart of the Planet up through its substance and all that lives upon it not only those embodied but those who also belong to the Earth who are now at Inner Levels, out of embodiment at this time. 

Since the qualities of the Blue Flame of the First Ray are both Faith and Protection, this radiation today is anchoring in through and around all It contacts assistance in the ability to accept the Truth of the innate goodness of God; acceptance of the realization that all discord and evil of every kind are created by the human misuse of life and this Flame is also disabusing the consciousness of mankind of any acceptance that a good and loving God could or would inflict upon mankind or sustain any kind of evil as a punishment for any one or all of his creations. 

This I do now decree: Mankind shall learn to know our Good God as a Father of the tenderness Divine Love and Mercy and they shall be big enough to take upon their own shoulders the responsibility for misqualifying life, acknowledging honestly that the destructive experiences and sufferings which they sometimes endure are the result and return of their own voluntary magnetization and misqualification of life. Then mankind will cease to accept as the Will of God sickness of mind or body, age, disease and decay of flesh and all its attendant ramifications of imperfection. THESE APPEARANCES ARE NOT THE WILL OF GOD, for his Will is peace, purity, happiness, health, limitless supply of every good thing with never a shadow of distress of any kind.

Think of the Constancy of Nature! 

Think for a moment about the Nature Kingdom and how it continues, season after season, year after year, thus to fulfill the Will of God by giving you the beauty, fragrance and color of the flowers in the gardens; sustains the heavenly blue of the sky and the twinkling Stars therein; that blessed Sun to illumine the Earth by day and radiating its life-giving warmth to all that is; keeping the water element as clean as possible and the air purified so that mankind may continue to breathe the refreshing ozone; the harvests come and go - even though often wantonly wasted and destroyed by the recipients of these bountiful gifts. 

Beloved ones, perhaps you do not know that when our Beloved Sanat Kumara first came to this Earth at the time when the axis had already bent to about 45 degrees and any further "bending" would have been totally disastrous to this Planet and the evolutions upon her, the Nature Kingdom gave notice that they would no longer produce their gifts for a mankind so filled with discord and lack of appreciation of their services and harvests. Think you not that was a dark hour in Earth's history? Just think what would happen here if, for just one year, the Nature Kingdom refused to give of its substance which sustains your bodies' life in just food and drink alone! However, disaster was avoided by the tremendous release of Beloved Sanat Kumara's Divine Love - that Love which is the motivating power of the entire Universe. Through the coming of his very Presence here and that of the three Kumaras who came with him (as well as the loving assistance from those nine hundred lifestreams who volunteered to precede the coming of Sanat Kumara and prepare Shamballa as a home for him here), there was the needed ease and Peace brought to the Nature Kingdom and every Elemental within it. Then they said: "Well, if these Great Beings are willing to leave Venus to stay with this "Dark Star"; if Polaris and Magnus are willing to keep the axis from bending further; if the Great Solar Lords and Cosmic Law are willing to give the Earth another opportunity to be sustained as a jewel in the Solar necklace, we will continue to supply the substance for mankind as they live upon the Planet. That was millions of years ago! 

Cultivate Feelings of Appreciation 

Beloved ones in the book of "The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak", the Elohim of Peace describes to you in detail just how he became a little yellow flower and appeared season after season as such a little flower for millions of years! You see, those little Elementals have to spend a great deal of time and energy to learn how to actually become the form of that which they wish to create, let us say, for instance, a lima bean. They first become the form themselves and into that form they draw the substance which makes that particular vegetable, or whatever it is. When their service is completed, they return to the Nature Temple and Teacher who sent them forth. Then some folks just don't like lima beans! There has been much of some little being's energies go into the creation of just one of those beans - think of it! Then think of the disrespect and ingratitude people have for and toward food. They reject this and reject that and are so "fussy" concerning the gifts given them so freely. Think of the variety of harvests which are provided for the people of this Earth in order that all may not have to eat the same thing and may have a change of food from time to time. 

