Monthly Letter to Transmission Flame Class of

March 21, 1959

Beloved Ones seeking to actually become Resurrection's Presence here on Earth: 

I greet you in the name of the Actual Divine Mercy and Heritage of your own being - the power to become again, beautiful Divine Beings (as you once were) right here on this Sweet Earth. As you know, I have directed the Resurrection Flame through the Nature Kingdom for many ages. I also helped the beloved Master Jesus in resurrecting his own physical vehicle. "I AM" also eager and desirous of assisting you, dear ones, to achieve your own personal resurrection here and now. The Sponsors from the Resurrection Temple for 1959 are Lovely Lady Ascended Masters from Mother Mary's Legions. 

Please, at least once in every twenty-four hours, enter this Resurrection Temple, and enjoy the glory of its powers. Meet us there. Then return to your worlds and fill them with that uplifting radiation! Be that Example of Resurrection of good in action here and now. 

Love and Blessings,



The Breathing Statement for the Transmission Class of March 21, 1959

    1              2            3            4           5        6        7        8

"I Am" inbreathing Jesus' and Mary's peaceful Resurrecting Love

"I Am" absorbing Jesus' and Mary's peaceful Resurrecting Love

"I Am"expanding Jesus' and Mary's peaceful Resurrecting Love

"I Am" projecting Jesus' and Mary's peaceful Resurrecting Love




THE HIERARCH, COLOR AND KEYNOTE of this period of 30 days

Hierarchs: Jesus and Mary, his Mother;

Color of Flame: Mother of Pearl;

Musical Keynote: "A Perfect Day"






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