"The Bridge to Freedom Activity” is a consciously Created "Span" or “Bridge” over which man's consciousness may proceed into the Consciousness of the Great White Brotherhood of Divine Beings whose present, urgent endeavors are to save mankind and the Earth from colossal disaster at this time of Great Cosmic Import and proceed harmoniously into the Permanent Golden Age ordained by God on Earth. 

Through the Bridge to Freedom Activity man can now cooperate with these Divine Beings and their Councils on mankind's behalf. 

A Bridge, to be worthy of the name, must have firm, positive anchorage at both ends of the Span. 

There is no question of the Divine Side of Life and their anchorage. 

Now man, not by whip of human will, but by Love of Divine Will, must volunteer to help anchor this side, so that the Counsels, the Plans, and Activities of these Great Divine Beings can become active on Earth as they already are in Heaven. 

Know the Truth 

“God's Will be done.”

“Peace on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

"Life on Earth as it is in Heaven.” 

These Cosmic Fiats now must be made a reality on Earth, to, through and by all races, all creeds, all colors, for Earth's Divine Destiny is to be the fulfillment of God's Plan, Divine Will, and Divine Wisdom, not man's concepts and opinions of such. 

"Know the Truth" and the Truth when scientifically applied will set man free.” 

The Truth and its Scientific Application is the Consciousness of these Great Divine Beings who have graduated from human into Divine Consciousness by Right Use of Life. 

Only one who has graduated from a human being into an Ascended Being is infallible and capable of showing another the Way Back Home. 

Thus again, the Bridge is not only a convenience but a necessary Span whereby the Scientific Application of Divine Law can be lowered into human consciousness by those who have successfully applied that Law, and therefore are that Law as the word "Lord" so signifies. 

In the pages of the Bridge to Freedom journal and all other "Bridge to Freedom" publications, are given the Divine Explanation and Practical Application of the Laws governing Life. 

The Bridge to Freedom Activity is already in action in many places and countries on Earth. 

The Signs of the times 

Since all mankind are involved, just so should all mankind now become vitally and actively interested, for all are using Life, God's Life, not their life. God Life is now, always has been, and always will be correctly lived only by Loving Obedience to the Divine Laws of Life. 

The Bridge to Freedom is the final Span that now makes it possible for man to re-vivify his long lost memory of God's Laws, apply then under Divine Guidance and free himself and this Planet while he yet has time, as the "Signs of the Times" are upon man right now! 

This is not scare propaganda! 

The Planet Earth and all her peoples are now under the Divine Fiat of God's will to fulfill his Will, and move forward using Light as their Guide and Tool, not shadows. 

Those who obey God's will - will move into action to do so now. Of these is the Bridge to Freedom made strong. These are the active Bridge Builders. 

This New Wine (Spiritual Truth) is not come in the old Bottles. This New Wine is come uncontaminated direct over The Bridge from Heaven's Realm into the outer consciousness of the alert and earnest individual. 

Love, Pure Divine Love, is its motive and purpose, tax tree and non-profit. 

Hear now these great Ascended Masters of Wisdom: 


"Each of the seven Planets of the present physical Sun must be quickened to enter and sustain itself in the orbit of the graduating Planet. Great Beings are delegated to the task of quickening the vibrations of those Planets and We - whose responsibility rest with the Earth - MUST prepare our Planet and her people to vibrate at the rate of Venus' present Perfection. We are, therefore, of necessity FORCED to reach mankind quickly. ALL OF THEM. For this moment have we invested in you our Love, our Life, our Radiation, and I SHALL EXPECT EVERY ASSISTANCE in the Cosmic Push of the Hour. EVERY OTHER PLANET OF OUR SUN HAS ALREADY SIGNALED "READY". Yet the Cosmos must wait on the Earth and we MUST SOON HAVE THAT 'GO AHEAD' sign from the hearts of men. HELP US SPEED THAT DAY.” 

(From the address of our Beloved Maha Chohan, upon the opening of his Retreat, on

May 15, 1952 at Ceylon, India) 

Rather than question the veracity of the above - better by far and far wiser, why not join in and learn to project your consciousness and find out first hand! VOLUNTEER! Join hands with your fellowman and help in this Cosmic Hour to redeem this Earth. 

The Requirement of the Hour 

Again the New Wine uncontaminated flows forth: 

"The time has arrived when it is NOT sufficient in itself to accept the existence of the Masters of Wisdom; it is NOT sufficient to gratify the feeling nature in reading and re-reading their Words; it is NOT sufficient to invoke the Light to dispel the darkness of human ignorance. 

THE REQUIREMENT OF THE HOUR is to apply what has been taught, not only in recent years but during the past centuries. THE REQUIREMENT OF THE HOUR is for man to acquaint himself with the present Activities of the Great White Brotherhood. THE REQUIREMENT OF THE HOUR is for each man to turn within, consciously contact and connect his outer consciousness, with his own CHRIST SELF, thus becoming not only a Receiving but a Radiating Center to all the Life he contacts in his daily living. 

