To the Beloved Spirit of Resurrection: 

We send our love and gratitude this Holy Season for the magnificent gift that lies within all life, to restore, resuscitate and resurrect the Divine Pattern through all decadent forms. 

To the Beloved Ascended Master Jesus, who proved the efficacy of the power of the Resurrection here in this physical world, we send our gratitude. To his Holy Mother, Mary, who throughout Jesus' entire embodiment helped him to sustain that feeling of Victory over human creation, we send our deepest Love. 

To our Beloved Maha Chohan, whose very being, animates the Nature Kingdom, bringing forth new glory and new life, we are so grateful. 

To beloved Amaryllis, the Spirit of Springtime, who has faithfully given of her Love, to bring forth one spring after another, to bless mankind, we send our love. 

To every dear chela upon life's pathway who desires to become a Resurrecting Presence for the Glory of God here and now, we project the required encouragement and blessings of our love to sustain them in that desire. Again, we decree, as we have done before, ALLOW THIS EASTER MORNING TO BECOME YOUR INDIVIDUAL RESURRECTION DAY. 




An Address by Beloved Mother Mary

The Ashram, Flourtown, Pa.

Good Friday, April 19, 1957

Beloved friends of Light, today is a day of rejoicing in Heaven and it is a day of rejoicing in my heart! The outer world of mankind has made it a day of sadness and of mourning. Therefore it is the expectancy of the great Angelic Host as well as those of us who are dedicated and consecrated to the redemption of mankind's energies to bring through the feelings and the minds and the memories and the flesh, the power of JOY in the eternal expression of life! 

For myself, too, it is a day of joy, stretching back to Calvary's Hill because upon that day I became the Mother of all mankind. Life in its great and sweet recompense taking from me for a few short days the beloved Jesus, gave unto me in an expansion of consciousness the obligation and responsibility which I willingly accepted into my heart of holding the Immaculate Concept for every member of this race. That Concept helped me to endure what was a period to the outer senses of trial and that Concept I hold for you and for all, not only those who are in embodiment but those unascended lifestreams who await the gates of birth and those who have passed through the gates of death but who must yet secure another physical form. 

Joy instead of sorrow 

Beloved ones, let us charge, while we are together this morning, that great buoyancy of the knowledge that there is in reality no such thing as death into the atmosphere of this Earth. On Good Friday and on Memorial Day more than other times of the year, does mankind enjoy dwelling upon the passing, the ephemeral and the depressive qualities and particularly lifestreams who were present at the time of the ministry of Beloved Jesus and myself, do they find their etheric garments sending forth a vibration that is akin to that of the sorrow of the Cross rather than the joy of the Resurrection Morn! Now the Angels of all the Legions of all the Seven Rays, have come Earthward and they are fanning out in every direction bringing with them and radiating forth that consciousness of eternal life that consciousness for which Jesus lived, the whole point and purpose of his final test on Calvary was to prove that Life is eternal and although the stress has been placed upon the crucifixion, yet through the kind offices of unascended beings who believe in and who have witnessed the continuity of consciousness from embodiment to embodiment, together with the kindness of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Ascended Ones who direct their Rays into the outer consciousness of receptive individuals, we shall in time raise the peoples from an acceptance of death as finality! 

Life is perpetual motion 

Beloved ones, let us think for a moment upon Life itself. As the great Lord Gautama said "it is perpetual motion" from the time it is projected forth from the God Parents; from the time that it enters into your own Individualized Presence and passes then into your physical heart and radiates in, through and around you, it is a constant activity of motion. Even the Ascended Beings, the Angels and the Archangels, their radiation and their very Presence, is in perpetual motion and has perpetual life within it. That Life now we are desirous of charging with an acceptance of immortality. There is not even known a second death so far as the souls of men are concerned and this should bring great encouragement to the spiritual student upon the path, particularly those who have delved deeply into occult studies of various natures and who have within themselves a realization of what such an experience would be. 

