"I AM” but an open door, surrounded by Blazing Flame... "I AM" invisible, not only to human discord and distress, but to the forces that oppose good - embodied and disembodied... There is no one to oppose, no one to strike at, no one to reach, for El Morya, The Maha Chohan and all the Ascended Host are behind "The Bridge To Freedom" Activity, within it, above it, below it, inside it, outside it, NOW AND ALWAYS... "I NOW enjoying boundless Peace, Protection and Health, and an overwhelming Supply of all good things, to enable me to serve this Cause bountifully. 

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An Original Treatise by the First Krishna

With Introduction by our Beloved Lord, the Maha Chohan

Part I 

An Invitation to the Cosmic Library 

The Gifts of the Godhead: Today “I Am" going to take you through projected consciousness into my own home in that Belt which lies around the Sun behind the Sun. I come to all who are willing to join me there are relatively few who of an entire planet accept my Presence and my hospitality. 

The Gifts of the Godhead are given freely with no thought of the number of the beneficiaries, and there is as much Joy in serving one as a multitude, for the Joy is in the Service itself and not the response so into the Heart of my home I shall take you. 

The Cosmic Library: The Office of Cosmic Librarian, like that of the Maha Chohan, is filled by different Intelligences in the course of the evolution of an entire race. 

The Temple of the Holy Spirit and the Rectory are likewise part of the Office but the permanent Individual Homes are separate from these, shall we say, Office Buildings. 

The great Cosmic Record that has been written in every civilization has been, transferred, preceding the usual cataclysm, into this Cosmic Library. They are sustained here in their original form and manuscripts because the various styles are part of the heritage of the race and are representative of its culture, its nature and its evolution. 

The Homes of the Masters: These Cosmic Temples which are the foci of the Cosmic Officers, are situated around the Great Central Sun, but the individual homes of the Masters are around the various planets which represent either the birthplace of their awakened consciousness or an adopted planet which, by vibration, forms a sympathetic attraction more or less, for the Individual. 

For instance, the Temple of the Violet Flame of the Ascended Master SAINT GERMAIN is included in the Office Buildings above mentioned, but his personal home is in the Aura of VENUS, while that of EL MORYA is in the fiery orbit of MERCURY, and so on. But today I bring you to MY COSMIC HOME which is connected with the Temple of the Holy Spirit from whence is drawn the Third Aspect of the Nature of the Godhead, to be dispensed in rhythmic pulsation to the mankind of the race. 



When did the First Christ come? The very first Christ provided for mankind came when the individual soul first chose to use the creative forces of thought and feeling independently of the direction which previously all had respected and honored within and through their own hearts. It was the period referred to in Genesis – “When a mist arose and covered the Earth". 

The "mist" explained: This mist was the effluvia or externalization of thought and feeling processes of willful souls, who, having seized the rein of authority from their own Godhead, chose to experiment and externalize though their own free will, and which has since become the psychic and astral realms and the atmosphere of lower Earth. 

The First Golden Age: When this fall did occur and the mist arose on the face of the Earth, the race had already known almost a million years in which a Golden Age reigned without interruption. It was not necessary during this long period of harmonious God-Expression to present a Christus as there was no veil or mist between Heaven and Earth, no separation between Gods and Angels and men. 

The Purpose of Cosmic Messengers: When mankind in great numbers chose to emit the human veil and shut off the Light of Heaven, the Mercy of the Cosmic Intelligences instituted the rhythmic release through the Cosmic Messengers to bring a remembrance and to sustain in the consciousness of the people enough of the Truth of Life to assist the soul and purify it on its return journey to its perfected estate. 

The Need of Cosmic Messengers: Since then there has always been a Christ provided by Mercy, who was able to reach into the Higher and purer Consciousness of Godliness and by and through the medium of his own expression bring a portion of the Truth to the peoples. 

At this period it was necessary to secure a Christ from another Chain because even those who had not "eaten of the forbidden fruit" where still children, innocent as the first description of the Paradise. 

From this small group who did not desire separate human authority the future Christus would be developed the Buddha, Beloved Jesus and others. 

The First Krishna: The original Krishna, however, came from the Great Central Sun itself and abided for some hundreds of years in a body sustained in beauty and perfection which was an expression, an externalization of all that Godliness could mean. 

Heritage of the First Krishna: This exquisite Being, not only through his Disciples, but through written documents left a heritage which survived cataclysm after cataclysm and has been moved by the Wise and Elect across the face of the Earth, that formed the basis for the most ancient writings and documents which are in the Heart of India and the East today. 

In the Himalayan Mountains there are yet several of these original documents and all the Vedas and other Holy Documents that are based mainly upon the wealth of material which came from the Great Central Sun, and through the hands of this original Krishna were written into the substance of Earth for all succeeding generations. In some of these monasteries there are individuals who have seen, have touched, have transposed into modern languages these valuable and imperishable documents, and it is one of these that I shall now take from its cradle for your perusal. 



Preparation of the fiber: In this early Age of which we spoke, a very fine fiber was woven out of flax, and a similar growth which later was cultivated in the Egyptian Kingdoms. When it was bleached in the sun, it was rolled on great spindles made of bamboo, similarly light but sturdy bobbins. This material was then placed in large buildings which were covered with an arched roof and finely screened sides, where both wind and the sun could treat the fibers until they were to be used. 

How Manuscripts were made: When the Krishna desired some particular treatise preserved one of these rolls of linen was coated with a soft wax and then the Master privileged to transpose his dictation into words, stamped in this wax the Message, word for word, as it came from the mouth of the Krishna. The entire document would sometimes cover several hundred feet. 

When it was completed the Krishna, himself, passed along the entire Message and from his own hands the substance of his Consciousness flowed into and merged with the impression, which was then left to harden. When the process was completed the entire roll was glazed, yet it was pliable enough to reroll it on its spindle. 

How Manuscripts were read: To read one of these marvelous documents there were provided certain wooden pedestals into which the first side of the spindle was placed, and it was rolled under from right to left and spun again on an empty spindle on the opposite side and conversely rolled back for the successive lines. 

Why this method was used: The Krishna, himself, did not evolve this method which was the Gift of the Golden Age, and which had come through the consciousness of the race. He used, as all Avatars, the perfection present but was not by Cosmic Authority privileged, any more than Jesus would have been privileged to use the airplane, to precede his time in his Gift. 

The reason for this description: The reason why I have given you this description is because the booklet which I will show this morning is the earliest known written record antedating the fall of man, by a Christ from another planet who pierced through the human, veil to leave a permanent heritage to the people. 

Why chelas took down the Krishna's Dictations: The Krishna seated before the vast unrolled scroll could have externalized by thought the hieroglyphics, but he gave to his chelas not only the happiness, but the training and the share in the merit which came from his execution of the document. There is a further and more far seeing note, he knew that in far distant centuries that chelas having written the word coed read it, and in the heart of India and Tibet the energy of the chela being in the word and his own consciousness having stamped it upon the scroll it would take but little to reveal the meaning of the hieroglyphics and awaken the capacity to interpret the message into a language known in that particular century, so that it might not be lost to succeeding generations. 

Vitalization of the strength in words: All individuals who have more than an ordinary interest in the root languages of the race are among that group who either studied at the feet of the original Krishna, or succeeding Krishnas in the following Golden Ages. 

The strength of the word was vitalized by the Blessing of that Christ, and that makes these documents more than an historical record, but a vital, living and present force. 

There are written documents at present in the hands of initiates from the hand of the Master Jesus as well as the Lord Buddha, and all Beings who had a permanent effect on the progress of the race. 

(Part II in next issue) 










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