Constant Readiness for Service

(Continued from November 1957 issue)

Sept. 26, 1957

Excerpts from an Address by

Archangel Raphael 

It has been our endeavor and it has been the direction given to us for this Class, to charge into the emotional, mental and physical consciousness of mankind OUR FEELING OF JOY IN SERVICE so that the sense of duty - the sense of service bound around by fear; the sense of service because it is a habit - is replaced by an intelligent, receptive, pliant, buoyant, joyous consciousness. Such a consciousness, upon the very spur of the moment, can receive the God-direction from the individualized "I AM" Presence or any Divine Being in the Universe and then be pliable enough to act upon that God-direction, no matter what it does to the habits and patterns which form the course of daily living. 

Beloved ones, mankind and you who are consecrated to serve life, have no consciousness yet as to how habit-bound your lives are. You arise at a certain time; you make your application at a certain time; you bathe and dress at a certain time; you eat at a certain time; and you have activities planned for your day (of a constructive nature - true) but every little portion of your day is fitted into place as you would fit your mosaic into a tile floor. Then you feel that you are very orderly persons in having such a set pattern which is constructive. 

Now, because the currents which flow through the Cosmos are such that even we or the Solar Lords themselves do not always know in advance just what opportunities may present themselves which can be of blessing to the Earth at a given moment, we are dependent upon the ability to instantly contact unascended lifestreams who are our chelas and who have already designed their day, these chelas who are willing to accept our words in the outer mind. Now here is the test of pliability - the test of holding the balance of harmony when the entire mosaic of the individual's world is disturbed (shall we say, in regard to your carefully laid pattern). Then everything so planned must be laid to one side in order that we may be able to avail ourselves of a Cosmic current for the blessing of the individual chela, as well as Earth's entire evolutionary scheme and the entire Galaxy at this time! 

Complete Self-surrender is "Listening Grace" 

Now, beloved ones, you are earnest, you are honest, you are sincere and you are selfless (you think) but you have yet to learn the great self-surrender which is the "watchword" of the Fifth Ray upon which I serve. The service of this Ray requires of every truly consecrated man and woman the state of "listening grace" of which my Beloved Mary has spoken to you so many times, the discernment to be able to lay aside important matters, even the drawing forth and presentation of the Beloved Morya's Activity, if necessary. You must learn, beloved ones, to accept a difference in your pattern of rising, sleeping, eating and dressing and be always ready - like the Selfless Ones. You have been told that the children of Shamballa have no place to lay their heads (which really means, no "set place" to abide). 

The Children of Shamballa are those who are so free emotionally of family ties and obligations; so free mentally of the concrete pattern of daily living; so free etherically of resentments and rebellions against the changing of a pattern and so free physically through the disciplines of the physical self, that the vehicles can joyously respond and be moved from place to place upon the great service of the Earth as the Master may require a physical vehicle as a magnetizing center upon an instant's notice. 

Now all through the centuries we have dealt with unascended beings who, first of all, have karma untransmuted from the past; second, have a great amount of logic and reasoning and they have to think over and ponder the reason and efficacy of a move until the Cosmic moment has passed and the Great Cosmic Current which we have endeavored to anchor through such an one, is gone into another Galaxy. We have had to deal with earnest and sincere chelas whose emotional bodies like "sameness" and, beloved ones, as you pass on through the course of years, your physical vehicle becomes "set" into a pattern which is the result of the use of your energy (life). When that pattern is changed, the physical vehicle and the Body Elemental are not always responsive, although your hearts light is! 

Now we deal with a Cosmic Scheme. The Archangels and the Archaii paint truly upon a Cosmic canvas. We have, thank God, insight into the Divine pattern and plan of the Universal Scheme and we see, for instance, in the moving of a great Solar Body through the Heavens. We see that there may be for a twenty-four or forty-eight hour period, a tremendous radiation from this Solar Body which does not belong to Helios and Vesta and this Universe. We see that that benediction and blessing can be magnetized and be made part of the redemptive process of Earth IF we can reach unascended lifestreams - sincere chelas - in time! Then, if they will put down their pencils and pens for a moment and seize upon that energy, drawing it into the atmosphere of Earth, it then becomes a permanent part of the Planet itself. 