Now let us feel Life this morning, each of you feel life within your hearts, the life that comes to you of God, that sustains you among men so long as the wisdom and direction of your Presence desires that a physical form shall represent it here the life that carries you freely at night, when the physical form rests, into the realms of our Kingdom, into the Temples of Light and life eternal, into the Presence of those Masters whom you love so well; that life that helps you to cognize their teachings as you sit at the feet of those Masters and witness their magnificent perfection as well as the Divine Ideas and Patterns and Plans drawn forth by the Brothers and Sisters in the seven spheres for the blessing and benediction of the race; that life that intelligently brings you back into your own physical envelope in the morning and sustains you again through the course of the day. 

Today our message is the message of Life Eternal and the Intelligence that is within Life. Beloved ones, mankind take life much for granted until the current begins to wane and then they begin to cognize how much of life has passed through their consciousness without being qualified with some constructive blessing for themselves and their families and their associates. Let us not allow ourselves to be among those who feel remorse when opportunity has spent itself and when the life given freely, animating the physical vehicle is called back into the inner spheres and this particular sojourn on Earth is completed. 

Beloved ones, let us use life to its fullness, each one according to our ability and capacities developed, as we do on our side of the veil, you do so on yours. The more you use of life intelligently, joyously and with happiness to produce a kingdom of harmony in the world around you, the more life will be given to you and the greater will be the amount of the actual substance of this world's goods with which you can manipulate to ever expand the glories of the Kingdom. 

You know the Law, in intellect at least, that what is done with any gift determines how much more of that gift and how much greater dexterity in the use of that gift shall be given. It is also true with the spiritual law that which is done with what we have received will determine how much more you can receive. Otherwise before the Karmic Board your debt would be too great much knowledge unless directed into application and the changing of your natures and worlds and making of the planet a better place on which to live, much knowledge so given would be a great responsibility on our part and we, of course would have to make good for that knowledge when it lies dormant within the intellect or the mental vehicle. 

The Two Activities of Mother Mary 

Life is given to us as it is given to you by the One Supreme Source and we are given free will in the use of it. I chose in my particular service, when my time for magnetizing the currents for the Christian Dispensation was over and when I was told that I might have the Victory of the Ascension, I chose particularly, besides the holding of the Immaculate Concept for all mankind. I chose to work as you well know with the incoming life-streams, helping whenever and wherever possible to transmute their karma, to put them in suitable schools while at inner levels and to give them Teachers with an understanding who could help them to translate their problems into a workable application so that when they were ready to re-embody they could have greater assistance from the Karmic Board, from myself and beloved Kwan Yin, beloved Meta, and all those who are assisting at the gates of birth. 

What happens between two embodiments 

Now beloved ones, this circle of birth and death is an interesting one, when the lifestream lays down a body, it is the nature of the soul that determines the experiences following and preceding so-called death. The illumined individuals, who are very active spiritually, usually do not require nor request any period of rest or vacation after passing through the veil. The individuals who have had very strenuous embodiments and who have done great things of a spiritual nature or a material nature that were constructive are sometimes given a short vacation even against their own remonstrance in order to vitalize the etheric vehicle through which the consciousness works at inner levels. Sooner or later then of course, they come, each one, before the Karmic Board and then are assigned to the particular sphere to which their own previous embodiment has fitted them to dwell. So at this time of assignment we who are the Sponsors of the incoming souls must also be present, because we know that every individual having passed through the change called death, unless they are gathered up into the Ascension's Robes, must come some time again and therefore one of us watch carefully during the process of the assignment of the souls by the Karmic Board to their particular sphere. 

Then whenever it is possible, whenever the light within the etheric envelope is developed to a point where we see a possibility for an intervention, we approach the Karmic Board and ask for the opportunity of intervening personally on behalf of such a soul or group of souls. If that is given to us, then we do as I told you, we go to that soul or one of our Representatives does and we help them just as they do in the outer world, help them through training in the very beautiful schoolrooms to overcome the problem which has caused failures in a past life. We help them to become acquainted with the reality of the One God and help them to learn to harmonize their energies. Then before the consecration of the incoming souls to the Sacred Heart Temple takes place, the individuals so helped at inner levels are in a position to get greater assistance from us.  