After Beloved Sanat Kumara came and the Elemental Kingdom finally decided that they would continue to grow and give to the people that which was for their sustenance, the Elementals spoke together in counsel and said: "How about just one kind of harvest for instance wheat? Let the people do with that as they will and make as much of that as they can." Then the Great Directors of the Forces of the Elements replied: "No, we shall give them a diversity of crops - wheat, rye and other cereals; vegetables and fruits of many kinds and description. We shall also continue in the diversification of flowers, trees and shrubs." Dear people, you have been saved much distress of which you know nothing, through the constancy of endeavor of many Beings who have loved and served you, as well as all the rest of life - regardless of the lack of appreciation for those gifts. 

You know, beloved ones, there is not one even here in this room who has not, at one time or another, in this life alone, rejected some of Nature's gifts as repellant (whether in food or otherwise) , when some individual Elemental gave of his or her own life to create and sustain that. Now let us come to a point of FEELING gratitude - gratitude (in one way) that you do not have to eat the same thing all the time! Be grateful that there is such a diversity of form for your enjoyment. If you do not wish to partake of that substance, at least bless it! Thank life for having created it and make the call that it will fulfill its Divine Plan for being whether that concerns your own life or not. Never despise anything! You cannot be a chela of the Realm of Love while you despise any part of Life, Its creations or anything which Nature has provided for some part of life to use. If you feel that the energy within that form is not good, with your present knowledge of the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame, you can raise the quality thereof by passing the Violet Flame through it. However, the feeling within you is the important point here. 

Now, perhaps you do not like loud music; first Ray people; or some kind of food or drink that "mild dislike" is all a ramification of hate which is a repellant force and which is part of the effluvia of human creation. When you come to the Archangel consciousness (which I am endeavoring today to convey to you) of loving life free then you may be positive all right BUT POSITIVELY LOVING AND KIND AND FORGIVING TO ALL THAT IS! 

Suppose I hadn't liked the people in the "Compound". I certainly had no particular affinity for the distress they had consciously created all through the ages but suppose I had said: "O they have created so much discord let them stay there!" No! That is not Divinity's way. Divinity's way is that of forgiveness and redemption FREEDOM THROUGH THE REQUALIFICATION OF ENERGY - IMPERSONALLY! IMPERSONALLY! So if you do not like some other religious denomination or race or creed that is a ramification of that same quality of hate. Therefore, any manifestation of life which is repellant to you is simply opportunity for you to requalify that energy. YOU CAN DO IT! God has given you dominion over all the substance of land and sea and all the creatures which dwell thereon and therein, through the power and use of the creative word "I AM", the focus of which is anchored within the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth which beats every physical heart! You can raise the quality of music; you can raise the quality of service in all religions and churches; you can raise the quality of energy in all races without even speaking a word, by the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame just so long as you remain POSITIVELY LOVING GOD; POSITIVELY LOVING LIFE and honestly asking that the cause and core of dislike, resentment, rebellion and hate be removed from them and replaced by the perfection of their Divine Plan fulfilled. Then do not struggle with or against those things! That is one of the reasons for our being here to help you! It is why I am here; why Beloved Astraea is here and why Saint Germain is here - just to help you and all Earth's evolutions to be free, including of course, the Earth itself. For what other reason would we stay? 

The causes and cores of human distresses are often buried deep within the etheric bodies, dear ones. A few of you have seen surgeons remove a bullet from a wound and you know that it sometimes takes a bit of probing. In these days of such opportunity for complete and eternal purification, the Mighty Astraea comes instantly at your conscious call with her Circle and Sword of Blue Flame to remove the causes and cores of all human distresses; I am here with my Sword of Blue Flame; and all of the activities from above which the Ascended Host and Cosmic Beings are and have, all these are available to you! JUST LET US INTO YOUR WORLDS! 

O God of Life and Light! In thy mighty name "I AM", I call to you for assistance in opening the consciousness of Earth's people to the reality of the Angelic Host - to the place where they will allow the Angels into their worlds, to abide there as Divine Friends and Fellow-servers of the Light, until the completion of this task of purifying the Earth and her evolutions. Because I know that you always answer every call - IT IS DONE RIGHT NOW! 

Thank you so much for letting me into your worlds today, by your attention upon me and my words of love to you! Good morning!







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