July 19, 1958 


God bless you, every gentle reader, with the fullness of all the power and glory of FREEDOM'S LIGHT, for his God-virtue of Freedom is inherent within all manifest form and is one of the most important of God's gifts to his creation. 

"'I AM' (is) the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world..." said the Beloved Ascended Master Jesus. The focus of that light in our individual worlds is the Immortal Three­fold Flame of God's Eternal Truth and Reality, anchored right within our beating hearts! Connected to that Three-fold Flame in the heart and sustained by the radiating light and love from it, is a tiny "point" of crystal-pure light (let us call it an "electron") in the heart-center of every cell of our bodies. 

You will recall that Beloved Jesus said: "The light of the body is the eye and, if thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light...." The above is the King James translation of this Bible verse, with which translation most of us are familiar. However, our Beloved Jesus has told us that the correct translation of that verse as he gave it originally should be: "The light of the body is the 'I AM' and if that 'I AM' be the ONE (single) authority in thy body, thy body shall be filled with light..." Did not Beloved Jesus PROVE this when he was transfigured on the Mount and did he not always identify himself COMPLETELY with the Father, especially in his statement "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father... for the Father and I are ONE!" God is LIGHT and LIFE and LOVE! 

Beloved ones, that LIGHT is also the reality of YOU and is the FULL AUTHORITY OF PERFECTION over everything human, if the personality consciousness would only accept that Truth and surrender to it! This "surrender" (which is so feared by that outer self) is merely the letting go of every human limitation and entering into the God-world of happiness, peace and the abundant supply of every good thing which, we have been told so often, God has prepared for us from the beginning! We once knew and had it all before the world was! 

This God-light is now arising within the innermost being of every sincere lifestream who really wants to live the constructive Way of Life and wants to serve it to the best of his or her ability. THAT LIGHT IS TAKING ITS DOMINION NOW in the Earth, on its surface and in its atmosphere. That was its God-dominion here in the beginning, before human shadows manifested their attendant ills and distresses of every kind. "The Light of God NEVER Fails" to fulfill itself and, through Divine Love, Patience, Illumination and Cosmic Christ Merciful Forgiveness, redeem all into God-perfection again. Now TODAY is the day of that God-dominion which is outpicturing more quickly than most realize. 

To the end of manifesting Earth's complete freedom more quickly, the daily rhythmic use of the following decree by our devoted chelas will be of tremendous assistance as she arises out of everything human into all that is Divine becoming "Freedom's Star" in our Solar System. 

May we gently suggest that, since at present there are so many more in numbers of conscious chelas living on the Continents of Europe and North America than there are on the other five Continents (South America, Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania) some of the chelas living either in Europe or America might enjoy giving the selfless service of making the decree first for their own land and then repeat it for one of the other Continents of their choice. As we know, the blessed Continents of Asia and Africa are teeming with unascended lifestreams, many of whom need tremendous help to arise out of human limitations and distresses. Recently, too, our Beloved Saint Germain has asked for the assistance of as many chelas as would care to do so to give this assistance to our beloved South America, thus helping to more quickly prepare it for the incoming Seventh Root Race, of whom there are so very few in embodiment at this time so far as we know not more than two or three. The Continent of South America will be the land into which the majority of this Race will embody, for that Continent is to be the heart center of the Permanent Golden Age on Earth. 

If there are any who are interested in helping to purify the Seven Seas also, these are: North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Arctic, Antarctic and Indian Oceans. 

Remember all ways! "The Call COMPELS the Answer", especially when that call is made in the Name and Authority of the "I AM" for this is God's very own Most Holy Name (so said God to Moses long ago) and the CREATIVE WORD of the Universe used by all God-beings everywhere for that purpose not just on Earth! (Bible - Gospel of St. John, Chap. 1:1 "In the beginning was THE WORD and without THE WORD WAS NOT ANYTHING MADE THAT WAS MADE ...")




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