Receptivity and action required 

Then of course, since you individuals in the unascended state have been calling for the purification of the incoming children and the younger generation and as I have been given the use of the beautiful wand of flame, I have been able to do a great deal more for these lifestreams. For this "I Am" so eternally grateful! 

Now how does such a thing happen? That is the spiritual communion between the Ascended Host and unascended beings. In the course of our conversation with you it was stated that there was a need for added prayer and added assistance for the incoming children and the younger generation. There was receptivity in the consciousness of our listeners and there was designed that wand of fire which in turn was energized by the feelings of the group and became a living reality and authority from unascended beings placed in my hands, which can and is used for the entire nine billion souls belonging to this race. Now if there were no such communion in the first place from our Realm to yours, you would not know of the requirement. If there was no receptivity in the consciousness of your realm and there was no ACTION following our requests, there would be no completion of the bridge between the Divine and the human, and the human and the Divine. That is the point that sets aside the present Activity, beloved ones, from ALL of the glorious and magnificent and developed religions through which most naturally we pour our love and our light! 

Orthodox religions and the Bridge Activity 

Now dear hearts, this morning on many, many altars Priests are sending up prayer force: devout people are saying their rosaries and my name is honored as is that of the beloved Jesus Christ and that energy is beautiful and it is good and it does bring hack a benediction and a grace into the officiating Priest and into the congregation, but there is no direct line of communication by which they know exactly what to do at this moment, this day, beloved ones, and by which the congregation listening not to that which was said to me almost two thousand years ago but that which I can say today, the congregation hearing only that which was mostly written from my own memory into the Gospels, but the congregation of today listening to my consciousness which has grown since then and is endeavoring through the veil to grasp the hands of mankind and LET THEM KNOW that DIVINITY WALKS AND TALKS AND LIVES WITH MAN; that that Divinity is represented in the Angelic and Archangelic Host as well as the Cosmic Beings and the mighty Lord of this World; the Stellar Beings from other Stars, Sanat Kumara. Beloved ones, that is the message of beloved Morya and beloved Saint Germain - Holy and Blessed be their precious names! 

Accept my healing 

And now as I stand within the heart of the Flame of Healing, will you accept my Reality and my Presence with you and be willing to let go of those limitations that distress! Then accept from me, personally, a directed current of that momentum of healing power which is mine to give as my gift to your life on this Good Friday! Thank God in all of the efforts to concentrate mankind's attention on death, they have at least called it "Good" Friday. It is one of those miracles that come through the sieve of the human mind. It is a day of Life; it is a day when I intend to use you to remove all sense of grief at the loss of a loved one and all sense of grief, particularly those who have lost loved ones in the service and that terrific fear which the word "war" engenders in the outer consciousness. 

Now accepting into yourself my Healing; accepting through me relief and RELEASE, I shall join Lord Raphael and we shall begin the expansion of those currents of life and immortality throughout this Earth. 

In the name of my beloved son, Jesus the Christ, I bless you as an individual and a communal unit serving God and life and constructive purpose until the day when you are called Home that day I shall say to you "Has not everything that I have promised you been so"? And we shall stand together on equal terms expanding life. I shall take you to those schoolrooms and let you visit with the little Buddhas and the ones of your families who have received the dispensation and give you every experience that your heart desires. 


But persevere... I know what perseverance means! For long years after Jesus' Victory, "persevere" used to be written in the atmosphere. Oftentimes during a so-called difficult experience endeavoring to hold the harmony and balance of light, I could see that word; sometimes it would be written right on the forehead of the individual whom I was endeavoring to serve; sometimes it would be written on a flowing brook where I would sit for a moment and endeavor to contact the Godhead to sustain my endeavors. It was written on the great Mediterranean as we sailed across it and that sense of perseverance and constancy of endeavor so long as you remained here, is all that is required. 

So persevere in the name of my son, Jesus the Christ, and you shall know the reward of one who is constant! Thank you, beloved ones!

Mother Mary






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