Let us remember that all life is voluntarily drawn forth from the body of God (the Universal "I AM" Presence) by self-conscious intelligences who desire to manifest as individual expressions of Deity in any sphere into which they fit themselves to dwell and serve. In its primal state, this life is pure, perfect, beautiful and all powerful, because it contains within itself the nature of its donor (the Universal "I Am" Presence). 

From the time of individualization, each self-conscious intelligence is personally responsible for his or her use of that life through the use of free-will and his own creative faculties of thought, feeling, spoken word and action, molding it into constructive or destructive manifestations. When such a self-conscious intelligence uses his free-will in a destructive manner and produces discord, he then begins to create the long chain of karmic ties and comes under the Law of Cause (his own) and Effect. 

The Law of Karma requires that each such intelligence personally redeem all the life he has misqualified. This is the glorious mercy of the Law which is taught by my sons, the Ascended Masters Saint Germain and Serapis Bey. These Masters show the individual how to redeem past and present errors (made by them personally) by the removing of the causes and cores of discord from the four lower bodies through the rhythmic use of the Violet Transmuting Flame and other activities of the Sacred Fire. Thus they set themselves free from the results of their own misuse of life. Particularly during this thirty-day period do I recommend to you the advisability of consciously asking your Sponsor from Luxor to help you in this happy activity... the redemption of your own destructive karma and the humanitarian service which you can render, of redeeming the destructive karma of the Earth and all her evolutions. 


The first step on the Spiritual Path of each honest, earnest and sincere chela is to accept that the causes and cores behind all his distresses were set up at some time by himself and that the effect is a result of such misdeeds in the past. Many self-righteous individuals refuse to accept the responsibility for having been the cause of their present limitations and they, of course, are not ready for the process of joyous redemption of destructive karma. Instead, they prefer to brood over the seeming injustices inflicted upon them and, with these people, we can do nothing but wait in patience until they can and will accept full responsibility for their own unhappy estate; then ask for our help to extricate themselves from the limitations that plague them. There are rare instances, however, where very strong chelas voluntarily accept the destructive karma of others and offer (at Inner Levels) to redeem it. 

The Lords of Karma allow such individuals to assume this task only when they see that the chela has the strength, tenacity of spirit and momentum of redemptive power required for this almost super-human task! Beloved Jesus was one of such Chelas and, in the present day, those chelas who have been acquainted with the use of the Violet Flame of Mercy and Compassion are also, in a lesser degree, helping in the mass redemption of the destructive karma of the Race. The important feeling required by each chela who serves in this redemption of destructive karma is joy for opportunity to set life free. When resentment, rebellion, self-depreciation and condemnation enter the feeling worlds of such chelas who are carrying more than their share of the "cares of this world," the Lords of Karma, in mercy, relieve such chelas from this task and look for others willing to accept and perform this service. 


Redemption of discordantly qualified life, whether it is manifested as discord, disease, limitation or distress of any kind, means merely restoring that life to its natural estate - PERFECTION. There is nothing occult nor mystical in this process. The chela merely has to know how to call to the Spiritual Hierarchy and the particular Flames and Rays which the Great Ones, at your call, then will direct into any person, place, condition or thing requiring redemption. Then the chela must constantly and faithfully continue his calls until that redemption actually has taken place. 

The efficacy of the "redeemer" is determined by his faith in the power of the "I Am" Presence and the Spiritual Hierarchy to answer his calls and by his constancy of endeavor until the mis­qualified energy is redeemed. There is no such call that is not answered if that call is continued until its ultimate effect is manifested. The constancy and persistence of the chela engaged in such redemption determines how efficacious he is in this service. Truly, as my Brother Jesus said long ago: "Many are called, but few are chosen". 


The true "redeemer" of each lifestream is, of course, the Holy Christ Self which dwells within each one's own beating heart. When this "redeemer" is allowed self-expression through the four lower vehicles (emotional, mental, etheric and physical), its first activity is to quicken the vibratory action of the cells and atoms which make up these vehicles. Then as the outer consciousness becomes aware of, consciously accepts and uses the Violet Transmuting Flame (daily and rhythmically), then the misqualified energy which has lodged between the electrons in the atom is thrown off into that Violet Fire and purified. 

We who serve on the Third Ray do all we can to encourage and assist the quicker manifesting of the Holy Christ Self through the outer personal consciousness of all the billions of lifestreams presently using the Earth as a schoolroom; as well as those "guardian spirits" who came from other Stars so long ago to assist the people of Earth and have become temporarily enmeshed in the distresses here. When the individual can and will recognize that his "Redeemer liveth" RIGHT WITHIN HIMSELF, that one can help us considerably in allowing that "Redeemer" (Holy Christ Flame) full freedom to expand and quicken the vibratory action of his lower vehicles, transmute his personal karma and then, in love, serve by helping in the redemption of the mass karma of the race. 