Conscious Call from Earth Required 

Now I can tell you that, through the ages, while I have served in this capacity as Archangel of Consecration and Concentration, literally millions of these beautiful Solar Beings, Cosmic Beings and Interplanetary Emissaries have passed in the vicinity of Earth on a mission which originally did not include a particular benediction or stopping place upon the Earth at all. When there was in incarnation upon the Planet Earth even ONE unascended lifestream whom we could contact and who would, of himself, prepare and reach up to that Envoy that Divine Being invariably stopped in Solar flight and a portion of the benediction which he was carrying, maybe to an entirely different Galaxy, was poured down to Earth according to the magnetizing power of the "Cup" which is the consciousness of the chela we have contacted. 

However, for the ONE for whom we have been able to make such an appointment, there have been millions of these Great Beings who have swept through the Cosmos in the vicinity of Earth and have not been able to give their blessing here. You see, these Beings are absolutely obedient. First, they have a mission; second, they have a goal to which they are going and they have no particular reason for releasing their blessing unless it is ASKED FOR by some unascended member of the Planet in the vicinity of which this Cosmic Being travels. 

Therefore, you can see that INSTANTANEOUS READINESS is absolutely essential to our being able to use the consciousness of our chelas, especially at this time. We are now dealing not only with the redemption of this Planet's evolutions, but we are dealing with the forward movement of an entire Galaxy. For this reason the Interstellar Highways between the Galaxies (even as far as Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun) are now open and the Cosmic Emissaries who travel between the Suns of the System are of ten enroute from one Star to the other. 

Now, we would like to be able to seize upon as much of this Light as possible this Light which is flashing backward and forward and yet shut out from the Earth and her people by the protective "Ring-pass-not" of Blue Flame which had to be created so that the discords of the Earth would not pollute interstellar space. It would be so wonderful and of such great assistance to us if you would try to prepare yourselves to magnetize such Beings. If you would care to do so, you could so make your call at the beginning of your group endeavors (and personal application as well), offering all the energies released during those activities to your own "I AM" Presence, to the Ascended Masters and ourselves, offering it to be used as a magnet to so draw these blessings. 

This is a completely separate activity from that of dedicating your meetings or personal application to a specific God-being whom you know by name. This which we are now asking you to do is to gather in Solar Forces which would otherwise pass the Earth by and which, by magnetization, can be utilized in this majestic process of redeeming the Earth and her evolutions. 

Please do not change your pattern of dedicating your meetings to specialized Beings of whom you know and whose radiation you thus draw in, through and around you, but you are to remember that the great "unknown" Divine Intelligences are also passing through Interstellar space and their radiation is available to you upon conscious request. 

May we also suggest that the magnetizing of these Great Beings depends also upon your releasing a confident, positively qualified energy in your songs and decrees (either personally or in groups) for a lukewarm, slightly interested feeling released when participating in the group activities could not possibly draw the interest of such a Cosmic Being. Do you see? 

Let us see how many of these Great Solar Lords and Cosmic Messengers we can draw into Earth's atmosphere from now on, Beings who will greatly assist, the Earth's freedom by the gifts which they are so willing to give; for they are always looking for opportunity to expand their light!

Incidentally, in the past, we have sometimes used your energies to call for such assistance, even without your conscious knowledge of our having done it. However, the requirement now is that you consciously make the call for this blessing. 

May I tell you that already, today, while this meeting has been in session, we have been able to magnetize the Presence of a Great Solar Lord of the Fifth Ray who has now entered the Earth's atmosphere. At our request for his visit to Earth today to give his blessing, he has contacted his Superior upon the Sun from whence he has come, and has obtained permission to stay with us for the rest of this four-day Class. He is a guest of your Beloved Adelphia, the Great Cherubim in charge of your "forcefield" here. 

My Beloved Mary (Mother of Jesus and Twin-Flame of Beloved Raphael) and I leave with you the limitless blessings of our Love and Light - always! 


(NOTE: During the Class, there were four such Beings drawn, one belonging to each of the Rays represented by the Archangels of the days (Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel and Michael). These blessings are, of course, eternally sustained and ever-expanding.)







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