The Ascended Masters Speak



Peace, a Gift of the Holy Spirit 

Peace, symbolized by the gentle dove, is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; a gift not bestowed on the individual from outside, but as an integral part of his Divine Nature, which it is his bounden duty to feel, radiate and share with his fellowman. "How is peace to be felt when one is in a sea of trouble?” the alert student may ask. In a very simple manner, is the answer. Remove your attention from the appearance of trouble and place it upon peace. One thing is certain, you cannot have peace and trouble at the same time. Where your attention (which is your life) is there you are! 

Peace is the substratum of all constructive and lasting God manifestation; therefore even in the midst of the appearance of trouble there is peace. Look for it and you will find it. The way to look for it, as I have mentioned elsewhere, is to allow understanding, tolerance, patience, humility and loving service be your watchwords, filling your thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions. 


Peace is an individual achievement 

In fulfillment of the Will of God, one of my duties is to bring about a lasting peace in nations and among nations. There are cases where this has to be brought about by the process of revolutions, according to the national karma, which temporarily result in chaotic conditions, but after a certain time when social justice and liberty are regained, lasting peace is established, even if only in a small measure. 

The normal way to bring about national and world peace is by conciliation, at round tables where all interested parties can express their aspirations and negotiate. Fortunate is the nation which can send to these conferences men endowed with the virtues that our beloved Maha Chohan has enunciated above. 


Beware of dissenting activities 

To perceive Truth you must have peace of mind, through understanding. To bring about this peace of mind is one of the services of those who serve with me on the Second Ray. The first thing that the chela has to learn is to distinguish between different presentations, or so called presentations of the Truth, to determine which constitutes a more complete expression of the Truth. The chela must, of course, have as one of his guides the words of our beloved Ascended Master Jesus, "not all who come in my name represent me." 

The student has to be particularly alert before accepting statements issued by dissenting activities, which as a rule have their origin not in important differences of doctrine, of which they do not speak, but in the personal ambition of their self-called leaders, who in many cases appropriate the instruction of the parent body and present it as new and better, without any substantial proof of their claim. 

PAUL: (The Venetian Master)

Peace through tolerance 

In my particular service to Life, I endeavor to bring about a lasting peace through Divine Love and tolerance. One of the enemies of peace is fear, but we have been told that perfect love casts out fear. Therefore if you love your neighbor as yourself, if you realize that you are your brother's keeper, all sense of fear will disappear and peace will be the keynote of your life. 

If you become tolerant of persons and circumstances you will eliminate irritation, resentment, envy, criticism and a dozen other ugly attitudes which prevent the peaceful relationship which must exist between those whose past karma has brought them together; and, if in disagreement with them you will not think of branching out on your own, but rather sublimating such destructive karma by the Violet Transmuting Flame. 


Dissention delay the Ascension 

In the Library at Luxor there are thousands of books and treatises on peace; and in one of the Temples, the third, the chela has to live with six other lifestreams of different temperaments in order to learn to live in peace with each other, and not until the chela passes this test can he come before me. This is one of the severest disciplines because where discord is, there is no peace; and peace must be felt and manifested and sustained long before the Ascension. 

Discord is manifested in different ways in the home, in the office, in the activity with which you have associated yourself; and when this discord is expressed in criticism, in domination. in intrigue or in disobedience and finally in disloyalty it is evident that the offending ones are very far from the Ascension, and have to retrace their steps until they have learned the lesson of impersonality and the practical use of the cohesive power of Pure Divine Love. 


Peace is right-qualification of energy 

In my service with atheists and even with certain scientists, in my endeavors to bring peace to them, "I Am", more fortunate when I have to deal with men of science, who become very restless when their inventions do not seem to mature, because it is easier to make them understand that peace is a matter of vibration, of properly qualified energy. (God's life entrusted to man for constructive manifestation only.) 

If the life essence placed in your keeping is qualified with personal ambition, distrust, selfishness, intolerance and other destructive qualities you will always have discord in yourself and in your work; but if you qualify your life essence with love, tolerance, understanding and other constructive qualities you shall always enjoy peace. 


The tree shall be known by its fruit 

During my Ministry, there was not one day in which I did not enjoy that peace that passeth all understanding. This enabled me to be in constant communion with the Father and to accomplish the many healings, recorded and unrecorded, which the Father of us all poured through me to bless life. This was so evident that I have been called the Prince of Peace. When I said, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children and heirs of God", I meant more than what those words seem to imply. I meant that you cannot be a trouble monger, an intriguer, an inciter of discord, and claim at the same time the prerogatives of a peacemaker, that is, to be called children and heirs of God. I also said, ‘the tree shall be known by its fruit.' 


Peace through Love 

One of the ways to be at peace is to love the God-life within the person or circumstance which annoys you. That was the lesson I learned in my childhood, which as some of you will remember was not a happy one because I thought I was not as talented as my three sisters, which made me feel both timid and retiring. But all this changed after the series of visits I received from that great Cosmic Being Charity, who taught me the lesson of love, and eventually led me to the feet of Serapis Bey, Hierarch of Luxor! 


Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing 

Those who prattle about the incoming Permanent Golden Age, those who pose as my followers, those who claim that "I Am" behind their endeavors, and yet create dissention in one manner or another are the wolves in sheep's clothing to which our beloved Jesus referred. Peace is the corner stone of my Golden Age. This is the reason why "I Am” so much interested not only in the liberty of people but in their enjoyment of peace; and those who say that they are my followers are known to us and to their fellowman because they never endeavor to create discord in any activity of life.





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