During this thirty-day period, I have appointed one of the Seraphim from Luxor to be the Sponsor for each chela who has applied for the Ascension in this embodiment and who has offered to help in this redemption of all imperfectly qualified energy which shrouds the planet Earth and most of its people at this time. The activity of the Seraphim will greatly increase the feeling of joyous enthusiasm, constancy and endeavor upon the part of such chelas to continue in their service until the Earth and all its evolutions are free of every limitation. 

These Seraphim are very real Beings who, for ages of time, have witnessed over and over again the restoration of misqualified life back into its perfect estate. Therefore, their feelings of the actual certainty of accomplishment are a mighty sustaining power which will help the unascended chela to move forward more quickly to his or her own victorious accomplishment! Please accept the loving assistance of the Seraphim while you are our guests at Luxor during this thirty-day period particularly; as well as through all the rest of your Earth-span! The Seraphim live but to serve and, under my direction, they are your Servants of Light who can and will give you help without limit at your conscious call, helping you to fulfill your vow to set all of Earth's imprisoned life free from limitations of every description! PERSEVERE! 


Divine Alchemy; transmutation of substance; redemption of discordantly qualified life energy each of these is an EXACT SCIENCE! It is as exact and unerring as the Law of Mathematics. They have nothing to do with personality, partiality or "favor". All substance is intelligent life, whether it is manifesting at a discordant rate of vibration in the Astral Realm which is Earth's atmosphere at present (where the cause and core of the distress has been set up, although invisible to the average physical sight); or in the world of form where the distressing effect is quite visible and tangible! Through the use of the Divine Fire of Purification, this substance can and does respond to self-conscious intelligent direction and the atoms will as quickly respond to positive commands to express perfection as, in the past, they obeyed the commands of thought, feeling, spoken word or action to create discordant expression. 

No imprisoned life (living below the natural state of harmony and perfection) is happy because the inherent intelligence within that life knows its natural estate is beautiful and perfect! Thus imprisoned life will literally "leap" forward into freedom when the command for its release from distress is given with God-authority, by the use and in the name of the "I Am" Presence! If the chela can and will accept the fact that life is willing and eager to obey such commands to express perfection, such a chela can, without tension, work with life intelligently, impersonally and happily! If the chela believes (in his feelings particularly) that life will resist his endeavors and thus choose to remain in limitation, the efficacy of such chela's endeavors is greatly diminished. EXPECTANCY of response is essential to performance of redemption, beloved ones!


I was born without personal karma of a destructive nature. Thus, I had the advantage over many earnest chelas who serve now as "redeemers" of the Earth's discord. Therefore, to each such sincere lifestream who yet has not fully redeemed his own destructive karma, I offer my full-gathered Cosmic momentum of the redemptive process which I used to set life free during my final Earth life. Those who will consciously use the power of my name (the Ascended Jesus Christ) and use my Ascended Jesus Christ consciousness WHICH HAS ALREADY OVERCOME THE WORLD, have been, in the past, and shall continue to be able to control and redeem so much of the discords of the outer world. Ask me to help you so to do. I shall answer you joyously and INSTANTLY! 


We have now entered into the Age of Redemption! Earth shall now become "Freedom's Star"! All Its attendant evolutions shall know complete and eternal freedom from every distress! Every Cosmic Being, Ascended Master, Seraphim, Cherubim and Member of the Angelic Host (assisting Earth's evolutions at this time) is helping in this redemption. Also, through the kind and co-operative service of my unascended chelas in the world of form who are making the calls for such redemption, this process is being tremendously hastened and I am so grateful to all, Ascended and unascended Beings who are helping me to make the Golden Age of Freedom manifest here on Earth! Please accept my feeling gained through many centuries of experimentation with the re-qualification of energy, particularly through the use of Violet Fire into your own feelings! 

I promise you that, as soon as the Law will permit, I shall give you visual aids which will impress upon your consciousness through the outer senses, the way in which the use of the Violet Flame actually does raise the vibrations of shadowed (misqualified) energy raising it into the vibrations of pure light and thus setting it free from discordant appearances. This allows that energy freedom to act in its natural estate - PERFECTION! PLEASE DO NOT FEAR HUMAN APPEARANCES OF ANY KIND! Released by your own Beloved "I AM" Presence at your call or by Divine Beings to whom you call in addition to your Presence, the Sacred Fire is much more powerful than any human appearance or accumulation of them even so-called "death" itself. Beloved Jesus proved this in actual physical manifestation! YOU CAN PROVE IT TOO! 

Remember! All imprisoned life WANTS TO BE SET FREE and you will have the full cooperation of this imprisoned life when you desire to set it free, as well as our full cooperation in such activities also. Then, be NOW "about your Father's business"! I shall be with you every step of the way!







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