Addresses by Beloved Lord Neptune and Lady Lunara

The Ashram

September 28, 1960


Beloved ones, I great you as the Spirit of the Water, that great “cushion" into which the continents on your planet are fit! I, Neptune, have been and choose to remain your Servant, together with the Lady Lunara. 

The activity of myself as the Father of Water and the activity of Lunara as the Spirit of the shining Silvery Moon is the same activity as that of each pair of Divine Directors of the Elements - the power of cohesion and the power of expansion. In the expansion of the energies of the Water Element there is more energy naturally within the emotional bodies of the peoples as well as the tides are at full ebb. At the time of contraction of the Water Element all of which is done by the rhythm between Lunara and myself, there is less of that Element of Water in the rivers and less of it within your own being. That is a cosmic activity which has been explained to you before but which bears repetition. 

The balance of the power of contraction and expansion is the rhythmic way of living. When you learn that, even in the use of your breath, drawing it in and expanding it, you will have rhythm in the vehicles which are yours to command, including your physical, etheric, mental and emotional garments. 

The mighty undines who come under the charge and direction of myself have served mankind since first Immaculata and the beloved Elohim created this Planet. Into the depths of the seas for purification has gone every type of life, even continents for the purifying essence, of the salt in the waters. When continents are again to sink and to rise later in purification, you will see the crystalline substance which through the ages beneath the seas we have utilized to make those continents beautiful again and shining and bright as they were before mankind polluted them. Who is it that serves beneath the seas? The undines - the undines great and small - under our direction true, we being in turn directed by the Cosmic Beings who hold each group in their certain place. 

Beloved ones, I deal, as does Lunara, with perfect balance. Without perfect balance in the Water Element, think what would happen to your seas. Any great oceanic body allowed to continue to swell and swell would eventually cover all of the continental surface of the Earth, but we serve in that activity of balance, allowing the seas to come in with their purifying air and to recede taking the residue with them, back into the deep for purification. That is the activity of balance! Have you done, and can you do as much with yourself? Think on it! 

The natural color of the Water Element is a beautiful blue, shading on the aquamarine but through the same activity which has temporarily weighed down the vibratory action of all of the Four Elements, the great waters are changed in color both by differences of climate and by pollution, but one day you shall see crystal waters again, those waters which were foreordained of the Father as a gift of refreshment, ablution and a gift to cushion the continents and give beauty through reflection to the great mountains and their lakes. 

We have loved you long and we have served joyously, I can say, as your great boats as well as the smaller ones have utilized the surface of our seas. We have experienced great pleasure in any gift which pure water can give to you. As the beloved Aries said yesterday of the Air Element, if you were without water perhaps you could understand more its intrinsic value. This I hope shall never be! 

You have in past embodiments known what it was to be without water. There are in your etheric bodies those vibratory actions of fear concerning that experience but today with one sweep of our hands, we remove those etheric experiences and all that fear, until water becomes for you a friend, until YOU KNOW in your being that within every drop of water is the love of our Hearts and the Elixir of Life Eternal. Until you recognize that in the control of the Element of Water within your own emotional bodies, you become qualified to become, to be, the control of the entire Water Kingdom, when and where we require your assistance and God-protection for great numbers of peoples and many living things who have not this conscious understanding, know not even of our names nor of our service, I LIVE FOR THAT DAY! 

To beloved Lunara, blessed of Light: 


My beloved Neptune and gentle assembly, many have been affrighted of the Spirit of the Moon. I wish to put you at peace in the realization that the activity I represent with the beloved Neptune is an activity of stimulating the latent virtues within your Holy Christ Self and accelerating the latent virtues within your own Causal Bodies that they may expand through purified emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles. 

The difficulty has been until this day that the stimulation of those energies in your great Causal Bodies, in your Holy Christ Selves have stimulated and accelerated untransmuted causes and cores of distress in the emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles as well. NOW!!! These are to be removed and you can feel my love flow to you as I endeavor to, and shall, stimulate the goodness already planted in your lifestreams, earned through eons of living and living as pulsating bands of Light in your Causal Bodies, living within the virtues within your hearts, living within the Seven-fold Flame upon your forehead and those constructive momentums of the four lower vehicles which you have built through countless eons of time, not only upon this Earth, beloved ones, but upon other Planets of this System as well. 

If the farmer does not choose to place his seed into the sweet earth and expose it to the radiation of beloved Helios and Vesta's Light of the Sun, he shall not have the shoot, the foliage, the flower. If the conscious chela does not desire within himself to first weed out his garden through the call to the great Astraea of all emotional, mental, etheric and physical fear and its attendant tentacles, then lovingly and in full Illumined Faith place those vehicles before my Presence, I cannot, because of your free will, externalize through you as fully as I would otherwise the virtues which you have desired to manifest and which you have felt limited in manifesting unto this day! 

We give love. Every Director of the Elements gives only love else we would not have served so long. We give love to mankind, imprisoned Angels and to every living thing; to the blessed undines who have served so long and we have given love to everything which has been placed within the Water Element since the great continent of Mu and of Atlantis down to every individual who has passed from this Earth at sea, and that love has purified that essence. When Atlantis again arises, as my beloved has said, shining and bright will be the radiance, the crystalline substance of the hermetically sealed Temples and you and I shall be grateful we have served together for this day! 

To the Spirit and the soul and the heart of each of you, I give the blessings of the Water Element, blessing from beloved Neptune and myself. May you live in the realization of our friendship and our abiding love!







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