The Masters of Wisdom Speak



Every so-called "human" being has been endowed by the Father-Mother God with the priceless gift of creative power, the self-sustained focus of which lives within every "human" heart and, as you know, is known as the Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth. Fully developed, this same power is acting in and through every Godfree Being for, allowing the expression of complete Mastery over all by the Christself, makes one become an Ascended Master! 

As has been said, this Holy Christ Self abides within this Immortal Threefold Flame, which is held in the chalice of the beating heart of all unascended mankind. There it awaits opportunity to express itself, releasing its particular gifts of perfection for the benefaction of all. We have come now to the hour in Planetary and Universal progress where the Cosmic Fiat is the requirement for each such Christ-self to be given full liberty and freedom of expression. We, the Spiritual Hierarchy, truly rejoice in the issuing of this Divine Edict at this time and, at your call, we shall joyously lend every possible assistance of our individual and collective momentums to the helping of mankind to become Lords of the Flame. This is their Divine Destiny! 


As our chelas have been told from time to time, every unascended lifestream, during the course of its Earth lives and experiences, has given more liberty and freedom to one of the three aspects of this Beloved Threefold Flame than to the other two. In other words, some have developed more of the POWER aspect; some more of WISDOM and some more of LOVE. Thus, no two unascended lifestreams are exactly alike in their expression of this Immortal Threefold Flame through the outer form. In the present era, where perfect balance of the emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles of all our chelas must be developed, if they are to be of real and constant assistance to us, let each one now avail himself or herself of the instruction and radiation of our Beloved Paul and his gracious Brotherhood, especially during this thirty-day period, in order for each one to be able to develop the particular virtue of this Three-fold Flame which has not been nourished or allowed to expand up to this time. 


Primal life-essence is constantly flowing from the individualized "I AM" Presence of each lifestream into the Immortal Three-fold Flame within the heart, while such a one is in physical embodiment. The God-given gift of freewill has allowed those who have used the Planet Earth as a schoolroom to nurture and develop, as they chose, just one (sometimes two) of the Virtues of that Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power. The fiat of the Cosmic Law already has gone forth for the setting aside of all destructive use of freewill and so we are now gratefully able to proceed with much greater speed, efficacy and freedom to teach the outer consciousness of mankind how to release the latent powers within them, as well as balance those which they have already developed. 

Unfortunately, in the masses of mankind, the outer consciousness would rather revel in the use of already developed powers than undertake the more "trying" and arduous task of developing those which have been neglected, sometimes for ages! However, the accomplishments produced by the use of the already developed powers sometimes tend to inflate the human ego which, of course, results in a lack of balance in the activities and affairs of so many well-meaning people, even at this present hour! "Knowledge becomes power through use". All of the knowledge in the world of form or, for that matter, from our Realm as well, will never set any one free unless it is applied! The true teacher (Ascended or unascended) encourages his or her student to practically use the instruction given and, upon the amount of constructive applica­tion which is made of such instruction, depends the giving of more knowledge. Ponder on this! 

PAUL (The Venetian Master):

How rejoiced are our hearts to have the opportunity to greet beloved chelas at the Chateau de Liberte during this thirty-day period. Be assured that you will be welcomed and instructed by us all in the most kindly and gracious manner. As the development of the perfect balance of the Threefold Flame in every human heart is our particular reason for being, you can at least partially understand what this opportunity means to us in this World Hour. Let no chela, no matter how diffident or self depreciative he may feel, neglect this opportunity to come to us here, because often, within the humblest of hearts and the simplest of forms, the greatest light abides. The very quality of true humility (often expressed in the feelings as unworthiness of our assistance and instruction) is the open door to such assistance. It is not the prideful egotist but the gentle man who is the hope of the world! 


Invocation of the Powers of the Sacred Fire have been practiced on Earth ever since the time the Holy Innocents first accepted the hospitality of this Planet. After the so-called "fall of man", much of the Power of Invocation became a travesty of this Sacred Ritual and some of the unfortunate results of this manifest to the present day. Having witnessed this mis-use of the true Power of Invocation from the Lemurian and Atlantean Ages, as well as the destructive activities of the men and women who called themselves Priests and Priestesses in my beloved Egypt, I am delighted to help at this time to restore the Power of GOD-invocation through chelas interested in learning how, impersonally, to undo the terrific chaos created by the willful and rebellious use of this Sacred Ritual in the past. 