To satisfy this requirement is the Service that THE BRIDGE has come to render." 

Thomas Printz (El Morya) Editor



MAHA CHOHAN, the Hand of God working through Rays Three to Seven 

Learn the lesson of harmlessness; neither by word nor thought nor feeling inflict evil upon any part of life. Know that action and physical violence is but the lesser part of harmful expression. 

EL MORYA, Chohan of the First Ray 

Will you please take your stand against releasing criticism in thought, feeling or spoken word? You see, it makes the purification and cleansing of the earth plane an endless task, if those who know that energy act according to their qualification of it still continue to pour it forth qualified imperfectly. 

KUTHUMI, Chohan of the Second Ray  

One of the chief requirements for Spiritual Mastery is discrimination. Call to me if you wish, to my Beloved Lord Maitreya or to the great Lord Buddha for that discrimination wherein you may recognize the Voice of the Silence. 

PAUL, THE VENETIAN, Chohan of the Third Ray 

The sharing of individual consciousness is the sweet communion of true Friendship and Brotherhood... Those who serve us must make mankind aware of our Presence. 

SERAPIS BEY, Chohan of the Fourth Ray 

We are the Bridge Builders and you are the foci for our Endeavors to connect with the mind, the thought, the consciousness of all men. 

HILARION, Chohan of the Fifth Ray 

Every man becomes individually responsible for the quality which he charges into his energy as it passes through his mind, feelings and body into the world around him. 

JESUS, Chohan of the Sixth Ray 

To find God within oneself is the purpose for incarnation and the only way home again into the natural state of Blessedness, Peace and Power which such God-Awareness brings. 

SAINT GERMAIN, Chohan of the Seventh Ray 

THE BRIDGE is one way by which we share our Vision with our chelas, and they share their life energies with us in co-operative service to the fulfillment of God's Divine Plan. 

(Note: Since the above was written the Ascended Masters Kuthumi and Jesus have become World Teachers, and the Ascended Masters Lanto and Lady Nada have taken the places of Ascended Masters Kuthumi and Jesus, as Chohans of the Second and Sixth Ray, respectively.) 

The only Common Denominator by which all races, all creeds, all colors, can harmoniously adjust and permanently abide together in Peace on Earth is to understand and obey God's Laws of Life. 

Universal Brotherhood 

"Universal Brotherhood is possible only by obeying God's Rules for the Right Use of His Life wherever we may be. 

This God Knowledge is now again released and but awaits man's acceptance, correct application, and right use, to bring about harmoniously the transmutation of all man's troubles. 

Such Loving Co-operation will usher in the Last and Permanent Golden Age for the Earth and her People. 

The laggards, the willful disobedient, and defiant, will take further instruction elsewhere in the Universe, as the Fiat of God's Will for this Earth and her people is already so issued, so ordered, and is so to be fulfilled! SO BE IT! 

One last word - 'World Brotherhood' as sponsored by THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM' and all its subsidiary publications does not constitute the leveling of all men to the sub-standards of the lowest strata of human kind but rather the conscious raising through Education and Competent Guidance of the entire human race through the individual to the highest standards of moral, ethical, economical and spiritual maturity." 

Thomas Printz (El Morya) Editor


The Bridge to Freedom Inc Publications 

The Bridge to Freedom, Inc publishes two magazines, THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM" Journal, devoted to Individual Unfoldment, Contact with the Great White Brotherhood and Cooperative World Service and "HOPE" magazine a publication devoted to the explanation of the Laws that solve the problems of Health, Opulence, Peace and Enlightenment. 

The Bridge to Freedom Inc has published also innumerable books and booklets containing Addresses from the Ascended Masters on personal and collective topics to facilitate the personal unfoldment of the individual to free him from the trammels of daily living and give him the freedom to lead a healthy, prosperous and spiritual life.  

"Prove all things; HOLD FAST that which is good" 

One does not have to leave present affiliations in order to understand and apply the Divine Laws of his or her own God Given Life, acting in the spirit of the words of Paul to the Thessalonians, "Prove all things; HOLD FAST that which is good.” 

Therefore, once the inquirer has found what to his understanding IS GOOD, he should hold fast to it. If he wishes to succeed in his endeavors, he should not mix the teachings of two different schools, even if one of them claims that it is similar to the other, or even an expansion or improvement of the other, as the Ascended Masters have said that no one can reach his destination traveling in different directions at the same time, or using different guides. The Bridge to Freedom Activity has no connection whatsoever with any other organization old, established or dissident. 

An Invitation 

This article is a personal, special and loving invitation to you, gentle reader, to enjoy greater well being, abundance and real happiness, and to come now and help build the Bridge back Home to our Father's House according to our Father's Will and Plan and be Free. 

“Seek and ye shall fine - Your search is rewarded!”

“Call and 1 will answer - Your call is answered!”

“Knock and it will be opener - the door is now open!”



All Races!    All Creeds!  All Colors!