Egypt was once a land of great light but, as you know, it has sunk into a land of comparative darkness, due to the nefarious practices of the Priests and Priestesses referred to above. The whole continent of Africa has reaped the unhappy harvest of the subtle as well as open defiance of God's Will. Egypt shall become again a land of great light! Luxor and its Priesthood shall expand that light and dissolve forever the present humanly created effluvia which lies like a heavy fog over Africa, its people and even the Nature Kingdom! Those lifestreams now in embodiment on Earth who, in the past have contributed to the creation and sustaining of this distress, not only have opportunity to participate in Egypt's redemption but, besides, such lifestreams are now required by Cosmic Law so to do! For this the Brotherhood at Luxor and I are grateful indeed. To this end, I shall seek out personally every unascended lifestream now embodied or otherwise who had any part in the creations of this distress and charge them with my feelings of loving, joyous enthusiasm to help us in this redemptive process now! I am determined that my love shall draw these forth and cause them to serve men willingly! 


Invocation of the God Powers is a true science and must be learned, as is all other science, carefully and methodically. As the primal life essence flows from the "I AM" Presence of each life-stream into the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame in each physical heart, the Blue Flame qualifies that energy with the power to do practical works in God's Name; the Golden Flame illumines the outer mind as to the constructive use of such power and the Pink Flame directs the illumined power through love for the benefaction of all life. When only one or two of these activities are developed, the science of God Invocation is not balanced and, without exception, the lifestream endeavoring to so use the powers of Invocation finds himself in distress. This unfortunate situation has caused many over-zealous people to both invoke and manifest distresses for themselves and others and create, temporarily, the chaos to which our beloved brother Serapis so forcibly refers. Therefore all logical minds (which, under the Fifth Ray, are those with whom we deal primarily) will understand that the learning of the science of invocation is essential to redeem personal, continental and planetary karma in this world hour. To this end we, the Brotherhood at Crete, offer our services, grateful indeed for the opportunity of helping our beloved Brother the Ascended Master Saint Germain to create the necessary atmosphere for World Wide Brotherhood, so long his Vision and NOW to become a fact! 


As at least some of my ministry on Earth in my final embodiment here is so well known to many of our gentle readers, I am sure that they will cognize the fact that, in that embodiment, I constantly availed myself of the power of Invocation of Divinity through the use of the Name of God, "I AM" for the blessing and benediction of the entire human race. Herein was my safeguard because the invocation of powers less than Divine also bring a response from the consciousness so invoked! Intent upon building some manifest expression of their own outer consciousness, for ages of time (and even in this present day) , good people sometimes have invoked lesser powers than those of the God-presence and thus have been caught in the meshes of psychic creations. 

Now I offer to all students on the Spiritual Path invincible protection from any such further mistake, conscious or unconscious. Always calling FIRST to your own individualized "I AM" Presence and then using my name, the Ascended Jesus Christ (which name carries all the full gathered momentums of perfection of my lifestream) as a preface to any and all God-invocations made by them, will bring God-protection always. For instance, you may say: "In the Name of my own Beloved "I AM" Presence and in the Name of the Ascended Jesus Christ, I now invoke whatever powers of the Sacred Fire are needed here and now for the blessing of my fellowman, the dear Earth and my own being and world. Keep these blessings ever-flowing, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active and ever-expanding here!" 

We can do no more than offer you our loving, willing and joyous assistance. It is yours to accept or reject, according to your use of your own free-will. Fortunately, I am among the few of the Spiritual Hierarchy most readily accepted as an authority in spiritual matters. For this, I am so grateful! 


How delighted I am, particularly at this time, to have the services of those dear unascended lifestreams who are proving themselves to be vitally interested in the making of our Planet Earth "Freedom's Star." Be assured that, at your call, every possible assistance of the Violet Fire Temples and all of our Legions will joyously assist you in the redemption of the destructive karma created in the past by yourselves and others. 

Although our Beloved Brother Serapis seems so fiercely determined in his promise to seek out all who have created temporary chaos upon the Planet Earth (especially in the land of Egypt), this very determination on his part is born of his great love and desire for the eternal personal freedom of all who participated in creating the causes and cores of those distressing conditions which manifest in Africa today. He knows full well that the more of such karma which is consciously transmuted by its creators, the greater will be the expanded spiritual light of each lifestream so participating in this service. Ultimately, of course, this will result in the Ascension of each such an one. 

The subject of Invocation is very dear to my heart, as it is my reason for being! I assure you that, on the Planet Earth at this time, only the very surface of the magnificent Ceremonies and Rituals of the TRUE WHITE ORDER have been touched as yet by the minds of men. After the complete sublimation and transmutation of the chaos of mankind's destructive activities which have shrouded the Earth, your hearts will delight in the beauty and perfection of the New Age, which Perfection shall take the place of the former unfortunate creations. This New Age is much closer to outer manifestation than your dear hearts realize. Thank you, beloved ones, for persevering in Our service, sometimes in the face of almost insurmountable obstacles, continuing in this redemptive process which is being made manifest in my name. I love you beyond the ken of human mind!





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